MCQ on Viruses, Viroids and Lichens

Q21. The genetic material of a virus can be:
a) DNA only
b) RNA only
c) Both DNA and RNA
d) Neither DNA nor RNA

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Correct Answer: c) Both DNA and RNA
Explanation: Viruses can have either DNA or RNA as their genetic material, but not both simultaneously.

Q22. Lichens are used in traditional medicine for:
a) Treating bacterial infections
b) Enhancing memory
c) Wound healing
d) Regulating blood pressure

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Correct Answer: c) Wound healing
Explanation: Lichens have been used in traditional medicine for wound healing due to their antimicrobial properties.

Q23. The transmission of viruses through direct contact is an example of:
a) Horizontal transmission
b) Vertical transmission
c) Airborne transmission
d) Vector-borne transmission

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Correct Answer: a) Horizontal transmission
Explanation: Horizontal transmission refers to the spread of viruses among individuals through direct or indirect contact.

Q24. Which of the following is NOT a method of controlling viral diseases in plants?
a) Genetic engineering
b) Chemical pesticides
c) Crop rotation
d) Quarantine measures

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Correct Answer: c) Crop rotation
Explanation: Crop rotation is a method used to control fungal and bacterial diseases in plants, not viral diseases.

Q25. The study of viruses is called:
a) Virology
b) Bacteriology
c) Mycology
d) Immunology

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Correct Answer: a) Virology
Explanation: Virology is the branch of science that deals with the study of viruses.

Q26. Which of the following is a characteristic of lichens in terms of reproduction?
a) Spore formation
b) Budding
c) Fragmentation
d) Binary fission

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Correct Answer: c) Fragmentation
Explanation: Lichens reproduce asexually through fragmentation, where a piece of the lichen breaks off and grows into a new individual.

Q27. The protein spikes on the surface of some viruses are involved in:
a) Host recognition and attachment
b) Replication of viral RNA
c) Formation of the viral envelope
d) Protection of the viral genome

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Correct Answer: a) Host recognition and attachment
Explanation: The protein spikes on the surface of viruses, such as the spike protein in SARS-CoV-2, are involved in recognizing and attaching to host cells.

Q28. Which of the following is NOT a method of lichen reproduction?
a) Sexual reproduction
b) Fragmentation
c) Binary fission
d) Vegetative propagation

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Correct Answer: c) Binary fission
Explanation: Lichens do not reproduce through binary fission. They reproduce sexually and asexually via fragmentation, vegetative propagation, and spore formation.

Q29. The study of lichens is called:
a) Lichenology
b) Mycology
c) Botany
d) Bryology

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Correct Answer: a) Lichenology
Explanation: Lichenology is the branch of science that deals with the study of lichens.

Q30. Which of the following is NOT a viral disease in animals?
a) Rabies
b) Foot-and-mouth disease
c) Anthrax
d) Avian influenza

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Correct Answer: c) Anthrax
Explanation: Anthrax is a bacterial disease caused by Bacillus anthracis, not a viral disease.

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