Q1. What does the theory of Special Relativity propose regarding the speed of light?
a) It is constant in all reference frames
b) It varies depending on the observer’s motion
c) It decreases with increasing frequency
d) It is infinite

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Correct Answer: a) It is constant in all reference frames
Explanation: The theory of Special Relativity proposes that the speed of light is constant in all inertial reference frames, regardless of the motion of the observer or the source of light.

Q2. According to Special Relativity, what happens to the mass of an object as its velocity approaches the speed of light?
a) It decreases
b) It remains constant
c) It becomes infinite
d) It becomes zero

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Correct Answer: c) It becomes infinite
Explanation: According to Special Relativity, as the velocity of an object approaches the speed of light, its relativistic mass increases without bound, approaching infinity as the speed of light is approached.

Q3. What concept introduced by Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity describes how mass and energy curve spacetime?
a) Quantum mechanics
b) Black holes
c) Time dilation
d) Gravity

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Correct Answer: d) Gravity
Explanation: According to Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity, gravity is not a force but rather the curvature of spacetime caused by mass and energy, where objects move along paths determined by this curvature.

Q4. What is the term for the slowing down of time experienced by an observer in a strong gravitational field?
a) Time reversal
b) Time dilation
c) Time compression
d) Time distortion

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Correct Answer: b) Time dilation
Explanation: Time dilation is the phenomenon predicted by Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity where time appears to slow down for an observer in a strong gravitational field or moving at relativistic speeds.

Q5. According to General Relativity, what causes the curvature of spacetime?
a) Mass and energy
b) Electric charge
c) Magnetism
d) Velocity

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Correct Answer: a) Mass and energy
Explanation: In Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity, mass and energy are the source of curvature in spacetime, resulting in the gravitational effects observed in the universe.

Q6. What phenomenon is explained by the bending of light around massive objects like stars?
a) Refraction
b) Reflection
c) Diffraction
d) Gravitational lensing

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Correct Answer: d) Gravitational lensing
Explanation: Gravitational lensing is the phenomenon where light is bent or distorted by the gravitational field of massive objects like stars or galaxies, as predicted by Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity.

Q7. What does the Equivalence Principle state in Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity?
a) Mass and energy are equivalent
b) All inertial frames are equivalent
c) Gravity is equivalent to acceleration
d) Time and space are equivalent

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Correct Answer: c) Gravity is equivalent to acceleration
Explanation: The Equivalence Principle in Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity states that gravitational forces and acceleration are equivalent, allowing for the description of gravity as the curvature of spacetime.

Q8. According to Special Relativity, what happens to the length of an object as its velocity approaches the speed of light?
a) It increases
b) It decreases
c) It remains constant
d) It becomes zero

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Correct Answer: b) It decreases
Explanation: According to Special Relativity, as the velocity of an object approaches the speed of light, its length contracts along the direction of motion, a phenomenon known as length contraction.

Q9. What is the term for the warping of time and space caused by mass and energy, according to General Relativity?
a) Time dilation
b) Spacetime distortion
c) Black hole formation
d) Wormhole creation

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Correct Answer: b) Spacetime distortion
Explanation: Spacetime distortion is the term used to describe the warping of time and space caused by mass and energy, as predicted by Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity.

Q10. What is the fundamental difference between Special and General Relativity?
a) General Relativity includes acceleration effects
b) Special Relativity includes gravitational effects
c) Special Relativity applies only to uniform motion
d) General Relativity applies only to light

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Correct Answer: a) General Relativity includes acceleration effects
Explanation: The fundamental difference between Special and General Relativity is that General Relativity includes the effects of acceleration and gravity, while Special Relativity deals with uniform motion in the absence of gravity.

Q11. What concept is the theory of Special Relativity primarily concerned with?
a) Gravitational forces
b) Accelerated frames of reference
c) Uniform motion and frames of reference
d) Quantum mechanics

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Correct Answer: c) Uniform motion and frames of reference
Explanation: Special Relativity, proposed by Albert Einstein in 1905, is primarily concerned with the behavior of objects moving at constant velocity in inertial frames of reference.

Q12. Which principle forms the basis of Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity?
a) Equivalence Principle
b) Uncertainty Principle
c) Quantum Principle
d) Relativity Principle

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Correct Answer: a) Equivalence Principle
Explanation: The Equivalence Principle states that the effects of gravity are indistinguishable from those of acceleration, forming the basis of Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity.

Q13. What phenomenon is described by the principle of time dilation in Special Relativity?
a) Length contraction
b) Gravitational lensing
c) Slowing down of time for moving objects
d) Warping of space-time

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Correct Answer: c) Slowing down of time for moving objects
Explanation: Time dilation in Special Relativity describes how time appears to pass slower for objects moving at relativistic speeds relative to an observer at rest.

Q14. Which of the following effects is a consequence of the curvature of spacetime, according to General Relativity?
a) Length contraction
b) Gravitational lensing
c) Time dilation
d) Quantum entanglement

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Correct Answer: b) Gravitational lensing
Explanation: Gravitational lensing is a phenomenon predicted by General Relativity, where the path of light is bent by the curvature of spacetime around massive objects like stars and galaxies.

Q15. What is the maximum speed limit in the universe according to Special Relativity?
a) The speed of light
b) The speed of sound
c) The escape velocity of a black hole
d) The speed of a neutrino

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Correct Answer: a) The speed of light
Explanation: Special Relativity states that the speed of light in a vacuum, denoted by ‘c’, is the maximum speed limit in the universe, and no object with mass can travel faster than this speed.

Q16. How does General Relativity explain the phenomenon of gravity?
a) As a force between masses
b) As the curvature of spacetime caused by mass
c) As the attraction between positively charged particles
d) As the interaction between mass and velocity

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Correct Answer: b) As the curvature of spacetime caused by mass
Explanation: In General Relativity, gravity is explained as the curvature of spacetime caused by mass and energy, where massive objects like planets and stars curve the fabric of spacetime, causing other objects to move along curved paths.

Q17. What is the mathematical framework used to describe the principles of General Relativity?
a) Quantum mechanics
b) Matrix algebra
c) Differential geometry
d) Fourier analysis

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Correct Answer: c) Differential geometry
Explanation: Differential geometry is the mathematical framework used to describe the principles of General Relativity, allowing for the representation of curved spacetime and the behavior of objects within it.

Q18. According to Special Relativity, what effect occurs to the mass of an object as its velocity approaches the speed of light?
a) It decreases
b) It remains constant
c) It becomes infinite
d) It becomes zero

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Correct Answer: c) It becomes infinite
Explanation: According to Special Relativity, the relativistic mass of an object increases without bound as its velocity approaches the speed of light, reaching infinity as the speed of light is approached.

Q19. What is the term for the distortion of time and space caused by the presence of mass and energy, according to General Relativity?
a) Time dilation
b) Length contraction
c) Spacetime curvature
d) Quantum entanglement

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Correct Answer: c) Spacetime curvature
Explanation: Spacetime curvature is the term used to describe the distortion of time and space caused by the presence of mass and energy, as predicted by General Relativity.

Q20. What concept did Einstein introduce to reconcile the principle of equivalence in General Relativity?
a) Black holes
b) Time dilation
c) The cosmological constant
d) Gravitational waves

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Correct Answer: c) The cosmological constant
Explanation: Einstein introduced the cosmological constant to his equations of General Relativity to reconcile the principle of equivalence and maintain a static universe, later withdrawing it when evidence for the expansion of the universe was discovered.

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