MCQ on Pteridophytes and Its Types

Q1. Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of pteridophytes?
a) Presence of vascular tissue
b) Reproduction by seeds
c) Dominant sporophyte generation
d) Presence of roots, stems, and leaves

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Correct Answer: b) Reproduction by seeds
Explanation: Pteridophytes reproduce via spores, unlike seed plants. They possess vascular tissues for internal transport, have a dominant sporophyte generation, and exhibit well-defined roots, stems, and leaves.

Q2. Which structure in pteridophytes is responsible for the production of spores?
a) Antheridia
b) Archegonia
c) Sporangia
d) Gemmae cups

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Correct Answer: c) Sporangia
Explanation: Sporangia are specialized structures in pteridophytes where spores are produced through meiosis. Antheridia and archegonia are gametangia involved in the production of gametes, while gemmae cups are structures in liverworts.

Q3. Which of the following is a type of pteridophyte?
a) Fern
b) Moss
c) Pine
d) Cycad

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Correct Answer: a) Fern
Explanation: Ferns are a type of pteridophyte characterized by vascular tissue, roots, stems, and leaves. Mosses belong to the Bryophyta division, pines are gymnosperms, and cycads are seed plants.

Q4. What is the main function of fronds in ferns?
a) Photosynthesis
b) Absorption of water
c) Production of spores
d) Protection of reproductive structures

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Correct Answer: a) Photosynthesis
Explanation: Fronds in ferns are large, leaf-like structures responsible for photosynthesis. They contain chlorophyll and other pigments necessary for capturing light energy and converting it into chemical energy.

Q5. Which pteridophyte type is commonly used as an ornamental plant?
a) Horsetails
b) Ferns
c) Club mosses
d) Whisk ferns

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Correct Answer: b) Ferns
Explanation: Ferns are widely used as ornamental plants due to their attractive fronds and ease of cultivation. Horsetails, club mosses, and whisk ferns are less commonly used for ornamental purposes.

Q6. What is the characteristic feature of horsetails (Equisetum) among pteridophytes?
a) Whorls of leaves
b) Rhizoids for anchorage
c) Strobili for reproduction
d) Prostrate growth habit

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Correct Answer: c) Strobili for reproduction
Explanation: Horsetails produce reproductive structures called strobili, which bear sporangia for spore production. They are distinct due to their jointed stems with whorls of small leaves and silica deposits in their tissues.

Q7. Which of the following pteridophytes is known for its jointed stems containing silica?
a) Ferns
b) Club mosses
c) Whisk ferns
d) Horsetails

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Correct Answer: d) Horsetails
Explanation: Horsetails (Equisetum) possess jointed stems containing silica deposits, which provide structural support and make them abrasive. This feature distinguishes them from other pteridophytes.

Q8. What is the common name for Lycopodium, a type of pteridophyte?
a) Fern
b) Quillwort
c) Ground pine
d) Bracken

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Correct Answer: c) Ground pine
Explanation: Lycopodium, commonly known as ground pine or club moss, is a type of pteridophyte characterized by its small, evergreen, club-shaped leaves. It is often found on forest floors.

Q9. Which of the following pteridophytes lacks true roots and leaves?
a) Ferns
b) Horsetails
c) Whisk ferns
d) Club mosses

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Correct Answer: c) Whisk ferns
Explanation: Whisk ferns (Psilotum) are unique among pteridophytes as they lack true roots and leaves. They have dichotomously branching stems and sporangia borne on specialized structures.

Q10. What is the function of rhizoids in pteridophytes?
a) Photosynthesis
b) Absorption of nutrients
c) Anchor and absorb water
d) Reproduction

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Correct Answer: c) Anchor and absorb water
Explanation: Rhizoids are thread-like structures in pteridophytes that anchor the plant to the substrate and absorb water and minerals. They are analogous to roots in vascular plants but lack vascular tissue.

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