MCQs on Arab Civilization – Medieval World History

Q1. Which Arab dynasty was the first to rule the Islamic Caliphate?
a) Umayyad
b) Abbasid
c) Fatimid
d) Ayyubid

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Correct Answer: a) Umayyad
Explanation: The Umayyad dynasty was the first Arab dynasty to rule the Islamic Caliphate, which began in 661 AD under the leadership of Muawiya I.

Q2. What was the capital city of the Abbasid Caliphate?
a) Mecca
b) Medina
c) Damascus
d) Baghdad

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Correct Answer: d) Baghdad
Explanation: Baghdad was the capital city of the Abbasid Caliphate, which was founded in 762 AD by the Caliph al-Mansur.

Q3. Which Arab philosopher is known for his works on medicine and the authorship of “The Canon of Medicine”?
a) Al-Farabi
b) Al-Kindi
c) Avicenna (Ibn Sina)
d) Averroes (Ibn Rushd)

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Correct Answer: c) Avicenna (Ibn Sina)
Explanation: Avicenna, also known as Ibn Sina, was an Arab philosopher and polymath known for his works on medicine, including “The Canon of Medicine,” which was a comprehensive medical encyclopedia.

Q4. Which Arab mathematician is known for his work on algebra and the authorship of “The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing”?
a) Al-Khwarizmi
b) Al-Battani
c) Al-Farabi
d) Al-Kindi

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Correct Answer: a) Al-Khwarizmi
Explanation: Al-Khwarizmi was an Arab mathematician known for his work on algebra and the authorship of “The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing,” which laid the foundation for modern algebra.

Q5. What was the name of the Islamic dynasty that ruled Spain from 756 to 1031 AD?
a) Umayyad Emirate of Cordoba
b) Abbasid Caliphate
c) Fatimid Caliphate
d) Ayyubid Sultanate

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Correct Answer: a) Umayyad Emirate of Cordoba
Explanation: The Umayyad Emirate of Cordoba was an Islamic dynasty that ruled Spain from 756 to 1031 AD, with its capital in the city of Cordoba.

Q6. Which Arab traveler is known for his extensive travels throughout the Islamic world and the authorship of “The Travels of Ibn Battuta”?
a) Ibn Battuta
b) Al-Masudi
c) Al-Idrisi
d) Ibn Khaldun

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Correct Answer: a) Ibn Battuta
Explanation: Ibn Battuta was an Arab traveler known for his extensive travels throughout the Islamic world, which he documented in his book “The Travels of Ibn Battuta.”

Q7. Which Arab historian is known for his work on historiography and the authorship of “The Muqaddimah”?
a) Ibn Khaldun
b) Al-Tabari
c) Al-Masudi
d) Al-Idrisi

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Correct Answer: a) Ibn Khaldun
Explanation: Ibn Khaldun was an Arab historian known for his work on historiography and the authorship of “The Muqaddimah,” which is considered a pioneering work in the field of history.

Q8. What was the name of the Islamic dynasty that ruled Egypt from 969 to 1171 AD?
a) Umayyad Caliphate
b) Abbasid Caliphate
c) Fatimid Caliphate
d) Ayyubid Sultanate

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Correct Answer: c) Fatimid Caliphate
Explanation: The Fatimid Caliphate was an Islamic dynasty that ruled Egypt from 969 to 1171 AD, with its capital in the city of Cairo.

Q9. Which Arab astronomer is known for his work on trigonometry and the authorship of “The Book of Unknown Arcs of a Sphere”?
a) Al-Battani
b) Al-Khwarizmi
c) Al-Farabi
d) Al-Kindi

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Correct Answer: a) Al-Battani
Explanation: Al-Battani was an Arab astronomer known for his work on trigonometry and the authorship of “The Book of Unknown Arcs of a Sphere,” which was a pioneering work in the field of astronomy.

Q10. Which Arab geographer is known for his work on cartography and the authorship of “The Book of Roger”?
a) Al-Idrisi
b) Al-Masudi
c) Al-Biruni
d) Ibn Khaldun

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Correct Answer: a) Al-Idrisi
Explanation: Al-Idrisi was an Arab geographer known for his work on cartography and the authorship of “The Book of Roger,” which was a detailed world map and geographical treatise.

Q11. What was the name of the Islamic dynasty that ruled the Levant and Egypt from 1171 to 1260 AD?
a) Umayyad Caliphate
b) Abbasid Caliphate
c) Fatimid Caliphate
d) Ayyubid Sultanate

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Correct Answer: d) Ayyubid Sultanate
Explanation: The Ayyubid Sultanate was an Islamic dynasty that ruled the Levant and Egypt from 1171 to 1260 AD, founded by the Kurdish general Salah ad-Din (Saladin).

Q12. Which Arab physician is known for his work on pharmacology and the authorship of “The Canon of Medicine”?
a) Al-Razi
b) Ibn Sina (Avicenna)
c) Al-Zahrawi
d) Ibn al-Nafis

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Correct Answer: b) Ibn Sina (Avicenna)
Explanation: Ibn Sina, also known as Avicenna, was an Arab physician known for his work on pharmacology and the authorship of “The Canon of Medicine,” which was a comprehensive medical encyclopedia.

Q13. Which Arab mathematician is known for his work on optics and the authorship of “The Book of Optics”?
a) Al-Kindi
b) Al-Farabi
c) Al-Haytham (Alhazen)
d) Al-Biruni

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Correct Answer: c) Al-Haytham (Alhazen)
Explanation: Al-Haytham, also known as Alhazen, was an Arab mathematician known for his work on optics and the authorship of “The Book of Optics,” which was a pioneering work in the field of optics and vision.

Q14. Which Islamic dynasty ruled Spain from 756 to 1031 AD?
a) Umayyad Emirate of Cordoba
b) Abbasid Caliphate
c) Fatimid Caliphate
d) Ayyubid Sultanate

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Correct Answer: a) Umayyad Emirate of Cordoba
Explanation: The Umayyad Emirate of Cordoba was an Islamic dynasty that ruled Spain from 756 to 1031 AD, with its capital in the city of Cordoba

Q15. Which Arab traveler is known for his extensive travels throughout the Islamic world and the authorship of “The Travels of Ibn Battuta”?
a) Ibn Battuta
b) Al-Masudi
c) Al-Idrisi
d) Ibn Khaldun

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Correct Answer: a) Ibn Battuta
Explanation: Ibn Battuta was an Arab traveler known for his extensive travels throughout the Islamic world, which he documented in his book “The Travels of Ibn Battuta”

Q16. Which Arab historian is known for his work on historiography and the authorship of “The Muqaddimah”?
a) Ibn Khaldun
b) Al-Tabari
c) Al-Masudi
d) Al-Idrisi

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Correct Answer: a) Ibn Khaldun
Explanation: Ibn Khaldun was an Arab historian known for his work on historiography and the authorship of “The Muqaddimah,” which is considered a pioneering work in the field of history

Q17. Which Arab mathematician is known for his work on optics and the authorship of “The Book of Optics”?
a) Al-Kindi
b) Al-Farabi
c) Al-Haytham (Alhazen)
d) Al-Biruni

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Correct Answer: c) Al-Haytham (Alhazen)
Explanation: Al-Haytham, also known as Alhazen, was an Arab mathematician known for his work on optics and the authorship of “The Book of Optics,” which was a pioneering work in the field of optics and vision

Q18. Which Arab physician is known for his work on pharmacology and the authorship of “The Canon of Medicine”?
a) Al-Razi
b) Ibn Sina (Avicenna)
c) Al-Zahrawi
d) Ibn al-Nafis

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Correct Answer: b) Ibn Sina (Avicenna)
Explanation: Ibn Sina, also known as Avicenna, was an Arab physician known for his work on pharmacology and the authorship of “The Canon of Medicine,” which was a comprehensive medical encyclopedia

Q19. Which Arab geographer is known for his work on cartography and the authorship of “The Book of Roger”?
a) Al-Idrisi
b) Al-Masudi
c) Al-Biruni
d) Ibn Khaldun

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Correct Answer: a) Al-Idrisi
Explanation: Al-Idrisi was an Arab geographer known for his work on cartography and the authorship of “The Book of Roger,” which was a detailed world map and geographical treatise.

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