MCQs on the Solar System – Geography

Q1. What is the largest planet in our solar system?
a) Earth
b) Mars
c) Jupiter
d) Saturn

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Correct Answer: c) Jupiter
Explanation: Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system, with a diameter of about 86,881 miles (139,822 kilometers).

Q2. Which planet is known for its prominent rings?
a) Venus
b) Uranus
c) Neptune
d) Saturn

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Correct Answer: d) Saturn
Explanation: Saturn is known for its prominent rings, which are composed primarily of ice particles and some rocky debris.

Q3. What is the smallest planet in our solar system?
a) Venus
b) Mercury
c) Mars
d) Earth

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Correct Answer: b) Mercury
Explanation: Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system, with a diameter of about 3,032 miles (4,880 kilometers).

Q4. Which planet has the longest day in our solar system?
a) Earth
b) Mars
c) Venus
d) Jupiter

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Correct Answer: c) Venus
Explanation: Venus has the longest day in our solar system, with a day lasting approximately 243 Earth days.

Q5. Which planet is the third closest to the Sun?
a) Mars
b) Earth
c) Venus
d) Mercury

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Correct Answer: b) Earth
Explanation: Earth is the third closest planet to the Sun, after Mercury and Venus.

Q6. What is the average distance between the Earth and the Sun?
a) 93 million miles (150 million kilometers)
b) 100 million miles (161 million kilometers)
c) 110 million miles (177 million kilometers)
d) 120 million miles (193 million kilometers)

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Correct Answer: a) 93 million miles (150 million kilometers)
Explanation: The average distance between the Earth and the Sun is approximately 93 million miles (150 million kilometers), which is defined as one astronomical unit (AU).

Q7. Which planet has the highest mountain in our solar system?
a) Earth
b) Mars
c) Venus
d) Jupiter

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Correct Answer: b) Mars
Explanation: Mars has the highest mountain in our solar system, known as Olympus Mons, which is about 13.6 miles (22 kilometers) high.

Q8. Which planet has the largest volcano in our solar system?
a) Earth
b) Mars
c) Venus
d) Jupiter

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Correct Answer: b) Mars
Explanation: Mars has the largest volcano in our solar system, known as Olympus Mons, which is about 13.6 miles (22 kilometers) high and 370 miles (600 kilometers) in diameter.

Q9. Which planet has the shortest year in our solar system?
a) Earth
b) Mars
c) Venus
d) Mercury

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Correct Answer: d) Mercury
Explanation: Mercury has the shortest year in our solar system, with a year lasting approximately 88 Earth days.

Q10. Which planet is known as the “Red Planet”?
a) Earth
b) Mars
c) Venus
d) Jupiter

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Correct Answer: b) Mars
Explanation: Mars is known as the “Red Planet” due to its reddish appearance, which is caused by iron oxide (rust) on its surface.

Q11. Which planet has the Great Red Spot, a massive storm system?
a) Earth
b) Mars
c) Venus
d) Jupiter

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Correct Answer: d) Jupiter
Explanation: Jupiter has the Great Red Spot, a massive storm system that has been observed for more than 300 years.

Q12. Which planet is the second closest to the Sun?
a) Earth
b) Mars
c) Venus
d) Mercury

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Correct Answer: c) Venus
Explanation: Venus is the second closest planet to the Sun, after Mercury.

Q13. Which planet has the most moons in our solar system?
a) Earth
b) Mars
c) Jupiter
d) Saturn

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Correct Answer: c) Jupiter
Explanation: Jupiter has the most moons in our solar system, with 79 known moons.

Q14. Which planet has the lowest density in our solar system?
a) Earth
b) Mars
c) Venus
d) Saturn

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Correct Answer: d) Saturn
Explanation: Saturn has the lowest density in our solar system, with a density less than that of water.

Q15. Which planet has the fastest rotation in our solar system?
a) Earth
b) Mars
c) Venus
d) Jupiter

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Correct Answer: d) Jupiter
Explanation: Jupiter has the fastest rotation in our solar system, with a day lasting approximately 9.9 Earth hours.

Q16. Which planet is known as the “Blue Planet”?
a) Earth
b) Mars
c) Venus
d) Neptune

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Correct Answer: a) Earth
Explanation: Earth is known as the “Blue Planet” due to the large amount of water on its surface, which gives it a blue appearance from space.

Q17. Which planet has the strongest magnetic field in our solar system?
a) Earth
b) Mars
c) Venus
d) Jupiter

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Correct Answer: d) Jupiter
Explanation: Jupiter has the strongest magnetic field in our solar system, which is about 20,000 times stronger than Earth’s magnetic field)

Q18. Which planet is known as the “Green Planet”?
a) Earth
b) Mars
c) Venus
d) Uranus

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Correct Answer: d) Uranus
Explanation: Uranus is known as the “Green Planet” due to the presence of methane in its atmosphere, which gives it a greenish-blue color.

Q19. Which planet has the longest day in our solar system?
a) Earth
b) Mars
c) Venus
d) Jupiter

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Correct Answer: c) Venus
Explanation: Venus has the longest day in our solar system, with a day lasting approximately 243 Earth days.

Q20. Which planet is the farthest from the Sun in our solar system?
a) Earth
b) Mars
c) Venus
d) Neptune

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Correct Answer: d) Neptune
Explanation: Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun in our solar system, with an average distance of about 2.8 billion miles (4.5 billion kilometers).

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