Q1. What type of waves require a medium for propagation?
a) Transverse waves
b) Longitudinal waves
c) Electromagnetic waves
d) Surface waves

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Correct Answer: b) Longitudinal waves
Explanation: Longitudinal waves require a medium for propagation, where the particles of the medium oscillate parallel to the direction of wave travel, such as sound waves.

Q2. Which of the following waves does NOT require a medium for propagation?
a) Sound waves
b) Light waves
c) Water waves
d) Radio waves

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Correct Answer: b) Light waves
Explanation: Light waves are a type of electromagnetic wave that does not require a medium for propagation. They can travel through a vacuum, unlike sound or water waves.

Q3. What is the term for the distance between two consecutive crests or troughs of a wave?
a) Amplitude
b) Wavelength
c) Frequency
d) Period

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Correct Answer: b) Wavelength
Explanation: Wavelength is the distance between two consecutive crests or troughs of a wave, representing one complete cycle of the wave’s oscillation.

Q4. Which property of a wave determines its loudness or brightness?
a) Amplitude
b) Wavelength
c) Frequency
d) Speed

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Correct Answer: a) Amplitude
Explanation: Amplitude is the maximum displacement of particles from their equilibrium position in a wave. For sound waves, higher amplitudes correspond to louder sounds, and for light waves, higher amplitudes correspond to brighter light.

Q5. What is the term for the number of waves passing a fixed point per unit time?
a) Amplitude
b) Wavelength
c) Frequency
d) Period

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Correct Answer: c) Frequency
Explanation: Frequency is the number of waves passing a fixed point per unit time, typically measured in hertz (Hz).

Q6. Which of the following properties of a wave is NOT affected by the medium through which it travels?
a) Amplitude
b) Wavelength
c) Frequency
d) Speed

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Correct Answer: c) Frequency
Explanation: Frequency is a characteristic property of a wave and is not affected by the medium through which it travels. However, amplitude, wavelength, and speed may vary depending on the medium.

Q7. What is the term for the time taken for one complete cycle of a wave?
a) Amplitude
b) Wavelength
c) Frequency
d) Period

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Correct Answer: d) Period
Explanation: Period is the time taken for one complete cycle of a wave, measured in seconds. It is the reciprocal of frequency and is inversely proportional to frequency.

Q8. Which of the following waves require a surface as a boundary between two mediums?
a) Longitudinal waves
b) Transverse waves
c) Electromagnetic waves
d) Surface waves

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Correct Answer: d) Surface waves
Explanation: Surface waves require a surface as a boundary between two mediums, such as water waves propagating along the surface of a body of water.

Q9. What term describes the bending of waves around obstacles or through openings?
a) Reflection
b) Refraction
c) Diffraction
d) Interference

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Correct Answer: c) Diffraction
Explanation: Diffraction is the bending of waves around obstacles or through openings, resulting in the spreading of waves into the regions beyond the obstacle or opening.

Q10. What is the term for the change in direction of waves when they encounter an interface between two different mediums?
a) Reflection
b) Refraction
c) Diffraction
d) Interference

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Correct Answer: b) Refraction
Explanation: Refraction is the change in direction of waves when they pass from one medium to another, caused by a change in the wave’s speed. It occurs due to differences in the propagation speed of waves in different mediums.

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