MCQ on Scientific Instruments

Q1. What is the primary function of an altimeter?
a) Measure electric current
b) Measure wind speed
c) Measure altitude
d) Measure sound intensity

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Correct Answer: c) Measure altitude
Explanation: An altimeter is a scientific instrument used to measure altitude, which is the vertical distance above a reference point, typically sea level. It is commonly used in aviation, mountaineering, and other activities where knowing one’s altitude is essential for navigation and safety. There are various types of altimeters, including pressure altimeters, which measure altitude based on atmospheric pressure changes, and GPS-based altimeters, which use satellite signals to determine altitude.

Q2. Which instrument is used to measure electric current?
a) Altimeter
b) Ammeter
c) Anemometer
d) Audiometer

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Correct Answer: b) Ammeter
Explanation: An ammeter is a scientific instrument used to measure electric current in a circuit. It is typically connected in series with the circuit, allowing the current to flow through the ammeter, which then displays the current value. Ammeters can measure both direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC) and are available in various forms, including analog and digital devices.

Q3. What does an anemometer measure?
a) Altitude
b) Electric current
c) Wind speed
d) Sound intensity

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Correct Answer: c) Wind speed
Explanation: An anemometer is a scientific instrument used to measure wind speed. It is commonly used in meteorology, environmental science, and other fields where accurate wind speed measurements are essential. There are several types of anemometers, including cup anemometers, which have rotating cups that spin in response to wind, and hot-wire anemometers, which measure wind speed based on the cooling effect of air flowing over a heated wire.

Q4. Which instrument is used to assess hearing ability?
a) Altimeter
b) Ammeter
c) Anemometer
d) Audiometer

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Correct Answer: d) Audiometer
Explanation: An audiometer is a scientific instrument used to assess an individual’s hearing ability. It measures the threshold of hearing at various frequencies, allowing healthcare professionals to identify hearing loss and determine its severity. Audiometers typically generate pure tones at different frequencies and intensities, and the person being tested indicates when they can hear the tone. This process helps create an audiogram, which is a graphical representation of the individual’s hearing sensitivity.

Q5. What is the primary purpose of a barograph?
a) Measure altitude
b) Record atmospheric pressure over time
c) Measure wind speed
d) Measure sound intensity

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Correct Answer: b) Record atmospheric pressure over time
Explanation: A barograph is a scientific instrument used to record atmospheric pressure over time. It consists of a barometer, which measures atmospheric pressure, and a recording mechanism that plots the pressure readings on a chart or graph. Barographs are commonly used in meteorology and climatology to monitor and analyze weather patterns, as changes in atmospheric pressure can indicate the approach of different weather systems.

Q6. Which instrument is used to measure atmospheric pressure?
a) Altimeter
b) Ammeter
c) Anemometer
d) Barometer

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Correct Answer: d) Barometer
Explanation: A barometer is a scientific instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure. It is an essential tool in meteorology, as changes in atmospheric pressure can indicate the approach of different weather systems. There are various types of barometers, including mercury barometers, which use a column of mercury to measure pressure, and aneroid barometers, which use a sealed, flexible chamber that expands or contracts in response to pressure changes.

Q7. What is the primary function of binoculars?
a) Measure electric current
b) Measure wind speed
c) Measure altitude
d) Magnify distant objects

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Correct Answer: d) Magnify distant objects
Explanation: Binoculars are optical instruments used to magnify distant objects, making them appear closer and more detailed. They consist of two parallel telescopes, one for each eye, which provide a stereoscopic view of the scene. Binoculars are commonly used for various activities, such as birdwatching, stargazing, and sports events, where observing details from a distance is essential.

Q8. Which instrument is used to measure the amount of radiant energy absorbed or emitted by a substance?
a) Altimeter
b) Ammeter
c) Bolometer
d) Caliper

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Correct Answer: c) Bolometer
Explanation: A bolometer is a scientific instrument used to measure the amount of radiant energy absorbed or emitted by a substance. It typically consists of a temperature-sensitive element, such as a thin metal strip, that changes its electrical resistance when heated or cooled by the absorbed or emitted radiation. Bolometers are used in various applications, including infrared astronomy, thermal imaging, and measuring the power of laser beams.

Q9. What is the primary function of a caliper?
a) Measure electric current
b) Measure wind speed
c) Measure altitude
d) Measure linear dimensions

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Correct Answer: d) Measure linear dimensions
Explanation: A caliper is a scientific instrument used to measure linear dimensions, such as the length, width, or depth of an object. It consists of two opposing jaws or points that can be adjusted to fit around the object being measured. There are various types of calipers, including vernier calipers, which use a sliding scale for precise measurements, and digital calipers, which display the measurement on an electronic screen.

Q10. Which instrument is used to measure the heat exchanged during a chemical reaction or physical process?
a) Altimeter
b) Ammeter
c) Anemometer
d) Calorimeter

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Correct Answer: d) Calorimeter
Explanation: A calorimeter is a scientific instrument used to measure the heat exchanged during a chemical reaction or physical process. It typically consists of an insulated container that holds the reaction or process, a thermometer to measure temperature changes, and a stirrer to ensure uniform temperature distribution. Calorimeters are used in various fields, including chemistry, physics, and biology, to study the thermal properties of substances and the energy changes associated with chemical reactions and phase transitions.

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