MCQ on Medical Instruments and Their Inventors

Q11. Who invented the first modern dental drill?
a) Greene Vardiman Black
b) Horace Wells
c) Pierre Fauchard
d) George F. Green

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Correct Answer: a) Greene Vardiman Black
Explanation: The first modern dental drill was invented by Greene Vardiman Black, an American dentist, in the late 19th century. Black’s invention replaced earlier hand-operated drills with a motorized device powered by electricity or compressed air. The modern dental drill allowed for faster and more precise removal of decayed tooth structure, making dental procedures more efficient and less painful for patients.

Q12. Who is credited with the invention of the defibrillator?
a) William Kouwenhoven
b) Albert Hyman
c) Claude Beck
d) Benjamin Franklin

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Correct Answer: c) Claude Beck
Explanation: The defibrillator was invented by Claude Beck, an American surgeon, in the early 20th century. Beck developed the first defibrillator to deliver electrical shocks to the heart to restore normal cardiac rhythm during cardiac arrest or ventricular fibrillation. His invention revolutionized emergency medicine by providing a life-saving intervention for patients experiencing sudden cardiac arrest.

Q13. Who invented the first laryngoscope for visualizing the larynx and vocal cords?
a) Chevalier Jackson
b) Henry Gray
c) William Harvey
d) Joseph Lister

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Correct Answer: a) Chevalier Jackson
Explanation: The laryngoscope, used to visualize the larynx and vocal cords, was invented by Chevalier Jackson, an American otolaryngologist, in the late 19th century. Jackson’s device consisted of a rigid metal tube with a light source and mirrors to reflect light into the throat and visualize the larynx. The laryngoscope revolutionized the diagnosis and treatment of laryngeal conditions by providing a direct view of the airway and facilitating procedures such as intubation and biopsy.

Q14. Who is known for the invention of the first modern surgical stapler?
a) Ambroise Paré
b) Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
c) Humayun Ahmed
d) Humayun Ahmed

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Correct Answer: a) Ambroise Paré
Explanation: The first modern surgical stapler was invented by Ambroise Paré, a French surgeon, in the 16th century. Paré developed a device called the “ligature en masse” to quickly and securely close wounds and surgical incisions using metal staples. His invention revolutionized surgical practice by reducing the time and complexity of wound closure and improving patient outcomes.

Q15. Who invented the first modern thermometer?
a) Galileo Galilei
b) Evangelista Torricelli
c) Daniel Fahrenheit
d) Anders Celsius

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Correct Answer: c) Daniel Fahrenheit
Explanation: The first modern thermometer was invented by Daniel Fahrenheit, a German physicist, in the early 18th century. Fahrenheit’s thermometer utilized mercury as the temperature-sensitive fluid and introduced the Fahrenheit temperature scale, which is still used in the United States today. His invention provided a standardized method for measuring temperature accurately and reliably.

Q16. Who is credited with the invention of the first flexible endoscope?
a) Karl Storz
b) Philip Bozzini
c) Harold Hopkins
d) Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

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Correct Answer: c) Harold Hopkins
Explanation: The first flexible endoscope was invented by Harold Hopkins, a British physicist, and George Kelling, a German surgeon, in the 1950s. Hopkins developed the optical system using fiber optics to transmit light and images through a flexible bundle of glass fibers. This innovation allowed for the development of endoscopes with greater flexibility and maneuverability, enabling visualization of internal body structures with minimal invasiveness.

Q17. Who invented the first insulin pump for managing diabetes?
a) Jonas Salk
b) Frederick Banting
c) Richard K. Bernstein
d) Dean Kamen

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Correct Answer: d) Dean Kamen
Explanation: The first insulin pump for managing diabetes was invented by Dean Kamen, an American inventor and entrepreneur, in the late 20th century. Kamen developed the device, known as the “AutoSyringe,” to deliver precise doses of insulin continuously throughout the day, mimicking the function of the pancreas. Insulin pumps revolutionized diabetes management by providing a more convenient and effective method for insulin delivery, improving glycemic control and quality of life for patients with diabetes.

Q18. Who invented the first cardiac catheterization device for diagnosing heart conditions?
a) Werner Forssmann
b) Andreas Gruentzig
c) Charles Dotter
d) Mason Sones

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Correct Answer: a) Werner Forssmann
Explanation: The first cardiac catheterization device for diagnosing heart conditions was invented by Werner Forssmann, a German physician, in the early 20th century. Forssmann performed the first human cardiac catheterization on himself in 1929, using a ureteral catheter inserted into his own arm and guided into his heart under fluoroscopic imaging. His pioneering experiment demonstrated the feasibility of cardiac catheterization as a diagnostic tool and laid the foundation for further advancements in interventional cardiology.

Q19. Who is known for the invention of the first surgical microscope?
a) Carl Zeiss
b) Robert Hooke
c) Albrecht von Graefe
d) Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

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Correct Answer: c) Albrecht von Graefe
Explanation: The first surgical microscope was invented by Albrecht von Graefe, a German ophthalmologist, in the 19th century. Graefe developed the microscope to magnify and illuminate the surgical field during eye surgery, enabling precise and delicate maneuvers. His invention revolutionized ophthalmic surgery and laid the foundation for the use of surgical microscopes in other medical specialties.

Q20. Who invented the first lithotrite, a surgical instrument used for crushing bladder stones?
a) William Morton
b) Joseph Lister
c) Pierre-François Olive Rayer
d) Jean Civiale

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Correct Answer: d) Jean Civiale
Explanation: The first lithotrite, a surgical instrument used for crushing bladder stones, was invented by Jean Civiale, a French surgeon, in the early 19th century. Civiale’s lithotrite consisted of a handle, shaft, and crushing mechanism to fragment bladder stones within the urinary tract, facilitating their removal without the need for invasive surgery. His invention revolutionized the treatment of bladder stones and paved the way for minimally invasive techniques in urology.

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