Q1. What term describes the resistance of a fluid to flow?
a) Viscosity
b) Surface tension
c) Density
d) Pressure

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Correct Answer: a) Viscosity
Explanation: Viscosity is the measure of a fluid’s resistance to flow. It depends on the internal friction between fluid layers as they move past each other.

Q2. Which of the following fluids has the highest viscosity?
a) Water
b) Honey
c) Alcohol
d) Gasoline

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Correct Answer: b) Honey
Explanation: Honey has a higher viscosity compared to water, alcohol, and gasoline due to its thicker consistency and stronger internal friction.

Q3. What is the SI unit of viscosity?
a) Pascal (Pa)
b) Newton (N)
c) Poise (P)
d) Pascal-second (Pa·s)

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Correct Answer: d) Pascal-second (Pa·s)
Explanation: The SI unit of viscosity is the Pascal-second (Pa·s), which is equivalent to the Poise (P) in the CGS system.

Q4. Which property of a fluid causes it to form spherical droplets?
a) Viscosity
b) Surface tension
c) Density
d) Pressure

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Correct Answer: b) Surface tension
Explanation: Surface tension is the property of a fluid that causes it to minimize its surface area and form spherical droplets, as seen in raindrops or water on a surface.

Q5. What term describes the force per unit length acting perpendicular to the surface of a liquid at equilibrium?
a) Viscosity
b) Surface tension
c) Pressure
d) Density

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Correct Answer: b) Surface tension
Explanation: Surface tension is the force per unit length acting perpendicular to the surface of a liquid at equilibrium, resulting in the formation of a surface film.

Q6. Which of the following factors affects the viscosity of a fluid?
a) Temperature
b) Pressure
c) Composition
d) All of the above

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Correct Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: Viscosity is affected by factors such as temperature, pressure, and composition. Generally, viscosity decreases with increasing temperature and increases with increasing pressure.

Q7. What is the term for the force per unit area exerted by a fluid on its surroundings?
a) Viscosity
b) Surface tension
c) Density
d) Pressure

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Correct Answer: d) Pressure
Explanation: Pressure is the force per unit area exerted by a fluid on its surroundings and is responsible for various fluid behaviors, including buoyancy and fluid flow.

Q8. What happens to the pressure of a fluid as its depth increases?
a) Decreases
b) Increases
c) Remains constant
d) Depends on the fluid

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Correct Answer: b) Increases
Explanation: According to Pascal’s principle, the pressure of a fluid increases with depth due to the weight of the fluid above, resulting in increased pressure at greater depths.

Q9. What is the term for the upward force exerted by a fluid on a submerged object?
a) Viscosity
b) Surface tension
c) Buoyant force
d) Pressure

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Correct Answer: c) Buoyant force
Explanation: The buoyant force is the upward force exerted by a fluid on a submerged object, which is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object, as stated by Archimedes’ principle.

Q10. How does the density of a fluid affect its buoyant force?
a) Higher density increases buoyant force
b) Higher density decreases buoyant force
c) Density has no effect on buoyant force
d) Density affects buoyant force unpredictably

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Correct Answer: a) Higher density increases buoyant force
Explanation: The buoyant force exerted by a fluid on a submerged object increases with the density of the fluid. Higher density fluids displace more volume, resulting in a greater buoyant force.

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