MCQ on Shortcut Keys for Windows – Computer GK

Useful and informative MCQ on Shortcut Keys for Windows – Computer GK that will unlock the secrets of efficient PC operation. Test your knowledge of keyboard shortcuts and become more proficient at handling your computer, regardless of your level of expertise.

These MCQ on Shortcut Keys for Windows – Computer GK are very helpful for competitive exams such as CPCT, GATE, IES/ESE, IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, SBI PO, SBI Clerk, RBI, SEBI, LIC, NICL, BCA, B.Sc. IT, DCA, SSC, RRB, NIELIT CCC, CTET, UDC NET, CUET, MCA, PGDCA, MCS, TET, State Police, BPO, etc.

These MCQ on Shortcut Keys for Windows – Computer GK have correct answers and brief explanations of each question for better understanding.

MCQ on Shortcut Keys for Windows

Q1. What does the shortcut key Ctrl + A do in Microsoft Windows?
a) Bold text
b) Copy text
c) Select all
d) Delete text

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Correct Answer: c) Select all
Explanation: The Ctrl + A shortcut key in Microsoft Windows is used to select all the content in a document, file, or folder. This is helpful when you want to perform an action on all the items, such as copying, deleting, or formatting.

Q2. What is the function of the Ctrl + B shortcut key in Microsoft Windows?
a) Bold text
b) Copy text
c) Select all
d) Delete text

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Correct Answer: a) Bold text
Explanation: The Ctrl + B shortcut key in Microsoft Windows is used to make the selected text bold. This is a common formatting option in word processing applications like Microsoft Word, and it helps emphasize specific words or phrases in a document.

Q3. What does the shortcut key Ctrl + C do in Microsoft Windows?
a) Bold text
b) Copy text
c) Select all
d) Delete text

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Correct Answer: b) Copy text
Explanation: The Ctrl + C shortcut key in Microsoft Windows is used to copy the selected text, files, or folders. This is a fundamental operation in computer systems, allowing users to duplicate content and transfer it to other locations or applications.

Q4. What is the function of the Ctrl + D shortcut key in Microsoft Windows?
a) Bold text
b) Copy text
c) Select all
d) Delete text

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Correct Answer: d) Delete text
Explanation: The Ctrl + D shortcut key in Microsoft Windows is used to delete the selected text, files, or folders. This operation is essential for managing and organizing content on your computer, as it allows you to remove unwanted or unnecessary items.

Q5. What does the shortcut key Ctrl + E do in Microsoft Windows?
a) Bold text
b) Copy text
c) Select all
d) Center text

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Correct Answer: d) Center text
Explanation: The Ctrl + E shortcut key in Microsoft Windows is used to center the selected text. This is a formatting option in word processing applications like Microsoft Word, which helps align the text in the middle of the page or a specific area.

Q6. What is the function of the Ctrl + F shortcut key in Microsoft Windows?
a) Bold text
b) Copy text
c) Find text
d) Delete text

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Correct Answer: c) Find text
Explanation: The Ctrl + F shortcut key in Microsoft Windows is used to find specific text within a document, file, or webpage. This operation is useful for locating particular words or phrases, making it easier to navigate and edit content.

Q7. What does the shortcut key Ctrl + G do in Microsoft Windows?
a) Bold text
b) Copy text
c) Select all
d) Go to a specific location

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Correct Answer: d) Go to a specific location
Explanation: The Ctrl + G shortcut key in Microsoft Windows is used to go to a specific location within a document or file. This is helpful for navigating large documents or files, allowing users to quickly jump to a particular section or line.

Q8. What is the function of the Ctrl + H shortcut key in Microsoft Windows?
a) Bold text
b) Copy text
c) Find and replace text
d) Delete text

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Correct Answer: c) Find and replace text
Explanation: The Ctrl + H shortcut key in Microsoft Windows is used to find and replace specific text within a document, file, or webpage. This operation is useful for making bulk edits or corrections, as it allows users to replace instances of a word or phrase with another.

Q9. What does the shortcut key Ctrl + I do in Microsoft Windows?
a) Italicize text
b) Copy text
c) Select all
d) Delete text

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Correct Answer: a) Italicize text
Explanation: The Ctrl + I shortcut key in Microsoft Windows is used to italicize the selected text. This is a formatting option in word processing applications like Microsoft Word, which helps emphasize specific words or phrases in a document by slanting the text.

Q10. What is the function of the Ctrl + J shortcut key in Microsoft Windows?
a) Bold text
b) Copy text
c) Justify text
d) Delete text

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Correct Answer: c) Justify text
Explanation: The Ctrl + J shortcut key in Microsoft Windows is used to justify the selected text. This is a formatting option in word processing applications like Microsoft Word, which aligns the text evenly on both the left and right margins, creating a clean and professional appearance.

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