MCQs on Medieval Japan – Medieval World History

Q1. Which period in Japanese history is referred to as “Medieval Japan”?
a) Heian Period
b) Kamakura Period
c) Muromachi Period
d) Edo Period

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Correct Answer: b) Kamakura Period
Explanation: The Medieval Japan period is considered to stretch from the Kamakura Period (1185) to the Azuchi-Momoyama Period (1603) .

Q2. Who was the first shogun to establish the Kamakura Shogunate in Japan?
a) Minamoto no Yoritomo
b) Ashikaga Takauji
c) Tokugawa Ieyasu
d) Oda Nobunaga

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Correct Answer: a) Minamoto no Yoritomo
Explanation: Minamoto no Yoritomo was the first shogun to establish the Kamakura Shogunate in Japan.

Q3. Which code of conduct emphasized loyalty, bravery, and self-discipline among the samurai warriors?
a) Shinto
b) Bushido
c) Zen
d) Confucianism

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Correct Answer: b) Bushido
Explanation: Bushido, or “the way of the warrior,” was the code of conduct that emphasized loyalty, bravery, and self-discipline among the samurai warriors.

Q4. During the Warring States period, who unified Japan and established the Tokugawa Shogunate?
a) Oda Nobunaga
b) Toyotomi Hideyoshi
c) Tokugawa Ieyasu
d) Ashikaga Yoshimitsu

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Correct Answer: c) Tokugawa Ieyasu
Explanation: Tokugawa Ieyasu unified Japan during the Warring States period and established the Tokugawa Shogunate.

Q5. What was the primary role of a daimyo in feudal Japan?
a) Religious leader
b) Scholar
c) Regional warlord
d) Merchant

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Correct Answer: c) Regional warlord
Explanation: The primary role of a daimyo in feudal Japan was to serve as a regional warlord, controlling territories and maintaining order.

Q6. What was the primary purpose of building Japanese castles during the feudal period?
a) Religious centers
b) Trade hubs
c) Defense and control
d) Cultural centers

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Correct Answer: c) Defense and control
Explanation: The primary purpose of building Japanese castles during the feudal period was for defense and control of the surrounding territories.

Q7. Which of the following cultural practices thrived during the Heian period, particularly among the aristocracy?
a) Tea ceremony
b) Noh theater
c) Poetry and literature
d) Martial arts

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Correct Answer: c) Poetry and literature
Explanation: Poetry and literature thrived during the Heian period, particularly among the aristocracy.

Q8. During the Heian period, what form of writing became popular among women of the imperial court?
a) Kana
b) Kanji
c) Renga
d) Haiku

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Correct Answer: a) Kana
Explanation: Kana, a syllabic script, became popular among women of the imperial court during the Heian period.

Q9. Which famous Zen monk is associated with the creation of the dry rock garden at Ryoanji Temple in Kyoto?
a) Dogen
b) Eisai
c) Muso Soseki
d) Hakuin

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Correct Answer: c) Muso Soseki
Explanation: Muso Soseki, a famous Zen monk, is associated with the creation of the dry rock garden at Ryoanji Temple in Kyoto.

Q10. What was the social status of merchants in feudal Japan?
a) High status
b) Middle status
c) Low status
d) Outcasts

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Correct Answer: c) Low status
Explanation: Merchants were considered to have low social status in feudal Japan.

Q11. Which Japanese warrior class arose in the 10th century and performed military service until the 19th century?
a) Samurai
b) Ninja
c) Ashigaru
d) Yakuza

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Correct Answer: a) Samurai
Explanation: The Samurai were a class of warriors that arose in the 10th century in Japan and performed military service until the 19th century.

Q12. Which religion was introduced to Japan from China and Korea and became one of the major religions in Medieval Japan?
a) Shinto
b) Buddhism
c) Christianity
d) Taoism

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Correct Answer: b) Buddhism
Explanation: Buddhism was introduced to Japan from China and Korea and became one of the major religions in Medieval Japan.

Q13. What was the main purpose of the civil service examination system in feudal Japan?
a) To select government officials based on merit
b) To test the knowledge of Buddhist scriptures
c) To determine the eligibility of samurai for military service
d) To evaluate the artistic skills of the aristocracy

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Correct Answer: a) To select government officials based on merit
Explanation: The main purpose of the civil service examination system in feudal Japan was to select government officials based on merit.

Q14. Which Japanese castle is a well-known medieval castle built in 1614?
a) Himeji Castle
b) Osaka Castle
c) Matsumoto Castle
d) Nijo Castle

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Correct Answer: a) Himeji Castle
Explanation: Himeji Castle is a well-known medieval castle built in 1614.

Q15. In medieval Japan, who were the only people allowed to ride horses, carry swords, and have a surname?
a) Samurai
b) Peasants
c) Merchants
d) Priests

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Correct Answer: a) Samurai
Explanation: In medieval Japan, samurai were the only people allowed to ride horses, carry swords, and have a surname.

Q16. What was the name of the ritual suicide by disembowelment practiced by samurai to preserve their honor?
a) Seppuku
b) Harakiri
c) Kiriage
d) Sutemi

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Correct Answer: a) Seppuku
Explanation: Seppuku was the ritual suicide by disembowelment practiced by samurai to preserve their honor.

Q17. Which Japanese dynasty is known for the establishment of the shogunate system?
a) Heian
b) Kamakura
c) Muromachi
d) Edo

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Correct Answer: b) Kamakura
Explanation: The Kamakura dynasty is known for the establishment of the shogunate system in Japan.

Q18. Which Japanese art form was popular during the Heian period and involved the creation of narrative handscrolls?
a) Ukiyo-e
b) Yamato-e
c) Nihonga
d) Kano

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Correct Answer: b) Yamato-e
Explanation: Yamato-e, a Japanese art form that involved the creation of narrative handscrolls, was popular during the Heian period.

Q19. What was the primary purpose of the samurai code of conduct, known as Bushido?
a) To regulate trade and commerce
b) To guide the behavior and actions of samurai warriors
c) To establish a system of government
d) To promote the spread of Buddhism

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Correct Answer: b) To guide the behavior and actions of samurai warriors
Explanation: The primary purpose of the samurai code of conduct, known as Bushido, was to guide the behavior and actions of samurai warriors, emphasizing loyalty, honor, and self-discipline.

Q20. Which Japanese warrior class was responsible for the protection of their lord’s land and people during the feudal period?
a) Samurai
b) Ninja
c) Ashigaru
d) Yakuza

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Correct Answer: a) Samurai
Explanation: The Samurai were a class of warriors in feudal Japan responsible for the protection of their lord’s land and people.

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