Q1. What is the strongest of the four fundamental forces in nature?
a) Gravitational force
b) Electromagnetic force
c) Weak nuclear force
d) Strong nuclear force

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Correct Answer: d) Strong nuclear force
Explanation: The strong nuclear force is the strongest of the four fundamental forces, responsible for binding protons and neutrons together within atomic nuclei.

Q2. Which force is responsible for holding the nucleus of an atom together?
a) Gravitational force
b) Electromagnetic force
c) Weak nuclear force
d) Strong nuclear force

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Correct Answer: d) Strong nuclear force
Explanation: The strong nuclear force is responsible for holding the nucleus of an atom together by overcoming the electrostatic repulsion between positively charged protons.

Q3. Which force is responsible for the attractive or repulsive interactions between electrically charged particles?
a) Gravitational force
b) Electromagnetic force
c) Weak nuclear force
d) Strong nuclear force

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Correct Answer: b) Electromagnetic force
Explanation: The electromagnetic force is responsible for the attractive or repulsive interactions between electrically charged particles, such as electrons and protons.

Q4. What force governs the interactions between massive bodies like planets, stars, and galaxies?
a) Gravitational force
b) Electromagnetic force
c) Weak nuclear force
d) Strong nuclear force

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Correct Answer: a) Gravitational force
Explanation: The gravitational force governs the interactions between massive bodies like planets, stars, and galaxies, according to Newton’s law of universal gravitation.

Q5. Which force is responsible for radioactive decay processes?
a) Gravitational force
b) Electromagnetic force
c) Weak nuclear force
d) Strong nuclear force

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Correct Answer: c) Weak nuclear force
Explanation: The weak nuclear force is responsible for certain types of radioactive decay processes, such as beta decay, by facilitating the transformation of particles within atomic nuclei.

Q6. What is the range of the gravitational force?
a) Infinite
b) Short-range
c) Intermediate-range
d) No range

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Correct Answer: a) Infinite
Explanation: The gravitational force has an infinite range, meaning it acts between all objects with mass, regardless of distance, although its strength decreases with distance.

Q7. Which force is responsible for the formation and stability of atomic nuclei?
a) Gravitational force
b) Electromagnetic force
c) Weak nuclear force
d) Strong nuclear force

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Correct Answer: d) Strong nuclear force
Explanation: The strong nuclear force is responsible for the formation and stability of atomic nuclei by overcoming the electrostatic repulsion between positively charged protons.

Q8. What force causes objects to fall toward the Earth’s surface?
a) Gravitational force
b) Electromagnetic force
c) Weak nuclear force
d) Strong nuclear force

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Correct Answer: a) Gravitational force
Explanation: The gravitational force is responsible for causing objects to fall toward the Earth’s surface, as described by Newton’s law of universal gravitation.

Q9. Which force is responsible for the binding of electrons to atomic nuclei in atoms?
a) Gravitational force
b) Electromagnetic force
c) Weak nuclear force
d) Strong nuclear force

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Correct Answer: b) Electromagnetic force
Explanation: The electromagnetic force is responsible for the binding of electrons to atomic nuclei in atoms, forming stable atoms and molecules.

Q10. What is the relative strength of the electromagnetic force compared to the other fundamental forces?
a) Strongest
b) Weakest
c) Intermediate
d) Depends on the context

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Correct Answer: a) Strongest
Explanation: The electromagnetic force is the strongest of the four fundamental forces, significantly stronger than the gravitational force and weak and strong nuclear forces at macroscopic scales.

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