MCQs on Earthquakes – Geography

Q1. What is the primary cause of earthquakes?
a. Volcanic eruptions
b. Meteor impacts
c. Sudden movement along faults within the Earth
d. Human activities

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Correct Answer: c. Sudden movement along faults within the Earth
Explanation: Earthquakes are caused by the sudden movement along faults within the Earth, which releases stored-up elastic strain energy in the form of seismic waves.

Q2. Which scale is commonly used to measure the magnitude of earthquakes?
a. Mercalli scale
b. Richter scale
c. Moment magnitude scale
d. Modified Mercalli scale

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Correct Answer: b. Richter scale
Explanation: The Richter scale is the most common standard of measurement for earthquakes, measuring the amount of energy released during an earthquake.

Q3. Which type of seismic wave is the fastest and can travel through solids, liquids, and gases?
a. P-waves
b. S-waves
c. Surface waves
d. Love waves

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Correct Answer: a. P-waves
Explanation: P-waves are the fastest type of seismic waves and can travel through solids, liquids, and gases.

Q4. Which type of seismic wave can only travel along the Earth’s surface?
a. P-waves
b. S-waves
c. Surface waves
d. Love waves

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Correct Answer: c. Surface waves
Explanation: Surface waves travel along the Earth’s surface and are similar in nature to water waves.

Q5. Which of the following is a primary effect of earthquakes?
a. Ground shaking
b. Fires
c. Tsunamis
d. Landslides

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Correct Answer: a. Ground shaking
Explanation: The primary effects of earthquakes include ground shaking, ground rupture, landslides, tsunamis, and liquefaction.

Q6. Which of the following is a secondary effect of earthquakes?
a. Ground shaking
b. Fires
c. Ground rupture
d. Liquefaction

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Correct Answer: b. Fires
Explanation: Fires are a secondary effect of earthquakes, often caused by the shaking that can knock down power lines, spill flammable liquids, and toss hot coals.

Q7. What is the study of earthquakes and seismic waves called?
a. Geology
b. Seismology
c. Tectonics
d. Geophysics

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Correct Answer: b. Seismology
Explanation: Seismology is the study of earthquakes and seismic waves that move through and around the Earth.

Q8. Which of the following factors does NOT influence the extent of destruction and harm caused by an earthquake?
a. Magnitude
b. Intensity and duration
c. Local geology
d. Weather conditions

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Correct Answer: d. Weather conditions
Explanation: The extent of destruction and harm caused by an earthquake depends on its magnitude, intensity and duration, and the local geology.

Q9. What is the point within the Earth where an earthquake originates called?
a. Epicenter
b. Hypocenter
c. Focus
d. Seismic center

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Q9. What is the point within the Earth where an earthquake originates called?
a. Epicenter
b. Hypocenter
c. Focus
d. Seismic center

Q10. What is the point on the Earth’s surface directly above the focus of an earthquake called?
a. Epicenter
b. Hypocenter
c. Focus
d. Seismic center

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Correct Answer: a. Epicenter
Explanation: The epicenter is the point on the Earth’s surface directly above the focus of an earthquake.

Q11. Which of the following is NOT a cause of seismic waves?
a. Movement of tectonic plates
b. Explosions
c. Volcanoes
d. Solar flares

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Correct Answer: d. Solar flares
Explanation: Seismic waves are usually generated by movements of the Earth’s tectonic plates but may also be caused by explosions, volcanoes, and landslides.

Q12. Which of the following natural disasters can be triggered by an earthquake?
a. Tsunami
b. Hurricane
c. Tornado
d. Drought

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Correct Answer: a. Tsunami
Explanation: Tsunamis can be triggered by underwater fault ruptures and seismically-triggered landslides.

Q13. Which type of seismic wave causes the ground to compress and expand in the direction of travel?
a. P-waves
b. S-waves
c. Surface waves
d. Love waves

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Correct Answer: a. P-waves
Explanation: P-waves cause the ground to compress and expand in the direction of travel.

Q14. Which type of seismic wave causes the ground to move perpendicular to the direction of travel?
a. P-waves
b. S-waves
c. Surface waves
d. Love waves

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Correct Answer: b. S-waves
Explanation: S-waves cause the ground to move perpendicular to the direction of travel.

Q15. Which of the following is a result of soil liquefaction during an earthquake?
a. Ground shaking
b. Ground rupture
c. Landslides
d. Temporary transformation of soft deposits into a jelly-like state

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Correct Answer: d. Temporary transformation of soft deposits into a jelly-like state
Explanation: Soil liquefaction occurs during an earthquake when the shaking temporarily turns soft deposits, such as clay, into a jelly-like state.

Q16. Which type of seismic wave is responsible for most of the shaking and damage during an earthquake?
a. P-waves
b. S-waves
c. Surface waves
d. Love waves

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Correct Answer: c. Surface waves
Explanation: Surface waves are responsible for most of the shaking and damage during an earthquake, as they travel along the Earth’s surface.

Q17. What is the instrument used to record seismic waves called?
a. Seismograph
b. Seismometer
c. Geophone
d. Accelerometer

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Correct Answer: a. Seismograph
Explanation: A seismograph is an instrument used to record data about seismic waves.

Q18. Which of the following is NOT a factor that affects the intensity of ground shaking during an earthquake?
a. Magnitude of the earthquake
b. Distance from the epicenter
c. Local soil and rock conditions
d. Time of day

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Correct Answer: d. Time of day
Explanation: The intensity of ground shaking during an earthquake is affected by the magnitude of the earthquake, the distance from the epicenter, and local soil and rock conditions.

Q19. Which of the following is a method used to reduce the impact of earthquakes on buildings and infrastructure?
a. Base isolation
b. Dampers
c. Flexible building materials
d. All of the above

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Correct Answer: d. All of the above
Explanation: Base isolation, dampers, and flexible building materials are all methods used to reduce the impact of earthquakes on buildings and infrastructure.

Q20. Which of the following is a technique used to predict the likelihood of future earthquakes in a specific region?
a. Seismic hazard assessment
b. Seismic retrofitting
c. Seismic zoning
d. Seismic monitoring

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Correct Answer: a. Seismic hazard assessment
Explanation: Seismic hazard assessment is a technique used to predict the likelihood of future earthquakes in a specific region. It involves analyzing historical earthquake data, local geology, etc.

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