MCQs on Jet Stream – World Geography

Q1. Jet streams are characterized by:
a) Fast flowing, narrow air currents
b) Slow flowing, wide air currents
c) Fast flowing, wide air currents
d) Slow flowing, narrow air currents

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Correct Answer: a) Fast flowing, narrow air currents
Explanation: Jet streams are fast flowing, narrow air currents found in the atmospheres of some planets, including Earth.

Q2. Jet streams are typically located near the altitude of the:
a) Troposphere
b) Stratosphere
c) Mesosphere
d) Tropopause

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Correct Answer: d) Tropopause
Explanation: On Earth, the main jet streams are located near the altitude of the tropopause.

Q3. The primary jet streams on Earth are:
a) Polar jet streams and subtropical jet streams
b) Polar jet streams and equatorial jet streams
c) Subtropical jet streams and equatorial jet streams
d) Polar jet streams and tropical easterly jet streams

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Correct Answer: a) Polar jet streams and subtropical jet streams
Explanation: Earth has four primary jet streams: two polar jet streams, near the north and south poles, and two subtropical jet streams closer to the equator.

Q4. The polar jet stream is formed due to:
a) The temperature contrast between the warm tropical stratosphere and the cold polar stratosphere
b) The temperature contrast between the warm tropical troposphere and the cold polar troposphere
c) The temperature contrast between the warm tropical mesosphere and the cold polar mesosphere
d) The temperature contrast between the warm tropical thermosphere and the cold polar thermosphere

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Correct Answer: a) The temperature contrast between the warm tropical stratosphere and the cold polar stratosphere
Explanation: The polar jet arises from the strong temperature contrast between the warm tropical stratosphere and the cold polar stratosphere.

Q5. The subtropical jet stream is formed due to:
a) The temperature contrast between the warm tropical stratosphere and the cold polar stratosphere
b) The temperature contrast between the warm tropical troposphere and the cold polar troposphere
c) The temperature contrast between the warm tropical mesosphere and the cold polar mesosphere
d) The temperature contrast between the warm tropical thermosphere and the cold polar thermosphere

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Correct Answer: b) The temperature contrast between the warm tropical troposphere and the cold polar troposphere
Explanation: The subtropical jet stream is a belt of strong upper-level winds that lie above the regions of the subtropical high-pressure region.

Q6. The tropical easterly jet stream is characterized by:
a) Blowing from east to west
b) Blowing from west to east
c) Blowing from the poles towards the equator
d) Blowing from the equator towards the poles

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Correct Answer: a) Blowing from east to west
Explanation: The tropical easterly jet stream is an upper-level easterly wind that flows from east to west over Peninsular India and the Northern African region.

Q7. The polar night jet stream develops:
a) During the summer months
b) During the winter months
c) During the spring months
d) During the autumn months

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Correct Answer: b) During the winter months
Explanation: The polar night jet stream is a core of strong westerly winds that develop during autumn and winter in the upper stratosphere and mesosphere near the boundary of the polar night.

Q8. The polar jet stream is most commonly found between latitudes:
a) 0° and 30°
b) 30° and 60°
c) 60° and 90°
d) 90° and 120°

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Correct Answer: b) 30° and 60°
Explanation: The polar jet stream is most commonly found between latitudes 30° and 60° .

Q9. The subtropical jet stream is most commonly found near latitude:
a) 0°
b) 30°
c) 60°
d) 90°

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Correct Answer: b) 30°
Explanation: The subtropical jet streams are located close to latitude 30° .

Q10. Jet streams are responsible for:
a) Transporting weather systems across continents
b) Causing earthquakes
c) Causing volcanic eruptions
d) Causing tsunamis

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Correct Answer: a) Transporting weather systems across continents
Explanation: The fast-moving air currents in a jet stream can transport weather systems across continents, affecting temperature and precipitation.

Q11. The polar jet stream is strongest during:
a) Summer
b) Winter
c) Spring
d) Autumn

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Correct Answer: b) Winter
Explanation: The polar-front jet stream is strongest in winter when core wind speeds are sometimes as high as 250 miles (400 kilometers) per hour.

Q12. The subtropical jet stream is strongest during:
a) Summer
b) Winter
c) Spring
d) Autumn

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Correct Answer: a) Summer
Explanation: The subtropical jet stream is strongest during the summer months due to the increased heating of the Earth’s surface.

Q13. Jet streams can:
a) Start, stop, split into two or more parts, and combine into one stream
b) Cause tornadoes
c) Cause hurricanes
d) Cause floods

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Correct Answer: a) Start, stop, split into two or more parts, and combine into one stream
Explanation: Jet streams can start, stop, split into two or more parts, combine into one stream, or flow in various directions including opposite to the direction of the remainder of the jet.

Q14. The polar night jet stream is located in the:
a) Troposphere
b) Stratosphere
c) Mesosphere
d) Thermosphere

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Correct Answer: b) Stratosphere
Explanation: The polar night jet stream is located in the upper stratosphere and mesosphere near the boundary of the polar night.

Q15. The polar jet stream affects:
a) Weather and aviation
b) Ocean currents
c) Tectonic plate movements
d) The Earth’s magnetic field

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Correct Answer: a) Weather and aviation
Explanation: The polar jet stream, at lower altitude and often intruding into mid-latitudes, strongly affects weather and aviation.

Q16. The subtropical jet stream affects:
a) Weather and aviation
b) Ocean currents
c) Tectonic plate movements
d) The Earth’s magnetic field

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Correct Answer: a) Weather and aviation
Explanation: The subtropical jet stream affects weather and aviation due to its influence on the movement of weather systems.

Q17. The tropical easterly jet stream is strongest during:
a) Summer
b) Winter
c) Spring
d) Autumn

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Correct Answer: a) Summer
Explanation: The tropical easterly jet stream is strongest during the summer months, particularly during the Asian monsoon season.

Q18. The polar night jet stream reaches its maximum wind speed during:
a) Summer
b) Winter
c) Spring
d) Autumn

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Correct Answer: b) Winter
Explanation: The polar night jet stream reaches its maximum wind speed during the winter months, as the temperature difference between the Polar Regions and the equator is at its greatest, leading to stronger winds.

Q19. The jet stream can influence the development and movement of:
a) High-pressure systems
b) Low-pressure systems
c) Both high-pressure and low-pressure systems
d) Neither high-pressure nor low-pressure systems

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Correct Answer: c) Both high-pressure and low-pressure systems
Explanation: The jet stream can influence the development and movement of both high-pressure and low-pressure systems, as it helps to steer weather systems and can cause them to intensify or weaken.

Q20. The jet stream can cause turbulence for:
a) Airplanes flying below the jet stream
b) Airplanes flying within the jet stream
c) Airplanes flying above the jet stream
d) All of the above

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Correct Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: The jet stream can cause turbulence for airplanes flying below, within, or above the jet stream, as the strong winds and rapidly changing wind speeds can create areas of turbulence that can affect aircraft.

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