MCQs on Clouds – World Geography

Q1. Clouds are classified into high, middle, and low clouds based on their:
a) Color
b) Shape
c) Altitude
d) Size

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Correct Answer: c) Altitude
Explanation: Clouds are classified into high, middle, and low clouds based on their altitude above the Earth’s surface.

Q2. High clouds are generally found at altitudes:
a) Below 6,500 feet
b) Between 6,500 and 20,000 feet
c) Above 20,000 feet
d) Above 30,000 feet

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Correct Answer: c) Above 20,000 feet
Explanation: High clouds are generally found at altitudes above 20,000 feet.

Q3. Which of the following is a type of high cloud?
a) Cirrus
b) Altocumulus
c) Cumulus
d) Stratocumulus

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Correct Answer: a) Cirrus
Explanation: Cirrus clouds are a type of high cloud, typically found at altitudes above 20,000 feet.

Q4. Middle clouds are generally found at altitudes:
a) Below 6,500 feet
b) Between 6,500 and 20,000 feet
c) Above 20,000 feet
d) Above 30,000 feet

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Correct Answer: b) Between 6,500 and 20,000 feet
Explanation: Middle clouds are generally found at altitudes between 6,500 and 20,000 feet.

Q5. Which of the following is a type of middle cloud?
a) Cirrus
b) Altocumulus
c) Cumulus
d) Stratocumulus

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Correct Answer: b) Altocumulus
Explanation: Altocumulus clouds are a type of middle cloud, typically found at altitudes between 6,500 and 20,000 feet.

Q6. Low clouds are generally found at altitudes:
a) Below 6,500 feet
b) Between 6,500 and 20,000 feet
c) Above 20,000 feet
d) Above 30,000 feet

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Correct Answer: a) Below 6,500 feet
Explanation: Low clouds are generally found at altitudes below 6,500 feet.

Q7. Which of the following is a type of low cloud?
a) Cirrus
b) Altocumulus
c) Cumulus
d) Stratocumulus

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Correct Answer: d) Stratocumulus
Explanation: Stratocumulus clouds are a type of low cloud, typically found at altitudes below 6,500 feet.

Q8. Cumulonimbus clouds are associated with:
a) Fair weather
b) Thunderstorms
c) Light rain
d) Snow

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Correct Answer: b) Thunderstorms
Explanation: Cumulonimbus clouds are associated with thunderstorms and can produce heavy rain, hail, and lightning.

Q9. Stratus clouds are characterized by:
a) A flat, uniform appearance
b) A puffy, cotton-like appearance
c) A feathery, wispy appearance
d) A towering, vertical appearance

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Correct Answer: a) A flat, uniform appearance
Explanation: Stratus clouds are characterized by a flat, uniform appearance and are typically found at low altitudes.

Q10. Which of the following clouds is composed of ice crystals?
a) Cirrus
b) Altocumulus
c) Cumulus
d) Stratocumulus

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Correct Answer: a) Cirrus
Explanation: Cirrus clouds are composed of ice crystals and are typically found at high altitudes.

Q11. Lenticular clouds are typically formed:
a) Over mountains
b) Over oceans
c) Over deserts
d) Over forests

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Correct Answer: a) Over mountains
Explanation: Lenticular clouds are typically formed over mountains due to the interaction of moist air with the mountain’s terrain.

Q12. Which of the following clouds is most likely to produce a halo around the sun or moon?
a) Cirrus
b) Altocumulus
c) Cumulus
d) Stratocumulus

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Correct Answer: a) Cirrus
Explanation: Cirrus clouds are most likely to produce a halo around the sun or moon due to the refraction of light by the ice crystals in the cloud)

Q13. Mammatus clouds are characterized by:
a) A flat, uniform appearance
b) A puffy, cotton-like appearance
c) A feathery, wispy appearance
d) A pouch-like, sagging appearance

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Correct Answer: d) A pouch-like, sagging appearance
Explanation: Mammatus clouds are characterized by a pouch-like, sagging appearance and are often associated with severe weather.

Q14. Which of the following clouds is most likely to produce a waterspout or tornado?
a) Cirrus
b) Altocumulus
c) Cumulonimbus
d) Stratocumulus

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Correct Answer: c) Cumulonimbus
Explanation: Cumulonimbus clouds are most likely to produce waterspouts or tornadoes due to their association with severe weather and strong updrafts.

Q15. Fog is a type of:
a) High cloud
b) Middle cloud
c) Low cloud
d) Ground-level cloud

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Correct Answer: d) Ground-level cloud
Explanation: Fog is a type of ground-level cloud that forms when air near the ground cools and water vapour condenses.

Q16. Contrails are formed by:
a) Natural processes in the atmosphere
b) The exhaust of jet engines
c) Volcanic eruptions
d) Forest fires

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Correct Answer: b) The exhaust of jet engines
Explanation: Contrails are formed by the exhaust of jet engines, which contains water vapor that condenses and freezes in the cold upper atmosphere.

Q17. Clouds are formed when:
a) Air rises and cools
b) Air sinks and warms
c) Air remains stationary
d) Air is heated by the sun

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Correct Answer: a) Air rises and cools
Explanation: Clouds are formed when air rises and cools, causing water vapor in the air to condense into water droplets or ice crystals.

Q18. The process by which clouds dissipate is called:
a) Condensation
b) Evaporation
c) Sublimation
d) Precipitation

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Correct Answer: b) Evaporation
Explanation: The process by which clouds dissipate is called evaporation, as the water droplets or ice crystals in the cloud return to the gaseous state.

Q19. The colour of a cloud is primarily determined by:
a) The type of cloud
b) The altitude of the cloud
c) The amount of sunlight reaching the cloud
d) The temperature of the cloud

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Correct Answer: c) The amount of sunlight reaching the cloud
Explanation: The colour of a cloud is primarily determined by the amount of sunlight reaching the cloud) When sunlight is scattered by the cloud’s water droplets or ice crystals, it can create various colours, such as white, gray, or even pink and orange during sunrise and sunset.

Q20. Nimbostratus clouds are associated with:
a) Fair weather
b) Thunderstorms
c) Light rain
d) Snow

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Correct Answer: c) Light rain
Explanation: Nimbostratus clouds are associated with light to moderate continuous rain or snow.

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