GK MCQ on Major atmospheric pollutants

Q1. Which of the following is a primary component of photochemical smog, formed by the reaction of sunlight with pollutants in the atmosphere?
a) Sulfur dioxide (SO2)
b) Carbon monoxide (CO)
c) Nitrogen dioxide (NO2)
d) Ozone (O3)

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Correct Answer: d) Ozone (O3)
Explanation: Ozone is a major component of photochemical smog, formed when sunlight reacts with pollutants such as nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). It is a harmful air pollutant at ground level, contributing to respiratory problems and environmental damage.

Q2. Which atmospheric pollutant is primarily released from the combustion of fossil fuels and biomass, and can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning?
a) Particulate matter (PM)
b) Nitrogen dioxide (NO2)
c) Carbon monoxide (CO)
d) Sulfur dioxide (SO2)

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Correct Answer: c) Carbon monoxide (CO)
Explanation: Carbon monoxide (CO) is produced by incomplete combustion of carbon-containing fuels such as gasoline, diesel, wood, and coal. It is a colorless, odorless gas that can be deadly in high concentrations, leading to carbon monoxide poisoning when inhaled.

Q3. Which pollutant is responsible for the formation of acid rain when it reacts with water vapor in the atmosphere?
a) Sulfur dioxide (SO2)
b) Carbon dioxide (CO2)
c) Nitrogen oxide (NOx)
d) Carbon monoxide (CO)

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Correct Answer: a) Sulfur dioxide (SO2)
Explanation: Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is emitted from the combustion of fossil fuels containing sulfur impurities, such as coal and oil. When SO2 reacts with water vapor and oxygen in the atmosphere, it forms sulfuric acid (H2SO4), a major component of acid rain.

Q4. Which pollutant is a major contributor to the formation of ground-level ozone and smog, causing respiratory problems and reducing visibility?
a) Carbon dioxide (CO2)
b) Methane (CH4)
c) Nitrogen dioxide (NO2)
d) Hydrogen sulfide (H2S)

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Correct Answer: c) Nitrogen dioxide (NO2)
Explanation: Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is a toxic gas and a key component of photochemical smog. It reacts with sunlight, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and other pollutants to form ground-level ozone and smog, which can irritate the respiratory system and harm the environment.

Q5. Which atmospheric pollutant is primarily emitted from vehicle exhaust and contributes to the formation of both smog and acid rain?
a) Carbon monoxide (CO)
b) Particulate matter (PM)
c) Nitrogen dioxide (NO2)
d) Lead (Pb)

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Correct Answer: c) Nitrogen dioxide (NO2)
Explanation: Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is a harmful gas emitted from vehicle exhaust, industrial processes, and combustion of fossil fuels. It reacts with other pollutants to form smog and contributes to the acidity of rainwater when it combines with water vapor in the atmosphere.

Q6. What is the primary source of particulate matter (PM) pollution in urban areas?
a) Industrial emissions
b) Agricultural activities
c) Vehicle exhaust
d) Biomass burning

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Correct Answer: c) Vehicle exhaust
Explanation: Particulate matter (PM) pollution in urban areas primarily comes from vehicle exhaust, including emissions from cars, trucks, buses, and motorcycles. PM can have adverse health effects when inhaled, leading to respiratory and cardiovascular problems.

Q7. Which pollutant is a greenhouse gas primarily released from agricultural activities such as livestock farming and rice cultivation?
a) Methane (CH4)
b) Carbon dioxide (CO2)
c) Nitrous oxide (N2O)
d) Ozone (O3)

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Correct Answer: a) Methane (CH4)
Explanation: Methane (CH4) is a potent greenhouse gas released from various sources, including livestock digestion, rice cultivation, natural gas production, and landfill decomposition. It has a higher global warming potential than carbon dioxide (CO2) over a shorter timeframe.

Q8. What is a major source of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emissions, which contribute to the formation of ground-level ozone and smog?
a) Industrial emissions
b) Deforestation
c) Vehicle exhaust
d) Agricultural activities

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Correct Answer: a) Industrial emissions
Explanation: Industrial processes such as painting, printing, chemical manufacturing, and solvent use are major sources of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emissions. VOCs react with nitrogen oxides in the presence of sunlight to form ground-level ozone and smog, impacting air quality.

Q9. Which pollutant, commonly released from fossil fuel combustion and industrial processes, can cause respiratory problems and cardiovascular diseases?
a) Sulfur dioxide (SO2)
b) Carbon dioxide (CO2)
c) Particulate matter (PM)
d) Nitrogen dioxide (NO2)

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Correct Answer: c) Particulate matter (PM)
Explanation: Particulate matter (PM) consists of tiny particles suspended in the air, including dust, soot, and aerosols, emitted from various sources such as vehicle exhaust, industrial processes, and biomass burning. PM pollution can penetrate deep into the lungs and bloodstream, leading to respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.

Q10. What is a primary source of lead (Pb) pollution in the environment, which can cause neurological and developmental problems in humans?
a) Vehicle exhaust
b) Industrial emissions
c) Coal combustion
d) Paint and gasoline

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Correct Answer: d) Paint and gasoline
Explanation: Lead (Pb) pollution in the environment primarily comes from historical uses such as lead-based paint, leaded gasoline, and industrial processes. While leaded gasoline has been phased out in many countries, lead contamination persists in soil and water, posing health risks, especially to children, through ingestion and inhalation.

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