MCQs on Humidity – World Geography

Q1. Humidity is defined as the:
a) Amount of water vapor in the air
b) Amount of water in the air
c) Amount of oxygen in the air
d) Amount of carbon dioxide in the air

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Correct Answer: a) Amount of water vapor in the air
Explanation: Humidity refers to the amount of water vapor in the air, which can influence temperature, precipitation, and other atmospheric processes.

Q2. Relative humidity is defined as the:
a) Ratio of the actual amount of water vapor in the air to the maximum amount the air can hold at a given temperature
b) Ratio of the actual amount of water vapor in the air to the total amount of air
c) Ratio of the actual amount of water vapor in the air to the total amount of water vapor in the atmosphere
d) Ratio of the actual amount of water vapor in the air to the total amount of water in the atmosphere

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Correct Answer: a) Ratio of the actual amount of water vapor in the air to the maximum amount the air can hold at a given temperature
Explanation: Relative humidity is the ratio of the actual amount of water vapor in the air to the maximum amount the air can hold at a given temperature, expressed as a percentage.

Q3. Absolute humidity is defined as the:
a) Total amount of water vapor in the air
b) Total amount of water vapor in the air per unit volume
c) Total amount of water vapor in the air per unit mass
d) Total amount of water vapor in the air per unit area

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Correct Answer: b) Total amount of water vapor in the air per unit volume
Explanation: Absolute humidity is the total amount of water vapor in the air per unit volume, usually expressed in grams per cubic meter.

Q4. Dew point is defined as the:
a) Temperature at which water vapor begins to condense
b) Temperature at which water vapor begins to evaporate
c) Temperature at which relative humidity reaches 100%
d) Temperature at which absolute humidity reaches its maximum value

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Correct Answer: a) Temperature at which water vapor begins to condense
Explanation: The dew point is the temperature at which water vapor begins to condense, forming dew or frost.

Q5. A hygrometer is an instrument used to measure:
a) Temperature
b) Pressure
c) Humidity
d) Wind speed

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Correct Answer: c) Humidity
Explanation: A hygrometer is an instrument used to measure humidity, either relative or absolute.

Q6. High relative humidity can cause discomfort because:
a) It makes the air feel cooler
b) It makes the air feel warmer
c) It makes it harder for sweat to evaporate from the skin
d) It makes it easier for sweat to evaporate from the skin

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Correct Answer: c) It makes it harder for sweat to evaporate from the skin
Explanation: High relative humidity can cause discomfort because it makes it harder for sweat to evaporate from the skin, which is the body’s primary cooling mechanism.

Q7. The term “psychrometer” refers to:
a) An instrument used to measure temperature
b) An instrument used to measure pressure
c) An instrument used to measure humidity
d) An instrument used to measure wind speed

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Correct Answer: c) An instrument used to measure humidity
Explanation: A psychrometer is an instrument used to measure humidity, typically by comparing the temperatures of two thermometers, one of which has a wet bulb)

Q8. The term “adiabatic cooling” refers to:
a) The cooling of air as it rises and expands
b) The cooling of air as it sinks and compresses
c) The cooling of air due to the evaporation of water
d) The cooling of air due to the condensation of water vapor

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Correct Answer: a) The cooling of air as it rises and expands
Explanation: Adiabatic cooling refers to the cooling of air as it rises and expands, which can lead to the formation of clouds and precipitation.

Q9. The term “adiabatic warming” refers to:
a) The warming of air as it rises and expands
b) The warming of air as it sinks and compresses
c) The warming of air due to the evaporation of water
d) The warming of air due to the condensation of water vapor

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Correct Answer: b) The warming of air as it sinks and compresses
Explanation: Adiabatic warming refers to the warming of air as it sinks and compresses, which can lead to the dissipation of clouds and the suppression of precipitation.

Q10. The term “dew point depression” refers to:
a) The difference between the dew point temperature and the actual air temperature
b) The difference between the dew point temperature and the wet bulb temperature
c) The difference between the dew point temperature and the dry bulb temperature
d) The difference between the dew point temperature and the saturation temperature

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Correct Answer: a) The difference between the dew point temperature and the actual air temperature
Explanation: Dew point depression is the difference between the dew point temperature and the actual air temperature, which can be used to estimate the relative humidity.

Q11. The term “wet bulb temperature” refers to:
a) The temperature at which water vapor begins to condense
b) The temperature at which water vapor begins to evaporate
c) The temperature measured by a thermometer with a wet bulb
d) The temperature measured by a thermometer with a dry bulb

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Correct Answer: c) The temperature measured by a thermometer with a wet bulb
Explanation: The wet bulb temperature is the temperature measured by a thermometer with a wet bulb, which is affected by the evaporation of water and can be used to estimate humidity.

Q12. The term “dry bulb temperature” refers to:
a) The temperature at which water vapor begins to condense
b) The temperature at which water vapor begins to evaporate
c) The temperature measured by a thermometer with a wet bulb
d) The temperature measured by a thermometer with a dry bulb

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Correct Answer: d) The temperature measured by a thermometer with a dry bulb
Explanation: The dry bulb temperature is the temperature measured by a thermometer with a dry bulb, which is not affected by the evaporation of water and represents the actual air temperature.

Q13. The term “sling psychrometer” refers to:
a) A type of hygrometer that uses a sling to measure humidity
b) A type of hygrometer that uses a fan to measure humidity
c) A type of hygrometer that uses a wet and dry bulb thermometer to measure humidity
d) A type of hygrometer that uses a hair or synthetic fiber to measure humidity

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Correct Answer: c) A type of hygrometer that uses a wet and dry bulb thermometer to measure humidity
Explanation: A sling psychrometer is a type of hygrometer that uses a wet and dry bulb thermometer to measure humidity by comparing the temperatures of the two bulbs.

Q14. The term “hair hygrometer” refers to:
a) A type of hygrometer that uses a sling to measure humidity
b) A type of hygrometer that uses a fan to measure humidity
c) A type of hygrometer that uses a wet and dry bulb thermometer to measure humidity
d) A type of hygrometer that uses a hair or synthetic fiber to measure humidity

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Correct Answer: d) A type of hygrometer that uses a hair or synthetic fiber to measure humidity
Explanation: A hair hygrometer is a type of hygrometer that uses a hair or synthetic fiber to measure humidity, as the length of the hair or fiber changes with changes in humidity.

Q15. The term “saturation” refers to:
a) The point at which the air can no longer hold any more water vapor
b) The point at which the air is completely dry
c) The point at which the air is completely filled with water vapor
d) The point at which the air is completely filled with oxygen

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Correct Answer: a) The point at which the air can no longer hold any more water vapor
Explanation: Saturation refers to the point at which the air can no longer hold any more water vapor, and any additional water vapor will condense into liquid water or ice.

Q16. The term “vapor pressure” refers to:
a) The pressure exerted by water vapor in the air
b) The pressure exerted by water vapor on a liquid surface
c) The pressure exerted by water vapor on a solid surface
d) The pressure exerted by water vapor on the Earth’s surface

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Correct Answer: a) The pressure exerted by water vapor in the air
Explanation: Vapor pressure refers to the pressure exerted by water vapor in the air, which is a component of the total atmospheric pressure.

Q17. The term “specific humidity” refers to:
a) The amount of water vapor in the air per unit volume
b) The amount of water vapor in the air per unit mass
c) The amount of water vapor in the air per unit area
d) The amount of water vapor in the air per unit time

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Correct Answer: b) The amount of water vapor in the air per unit mass
Explanation: Specific humidity refers to the amount of water vapor in the air per unit mass, usually expressed in grams per kilogram.

Q18. The term “evapotranspiration” refers to:
a) The process by which water evaporates from the Earth’s surface
b) The process by which water is transpired by plants
c) The process by which water is absorbed by plants
d) The combined processes of evaporation and transpiration

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Correct Answer: d) The combined processes of evaporation and transpiration
Explanation: Evapotranspiration refers to the combined processes of evaporation, which is the process by which water evaporates from the Earth’s surface, and transpiration, which is the process by which water is transpired by plants.

Q19. The term “sublimation” refers to:
a) The process by which a solid changes directly into a gas
b) The process by which a gas changes directly into a solid
c) The process by which a liquid changes into a gas
d) The process by which a gas changes into a liquid

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Correct Answer: a) The process by which a solid changes directly into a gas
Explanation: Sublimation is the process by which a solid changes directly into a gas, without passing through the liquid phase, such as when ice or snow changes directly into water vapor.

Q20. The term “condensation” refers to:
a) The process by which a solid changes into a liquid
b) The process by which a liquid changes into a gas
c) The process by which a gas changes into a liquid
d) The process by which a gas changes into a solid

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Correct Answer: c) The process by which a gas changes into a liquid
Explanation: Condensation is the process by which a gas, such as water vapor, changes into a liquid, such as water droplets or dew, when it cools to its dew point temperature.

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