MCQ on Pteridophytes and Its Types

Q21. Which of the following pteridophytes is commonly used in traditional medicine?
a) Horsetails
b) Club mosses
c) Ferns
d) Whisk ferns

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Correct Answer: a) Horsetails
Explanation: Horsetails (Equisetum) have been used in traditional medicine for their diuretic properties and as a source of silica. However, caution is advised due to potential toxic effects of some compounds.

Q22. What is the primary habitat of whisk ferns (Psilotum)?
a) Desert regions
b) Tropical rainforests
c) Alpine meadows
d) Coastal marshes

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Correct Answer: a) Desert regions
Explanation: Whisk ferns (Psilotum) are adapted to arid environments, particularly desert regions. They have specialized structures and physiological adaptations to survive in low-water conditions.

Q23. Which pteridophyte type is known for its creeping rhizomes and colonial growth habit?
a) Club mosses
b) Ferns
c) Whisk ferns
d) Horsetails

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Correct Answer: a) Club mosses
Explanation: Club mosses (Lycopodium) often form colonies through their creeping rhizomes, spreading horizontally across the forest floor. This colonial growth habit is characteristic of many species within this group.

Q24. What is the main function of sporangia in pteridophytes?
a) Photosynthesis
b) Reproduction
c) Absorption of water
d) Storage of nutrients

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Correct Answer: b) Reproduction
Explanation: Sporangia are structures in pteridophytes responsible for the production and dispersal of spores, which are reproductive units. Spores germinate into gametophytes, initiating the sexual phase of the life cycle.

Q25. Which pteridophyte type is characterized by the presence of jointed stems with reduced leaves?
a) Club mosses
b) Ferns
c) Horsetails
d) Whisk ferns

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Correct Answer: c) Horsetails
Explanation: Horsetails (Equisetum) have jointed stems with reduced leaves, giving them a distinctive appearance. These stems contain silica deposits and are often used in traditional crafts for polishing.

Q26. What is the primary role of gametophytes in the life cycle of pteridophytes?
a) Production of spores
b) Asexual reproduction
c) Production of gametes
d) Absorption of nutrients

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Correct Answer: c) Production of gametes
Explanation: Gametophytes in pteridophytes produce gametes through mitosis. These gametes fuse during fertilization to form a zygote, which develops into a sporophyte, continuing the life cycle.

Q27. Which of the following pteridophytes has a photosynthetic, heart-shaped gametophyte?
a) Whisk ferns
b) Horsetails
c) Club mosses
d) Ferns

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Correct Answer: d) Ferns
Explanation: Ferns produce a photosynthetic, heart-shaped gametophyte called a prothallus. This structure is responsible for the production of gametes and serves as the haploid phase of the fern life cycle.

Q28. What is the term for the process of spore formation in pteridophytes?
a) Meiosis
b) Mitosis
c) Pollination
d) Fertilization

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Correct Answer: a) Meiosis
Explanation: Spore formation in pteridophytes occurs through meiosis within sporangia. Meiosis produces haploid spores, which are released and germinate into gametophytes under favorable conditions.

Q29. Which pteridophyte type is characterized by underground stems and small, scale-like leaves arranged in whorls?
a) Ferns
b) Club mosses
c) Quillworts
d) Horsetails

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Correct Answer: d) Horsetails
Explanation: Horsetails (Equisetum) have underground stems and small, scale-like leaves arranged in whorls around the stem joints. These leaves are non-photosynthetic and serve a protective role.

Q30. Which of the following pteridophytes is commonly used in horticulture for its trailing growth habit?
a) Club mosses
b) Ferns
c) Horsetails
d) Quillworts

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Correct Answer: a) Club mosses
Explanation: Certain species of club mosses (Lycopodium) are popular in horticulture for their trailing growth habit, making them suitable for hanging baskets and ground cover. They are valued for their ornamental appeal.

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