MCQs on Latitude and Longitude – Geography

Q1. Lines of latitude run:
a) East to west
b) North to south
c) Northeast to southwest
d) Northwest to southeast

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Correct Answer: a) East to west
Explanation: Lines of latitude run horizontally, east to west, and are parallel to the equator.

Q2. Lines of longitude run:
a) East to west
b) North to south
c) Northeast to southwest
d) Northwest to southeast

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Correct Answer: b) North to south
Explanation: Lines of longitude run vertically, north to south, and converge at the poles.

Q3. The equator represents:
a) 0 degrees latitude
b) 0 degrees longitude
c) 90 degrees latitude
d) 180 degrees longitude

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Correct Answer: a) 0 degrees latitude
Explanation: The equator is an imaginary line that circles the Earth, representing 0 degrees latitude.

Q4. The Prime Meridian represents:
a) 0 degrees latitude
b) 0 degrees longitude
c) 90 degrees latitude
d) 180 degrees longitude

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Correct Answer: b) 0 degrees longitude
Explanation: The Prime Meridian is an imaginary line that runs from the North Pole to the South Pole, representing 0 degrees longitude.

Q5. The International Date Line is located at:
a) 0 degrees latitude
b) 0 degrees longitude
c) 90 degrees latitude
d) 180 degrees longitude

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Correct Answer: d) 180 degrees longitude
Explanation: The International Date Line is an imaginary line located at 180 degrees longitude, where the date changes when crossing it.

Q6. The Tropic of Cancer is located at:
a) 23.5 degrees north latitude
b) 23.5 degrees south latitude
c) 66.5 degrees north latitude
d) 66.5 degrees south latitude

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Correct Answer: a) 23.5 degrees north latitude
Explanation: The Tropic of Cancer is an imaginary line located at 23.5 degrees north latitude, marking the northernmost point where the Sun can be directly overhead)

Q7. The Tropic of Capricorn is located at:
a) 23.5 degrees north latitude
b) 23.5 degrees south latitude
c) 66.5 degrees north latitude
d) 66.5 degrees south latitude

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Correct Answer: b) 23.5 degrees south latitude
Explanation: The Tropic of Capricorn is an imaginary line located at 23.5 degrees south latitude, marking the southernmost point where the Sun can be directly overhead.

Q8. The Arctic Circle is located at:
a) 23.5 degrees north latitude
b) 23.5 degrees south latitude
c) 66.5 degrees north latitude
d) 66.5 degrees south latitude

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Correct Answer: c) 66.5 degrees north latitude
Explanation: The Arctic Circle is an imaginary line located at 66.5 degrees north latitude, marking the southern boundary of the Arctic region.

Q9. The Antarctic Circle is located at:
a) 23.5 degrees north latitude
b) 23.5 degrees south latitude
c) 66.5 degrees north latitude
d) 66.30 degrees south latitude

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Correct Answer: d) 66.30 degrees south latitude
Explanation: The Antarctic Circle is an imaginary line located at 66.5 degrees south latitude, marking the northern boundary of the Antarctic region.

Q10. The latitude of the North Pole is:
a) 0 degrees
b) 90 degrees north
c) 90 degrees south
d) 180 degrees

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Correct Answer: b) 90 degrees north
Explanation: The North Pole is located at 90 degrees north latitude.

Q11. The latitude of the South Pole is:
a) 0 degrees
b) 90 degrees north
c) 90 degrees south
d) 180 degrees

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Correct Answer: c) 90 degrees south
Explanation: The South Pole is located at 90 degrees south latitude.

Q12. The Prime Meridian passes through which country?
a) United States
b) Russia
c) United Kingdom
d) Australia

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Correct Answer: c) United Kingdom
Explanation: The Prime Meridian passes through Greenwich, United Kingdom.

Q13. The distance between lines of latitude is:
a) Constant
b) Variable
c) Increasing towards the poles
d) Decreasing towards the poles

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Correct Answer: a) Constant
Explanation: The distance between lines of latitude remains constant at approximately 111 kilometers (69 miles) apart.

Q14. The distance between lines of longitude is:
a) Constant
b) Variable
c) Increasing towards the poles
d) Decreasing towards the poles

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Correct Answer: b) Variable
Explanation: The distance between lines of longitude varies, being widest at the equator (approximately 111 kilometers or 69 miles apart) and converging at the poles.

Q15. The coordinates of a location are given in the order of:
a) Latitude, longitude
b) Longitude, latitude
c) Either way
d) None of the above

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Correct Answer: a) Latitude, longitude
Explanation: Coordinates are typically given in the order of latitude followed by longitude.

Q16. Which of the following lines of latitude is also known as the “Great Circle”?
a) Equator
b) Tropic of Cancer
c) Tropic of Capricorn
d) Arctic Circle

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Correct Answer: a) Equator
Explanation: The equator is the largest circle of latitude and is also known as the “Great Circle.”

Q17. The lines of latitude and longitude intersect at:
a) Right angles
b) Acute angles
c) Obtuse angles
d) None of the above

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Correct Answer: a) Right angles
Explanation: Lines of latitude and longitude intersect at right angles, forming a grid system on the Earth’s surface.

Q18. The Earth is divided into how many time zones?
a) 12
b) 24
c) 36
d) 48

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Correct Answer: b) 24
Explanation: The Earth is divided into 24 time zones, each representing one hour of the day.

Q19. When moving eastward across the International Date Line, you:
a) Gain a day
b) Lose a day
c) Gain an hour
d) Lose an hour

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Correct Answer: b) Lose a day
Explanation: When moving eastward across the International Date Line, you lose a day due to the difference in time zones.

Q20. The latitude of a location determines its:
a) Time zone
b) Climate
c) Longitude
d) None of the above

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Correct Answer: b) Climate
Explanation: The latitude of a location influences its climate, as it determines the angle at which the Sun’s rays strike the Earth’s surface and the amount of solar energy received.

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