MCQ on Protista and Its Classifications

Q1. What is the primary mode of nutrition in Protista?
a) Autotrophic
b) Heterotrophic
c) Mixotrophic
d) Parasitic

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Correct Answer: c) Mixotrophic
Explanation: Protists exhibit diverse nutritional modes, but many are mixotrophic, capable of both autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition, enabling them to thrive in various environments.

Q2. Which of the following is NOT a kingdom under the classification system of Protista?
a) Animalia
b) Plantae
c) Fungi
d) Chromista

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Correct Answer: a) Animalia
Explanation: Protista encompasses a diverse range of eukaryotic organisms, excluding multicellular kingdoms like Animalia, Plantae, and Fungi.

Q3. Which phylum of Protista consists of mostly unicellular organisms with silica-based shells?
a) Euglenozoa
b) Dinoflagellata
c) Foraminifera
d) Apicomplexa

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Correct Answer: c) Foraminifera
Explanation: Foraminifera are characterized by their intricate, often multichambered shells composed of calcium carbonate or silica, contributing to marine sediment formation.

Q4. Which subgroup of Protista includes organisms responsible for causing malaria?
a) Euglenozoa
b) Dinoflagellata
c) Apicomplexa
d) Ciliophora

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Correct Answer: c) Apicomplexa
Explanation: Apicomplexans, such as Plasmodium species, are obligate intracellular parasites known for causing diseases like malaria in humans.

Q5. Which of the following Protists is commonly associated with red tides?
a) Diatoms
b) Dinoflagellates
c) Amoebas
d) Paramecia

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Correct Answer: b) Dinoflagellates
Explanation: Dinoflagellates are responsible for red tides, which occur due to population explosions leading to discoloration of seawater, often accompanied by harmful effects on marine life.

Q6. Which subphylum of Protista includes organisms possessing a structure called an “apical complex”?
a) Kinetoplastea
b) Ciliophora
c) Zoomastigophora
d) Apicomplexa

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Correct Answer: d) Apicomplexa
Explanation: Apicomplexans possess an apical complex, a specialized organelle involved in host cell invasion and parasitic lifestyle adaptation.

Q7. Which of the following Protists is a well-known example of a colonial organism?
a) Amoeba
b) Euglena
c) Volvox
d) Trypanosoma

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Correct Answer: c) Volvox
Explanation: Volvox is a green algae that forms colonies, each consisting of numerous individual cells, illustrating a form of multicellularity among Protista.

Q8. Which group of Protista is characterized by their movement using pseudopodia?
a) Ciliates
b) Amoeboids
c) Flagellates
d) Sporozoans

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Correct Answer: b) Amoeboids
Explanation: Amoeboids, such as Amoeba, move and capture prey using pseudopodia, temporary extensions of their cytoplasm.

Q9. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic feature of Protista?
a) Eukaryotic cells
b) Unicellularity
c) Multicellularity
d) Diverse modes of nutrition

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Correct Answer: c) Multicellularity
Explanation: Protists are predominantly unicellular, although some may form colonies or exhibit simple multicellularity, distinguishing them from true multicellular organisms.

Q10. Which phylum of Protista includes organisms with complex, spiral or ribbon-shaped chloroplasts?
a) Bacillariophyta
b) Chlorophyta
c) Rhodophyta
d) Euglenophyta

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Correct Answer: d) Euglenophyta
Explanation: Euglenophytes possess unique chloroplasts with intricate shapes, allowing them to perform photosynthesis in diverse environments.

Q11. Which of the following is a characteristic feature of the phylum Dinoflagellata?
a) Presence of contractile vacuoles
b) Flagella arranged in two perpendicular grooves
c) Silica-based cell walls
d) Lack of mitochondria

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Correct Answer: b) Flagella arranged in two perpendicular grooves
Explanation: Dinoflagellates are characterized by two flagella—one extending longitudinally and the other wrapped around the cell in a groove, facilitating their distinctive spinning motion.

Q12. Which subphylum of Protista includes organisms known for their mutualistic symbiotic relationships with corals?
a) Kinetoplastea
b) Ciliophora
c) Zoomastigophora
d) Dinoflagellata

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Correct Answer: d) Dinoflagellata
Explanation: Dinoflagellates form mutualistic symbiotic relationships with corals, providing them with essential nutrients through photosynthesis in exchange for shelter and protection.

Q13. Which kingdom did Ernst Haeckel propose to include organisms like Protista?
a) Prokaryota
b) Prototista
c) Monera
d) Eukaryota

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Correct Answer: b) Prototista
Explanation: Ernst Haeckel proposed the kingdom Prototista to encompass diverse unicellular organisms, which later evolved into the current classification system.

Q14. Which phylum of Protista includes organisms with intricate glass-like shells, often found in diatomaceous earth deposits?
a) Chlorophyta
b) Bacillariophyta
c) Dinoflagellata
d) Rhodophyta

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Correct Answer: b) Bacillariophyta
Explanation: Bacillariophytes, or diatoms, possess unique glass-like shells made of silica, contributing to diatomaceous earth formations and diverse ecological roles.

Q15. Which of the following is NOT a subgroup of Protista?
a) Alveolata
b) Stramenopiles
c) Rhizaria
d) Vertebrata

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Correct Answer: d) Vertebrata
Explanation: Vertebrata is a subgroup of the kingdom Animalia and is not classified under Protista.

Q16. Which phylum of Protista includes organisms known for their diverse forms of locomotion, including cilia, flagella, and pseudopodia?
a) Apicomplexa
b) Ciliophora
c) Dinoflagellata
d) Euglenophyta

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Correct Answer: b) Ciliophora
Explanation: Ciliates, belonging to the phylum Ciliophora, exhibit diverse locomotion mechanisms, including cilia, flagella, and pseudopodia, enabling them to adapt to various environments.

Q17. Which of the following Protists is commonly used as a model organism in genetic and cell biology research?
a) Paramecium
b) Euglena
c) Plasmodium
d) Giardia

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Correct Answer: a) Paramecium
Explanation: Paramecium is widely used as a model organism due to its ease of cultivation, rapid reproduction, and well-understood genetics, facilitating research in various biological disciplines.

Q18. Which phylum of Protista includes organisms that lack typical plastids but possess a unique organelle called a kinetoplast?
a) Euglenozoa
b) Chlorophyta
c) Rhizaria
d) Stramenopiles

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Correct Answer: a) Euglenozoa
Explanation: Euglenozoans, such as Trypanosoma, possess a distinctive organelle called a kinetoplast, containing extranuclear DNA, distinguishing them from other Protista.

Q19. Which subgroup of Protista includes organisms capable of forming intricate calcium carbonate shells, often contributing to reef-building?
a) Foraminifera
b) Radiolaria
c) Amoebozoa
d) Apicomplexa

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Correct Answer: b) Radiolaria
Explanation: Radiolarians are known for their intricate silica skeletons, which can contribute to the formation of sedimentary rocks and play a role in carbon cycling in marine ecosystems.

Q20. Which of the following is NOT a mode of reproduction observed in Protista?
a) Binary fission
b) Conjugation
c) Fragmentation
d) Budding

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Correct Answer: b) Conjugation
Explanation: Conjugation is a mode of sexual reproduction observed in certain bacteria and protists but is not commonly observed in Protista.

Q21. Which subgroup of Protista includes organisms characterized by their parasitic lifestyle, often infecting humans and animals?
a) Apicomplexa
b) Kinetoplastea
c) Ciliophora
d) Zoomastigophora

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Correct Answer: a) Apicomplexa
Explanation: Apicomplexans, such as Plasmodium and Toxoplasma, are parasitic Protista known for causing diseases in humans and animals.

Q22. Which phylum of Protista includes organisms known for their symbiotic relationships with other organisms, such as lichens?
a) Bacillariophyta
b) Euglenophyta
c) Chlorophyta
d) Rhodophyta

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Correct Answer: d) Rhodophyta
Explanation: Red algae, belonging to the phylum Rhodophyta, form symbiotic relationships with fungi to create lichens, illustrating their ecological significance.

Q23. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic feature of Protista?
a) Presence of membrane-bound organelles
b) Presence of a cell wall composed of cellulose
c) Eukaryotic cellular organization
d) Diverse nutritional modes

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Correct Answer: b) Presence of a cell wall composed of cellulose
Explanation: While some Protista may possess cell walls, they are not typically composed of cellulose, which is more common in plants and certain bacterial groups.

Q24. Which subgroup of Protista includes organisms characterized by their ability to form temporary cytoplasmic extensions for movement and feeding?
a) Ciliophora
b) Amoebozoa
c) Apicomplexa
d) Dinoflagellata

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Correct Answer: b) Amoebozoa
Explanation: Amoebas, belonging to the subgroup Amoebozoa, exhibit amoeboid movement, utilizing temporary cytoplasmic extensions called pseudopodia for locomotion and feeding.

Q25. Which phylum of Protista includes organisms known for their diverse forms of sexual reproduction, including isogamy, anisogamy, and oogamy?
a) Euglenophyta
b) Chlorophyta
c) Bacillariophyta
d) Rhodophyta

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Correct Answer: b) Chlorophyta
Explanation: Green algae, belonging to the phylum Chlorophyta, exhibit diverse reproductive strategies, including isogamy (equal-sized gametes), anisogamy (unequal-sized gametes), and oogamy (large nonmotile egg and small motile sperm).

Q26. Which subgroup of Protista includes organisms known for their intricate calcium carbonate shells, often found in marine environments?
a) Foraminifera
b) Radiolaria
c) Apicomplexa
d) Kinetoplastea

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Correct Answer: a) Foraminifera
Explanation: Foraminiferans possess intricate shells made of calcium carbonate, contributing to marine sediment formation and providing valuable records for paleoclimatology and paleoceanography.

Q27. Which of the following is a characteristic feature of the phylum Bacillariophyta?
a) Presence of cellulose cell walls
b) Unicellular organization
c) Silica-based cell walls
d) Absence of flagella

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Correct Answer: c) Silica-based cell walls
Explanation: Bacillariophytes, or diatoms, possess cell walls made of silica, contributing to their intricate structures and ecological roles in aquatic ecosystems.

Q28. Which phylum of Protista includes organisms known for their unique form of locomotion using a whip-like flagellum?
a) Dinoflagellata
b) Euglenophyta
c) Apicomplexa
d) Ciliophora

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Correct Answer: a) Dinoflagellata
Explanation: Dinoflagellates exhibit a distinctive form of locomotion using a whip-like flagellum, enabling them to move through aquatic environments and perform photosynthesis.

Q29. Which subgroup of Protista includes organisms known for their diverse forms of locomotion, including flagella, cilia, and pseudopodia?
a) Amoebozoa
b) Ciliophora
c) Apicomplexa
d) Kinetoplastea

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Correct Answer: b) Ciliophora
Explanation: Ciliates, belonging to the subgroup Ciliophora, exhibit diverse forms of locomotion, including movement via cilia and specialized structures, enabling them to thrive in various environments.

Q30. Which phylum of Protista includes organisms characterized by their unique complex of organelles involved in host cell invasion?
a) Apicomplexa
b) Euglenophyta
c) Dinoflagellata
d) Bacillariophyta

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Correct Answer: a) Apicomplexa
Explanation: Apicomplexans possess a specialized apical complex, consisting of organelles involved in host cell recognition, attachment, and invasion, facilitating their parasitic lifestyle.

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