MCQs on the Troposphere- Geography

Q1. The troposphere is the __ layer of Earth’s atmosphere.
a) Lowest
b) Second lowest
c) Third lowest
d) Highest

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Correct Answer: a) Lowest
Explanation: The troposphere is the lowest layer of Earth’s atmosphere, extending from the Earth’s surface to an altitude of about 8 to 15 kilometers.

Q2. The primary gases in the troposphere are:
a) Nitrogen and oxygen
b) Oxygen and carbon dioxide
c) Nitrogen and argon
d) Carbon dioxide and argon

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Correct Answer: a) Nitrogen and oxygen
Explanation: The troposphere is primarily composed of nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%), with trace amounts of other gases such as argon, carbon dioxide, and water vapour.

Q3. The temperature in the troposphere generally:
a) Increases with altitude
b) Decreases with altitude
c) Remains constant with altitude
d) Varies unpredictably with altitude

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Correct Answer: b) Decreases with altitude
Explanation: The temperature in the troposphere generally decreases with altitude, with the temperature dropping about 6.5°C per kilometer of altitude.

Q4. The troposphere contains the majority of Earth’s:
a) Ozone
b) Water vapor
c) Nitrogen
d) Carbon dioxide

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Correct Answer: b) Water vapor
Explanation: The troposphere contains the majority of Earth’s water vapor, as well as most weather phenomena and clouds.

Q5. The boundary between the troposphere and the stratosphere is called the:
a) Tropopause
b) Stratopause
c) Mesopause
d) Thermopause

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Correct Answer: a) Tropopause
Explanation: The tropopause is the boundary between the troposphere and the stratosphere, where the temperature stops decreasing with altitude and starts increasing.

Q6. The troposphere is thickest at the:
a) Equator
b) Poles
c) Mid-latitudes
d) Tropopause

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Correct Answer: a) Equator
Explanation: The troposphere is thickest at the equator due to the centrifugal force caused by Earth’s rotation, which causes the atmosphere to bulge outward at the equator.

Q7. The lapse rate in the troposphere refers to the rate at which:
a) Temperature increases with altitude
b) Temperature decreases with altitude
c) Pressure increases with altitude
d) Pressure decreases with altitude

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Correct Answer: b) Temperature decreases with altitude
Explanation: The lapse rate in the troposphere refers to the rate at which temperature decreases with altitude, typically about 6.5°C per kilometre.

Q8. The Coriolis Effect, which influences wind patterns in the troposphere, is caused by:
a) Earth’s rotation
b) Earth’s revolution
c) Earth’s tilt
d) Earth’s magnetic field

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Correct Answer: a) Earth’s rotation
Explanation: The Coriolis Effect is caused by Earth’s rotation, which results in the apparent deflection of objects moving in a straight path when observed from a rotating frame of reference.

Q9. The jet stream, a fast-moving current of air, is found in which part of the troposphere?
a) Lower troposphere
b) Middle troposphere
c) Upper troposphere
d) Tropopause

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Correct Answer: c) Upper troposphere
Explanation: The jet stream is a fast-moving current of air found in the upper troposphere, just below the tropopause.

Q10. Most weather phenomena occur in the:
a) Troposphere
b) Stratosphere
c) Mesosphere
d) Thermosphere

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Correct Answer: a) Troposphere
Explanation: Most weather phenomena, including clouds and storms, occur in the troposphere.

Q11. The troposphere is warmest at the:
a) Earth’s surface
b) Tropopause
c) Mid-latitudes
d) Poles

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Correct Answer: a) Earth’s surface
Explanation: The troposphere is warmest at the Earth’s surface, where it is heated from below.

Q12. The troposphere is coldest at the:
a) Earth’s surface
b) Tropopause
c) Mid-latitudes
d) Poles

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Correct Answer: b) Tropopause
Explanation: The troposphere is coldest at the tropopause, where it meets up with the layer above (the stratosphere) at a boundary region.

Q13. The troposphere contains approximately what percentage of the Earth’s atmospheric mass?
a) 25%
b) 50%
c) 75%
d) 100%

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Correct Answer: c) 75%
Explanation: The troposphere contains approximately 75% of the Earth’s atmospheric mass.

Q14. The troposphere is thinnest at the:
a) Equator
b) Poles
c) Mid-latitudes
d) Tropopause

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Correct Answer: b) Poles
Explanation: The troposphere is thinnest at the poles, with a thickness of about 7 to 8 kilometers.

Q15. The troposphere is primarily heated by:
a) Direct sunlight
b) The Earth’s surface
c) The Earth’s core
d) The stratosphere

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Correct Answer: b) The Earth’s surface
Explanation: The troposphere is primarily heated by the Earth’s surface, which absorbs sunlight and re-emits it as infrared radiation.

Q16. The troposphere’s temperature is influenced by:
a) The Earth’s rotation
b) The Earth’s revolution
c) The Earth’s tilt
d) The Earth’s surface

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Correct Answer: d) The Earth’s surface
Explanation: The temperature in the troposphere is largely affected by the radiant energy exchanges from the underlying surface and insolation intensity.

Q17. The troposphere has the highest concentration of which gas?
a) Nitrogen
b) Oxygen
c) Carbon dioxide
d) Argon

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Correct Answer: a) Nitrogen
Explanation: The troposphere has the highest concentration of nitrogen, which makes up 78% of the troposphere’s composition.

Q18. The troposphere’s composition is approximately what percentage of oxygen?
a) 10%
b) 21%
c) 50%
d) 78%

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Correct Answer: b) 21%
Explanation: The troposphere’s composition is approximately 21% oxygen.

Q19. The troposphere’s composition is approximately what percentage of water vapor?
a) 1%
b) 5%
c) 10%
d) 20%

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Correct Answer: a) 1%
Explanation: The troposphere’s composition is approximately 1% water vapor, with the remaining gases being nitrogen, oxygen, argon, and carbon dioxide.

Q20. The troposphere’s temperature generally increases with altitude in which layer of the atmosphere?
a) Troposphere
b) Stratosphere
c) Mesosphere
d) Thermosphere

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Correct Answer: b) Stratosphere
Explanation: The temperature in the stratosphere generally increases with altitude due to the absorption of solar ultraviolet radiation by the ozone layer. The ozone layer absorbs the greater part of the solar ultraviolet radiation, which causes the temperature to rise with increasing altitude in the stratosphere.

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