MCQs on Constellations – Geography

Q1. What is a constellation?
a) A single star
b) A group of stars
c) A galaxy
d) A planet

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Correct Answer: b) A group of stars
Explanation: A constellation is a group of stars that form a recognizable pattern in the sky.

Q2. How many constellations are officially recognized by the International Astronomical Union (IAU)?
a) 12
b) 48
c) 88
d) 120

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Correct Answer: c) 88
Explanation: The International Astronomical Union (IAU) officially recognizes 88 constellations.

Q3. Which of the following is not a zodiac constellation?
a) Aries
b) Taurus
c) Orion
d) Gemini

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Correct Answer: c) Orion
Explanation: Orion is not a zodiac constellation. The zodiac constellations are those that lie along the ecliptic, the path the Sun appears to follow across the sky.

Q4. What is the largest constellation in terms of area?
a) Ursa Major
b) Hydra
c) Virgo
d) Hercules

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Correct Answer: b) Hydra
Explanation: Hydra is the largest constellation in terms of area, covering 1303 square degrees of the sky.

Q5. What is the smallest constellation in terms of area?
a) Crux
b) Scorpius
c) Lyra
d) Aquarius

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Correct Answer: a) Crux
Explanation: Crux is the smallest constellation in terms of area, covering only 68 square degrees of the sky.

Q6. Which constellation is known as the “Northern Cross”?
a) Cygnus
b) Cassiopeia
c) Ursa Major
d) Draco

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Correct Answer: a) Cygnus
Explanation: Cygnus is known as the “Northern Cross” due to its distinctive cross-shaped pattern of stars.

Q7. Which constellation contains the star Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky?
a) Canis Major
b) Orion
c) Taurus
d) Gemini

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Correct Answer: a) Canis Major
Explanation: Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky, is located in the constellation Canis Major.

Q8. Which constellation is known as the “Great Bear”?
a) Ursa Major
b) Ursa Minor
c) Draco
d) Hercules

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Correct Answer: a) Ursa Major
Explanation: Ursa Major is known as the “Great Bear” due to its bear-like shape.

Q9. What is the name of the star pattern commonly known as the “Big Dipper”?
a) Ursa Major
b) Ursa Minor
c) Cassiopeia
d) Orion

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Correct Answer: a) Ursa Major
Explanation: The “Big Dipper” is a prominent star pattern within the constellation Ursa Major.

Q10. Which constellation contains the star Polaris, also known as the North Star?
a) Ursa Major
b) Ursa Minor
c) Cassiopeia
d) Draco

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Correct Answer: b) Ursa Minor
Explanation: Polaris, also known as the North Star, is located in the constellation Ursa Minor.

Q11. Which constellation is associated with the myth of Andromeda, the princess who was chained to a rock as a sacrifice to a sea monster?
a) Andromeda
b) Perseus
c) Cassiopeia
d) Cetus

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Correct Answer: a) Andromeda
Explanation: The constellation Andromeda is associated with the myth of Andromeda, the princess who was chained to a rock as a sacrifice to a sea monster.

Q12. Which constellation represents the mythological hero Hercules?
a) Hercules
b) Perseus
c) Orion
d) Aquarius

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Correct Answer: a) Hercules
Explanation: The constellation Hercules represents the mythological hero Hercules.

Q13. Which constellation contains the star Vega, one of the brightest stars in the night sky?
a) Lyra
b) Aquila
c) Cygnus
d) Cassiopeia

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Correct Answer: a) Lyra
Explanation: Vega, one of the brightest stars in the night sky, is located in the constellation Lyra

Q14. Which constellation is known as the “Southern Cross”?
a) Crux
b) Centaurus
c) Scorpius
d) Sagittarius

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Correct Answer: a) Crux
Explanation: Crux is known as the “Southern Cross” due to its distinctive cross-shaped pattern of stars.

Q15. In which constellation can the famous Pleiades star cluster be found?
a) Taurus
b) Orion
c) Gemini
d) Aries

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Correct Answer: a) Taurus
Explanation: The Pleiades star cluster, also known as the Seven Sisters, is located in the constellation Taurus.

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