Q1. What part of the eye is responsible for controlling the amount of light entering the eye?
a) Retina
b) Cornea
c) Pupil
d) Lens

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Correct Answer: c) Pupil
Explanation: The pupil is the aperture in the iris of the eye that regulates the amount of light entering the eye by dilating or constricting.

Q2. Which structure of the eye is responsible for focusing incoming light onto the retina?
a) Cornea
b) Lens
c) Retina
d) Iris

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Correct Answer: b) Lens
Explanation: The lens of the eye refracts light to focus it onto the retina, allowing for clear vision of objects at various distances.

Q3. What is the name of the condition where the lens of the eye becomes progressively opaque, leading to blurry vision?
a) Myopia
b) Hyperopia
c) Astigmatism
d) Cataract

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Correct Answer: d) Cataract
Explanation: Cataract is a condition where the lens of the eye becomes cloudy or opaque, resulting in blurry vision and eventual blindness if left untreated.

Q4. What term describes the inability of the eye to focus on nearby objects due to the elongation of the eyeball or excessive curvature of the cornea?
a) Myopia
b) Hyperopia
c) Presbyopia
d) Astigmatism

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Correct Answer: a) Myopia
Explanation: Myopia, or near-sightedness, is a refractive error where distant objects appear blurry while near objects are seen clearly, often due to the elongation of the eyeball.

Q5. Which defect of the eye is corrected by using a converging lens?
a) Myopia
b) Hyperopia
c) Presbyopia
d) Astigmatism

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Correct Answer: a) Myopia
Explanation: Myopia is corrected by using a diverging (concave) lens to reduce the focusing power of the eye, allowing distant objects to be seen clearly.

Q6. What is the common name for the condition where distant objects appear blurred due to the eyeball being too short or the lens being too weak?
a) Myopia
b) Hyperopia
c) Presbyopia
d) Astigmatism

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Correct Answer: b) Hyperopia
Explanation: Hyperopia, or farsightedness, is a refractive error where distant objects are seen more clearly than near objects, often due to the eyeball being too short or the lens being too weak.

Q7. Which condition of the eye is age-related and results in difficulty focusing on close objects due to the loss of elasticity of the lens?
a) Myopia
b) Hyperopia
c) Presbyopia
d) Astigmatism

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Correct Answer: c) Presbyopia
Explanation: Presbyopia is an age-related condition where the lens of the eye loses its elasticity, resulting in difficulty focusing on close objects, typically occurring around middle age.

Q8. What term describes an irregular curvature of the cornea or lens, causing distorted or blurry vision?
a) Myopia
b) Hyperopia
c) Presbyopia
d) Astigmatism

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Correct Answer: d) Astigmatism
Explanation: Astigmatism is a refractive error caused by an irregular curvature of the cornea or lens, leading to distorted or blurry vision at all distances.

Q9. Which of the following is NOT a symptom of cataracts?
a) Blurry vision
b) Halos around lights
c) Double vision
d) Redness of the eye

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Correct Answer: d) Redness of the eye
Explanation: Symptoms of cataracts include blurry vision, halos around lights, double vision, and difficulty seeing at night, but redness of the eye is not typically associated with cataracts.

Q10. What is the term for the clear, dome-shaped surface that covers the front of the eye?
a) Iris
b) Pupil
c) Cornea
d) Sclera

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Correct Answer: c) Cornea
Explanation: The cornea is the transparent, dome-shaped surface covering the front of the eye, responsible for refracting incoming light and protecting the eye from external elements.

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