MCQ on Introduction to Computer – Computer GK

Useful and informative MCQ on Introduction to Computer – Computer GK that includes topic like Characteristics of Computers (Speed, Accuracy, Versatility, Automatic, etc.), Evolution of Computers, Computer Generations (First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Generation), etc.

These MCQ on Introduction to Computer – Computer GK are very helpful for competitive exams such as IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, SBI PO, SBI Clerk, RBI, SEBI, LIC, NICL, UPSC, SSC, RRB, NIELIT CCC, CPCT, GATE, IES/ESE, CTET, UDC NET, CUET, MCA, BCA, B.Sc. IT, DCA, PGDCA, MCS, TET, State Police, BPO, etc.

These MCQ on Introduction to Computer – Computer GK have correct answers and brief explanations of each question for better understanding.

MCQ on Introduction to Computer

Q1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a computer?
a) Speed
b) Accuracy
c) Emotion
d) Storage

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Correct Answer: c) Emotion
Explanation: Computers are known for their speed, accuracy, and storage capabilities. However, they do not possess emotions, as they are machines that operate based on logical instructions and algorithms.

Q2. Who is known as the “father of the computer” for designing the first automatic digital computer?
a) Blaise Pascal
b) Charles Babbage
c) Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz
d) John von Neumann

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Correct Answer: b) Charles Babbage
Explanation: Charles Babbage is known as the “father of the computer” for designing the first automatic digital computer. He conceived the idea of a digital programmable computer and his designs served as the blueprint for other, more complex machines. Babbage’s most famous work includes the Difference Engine and the Analytical Engine, which contained all the essential concepts found in modern computers.

Q3. Which of the following computers was the first to use a microprocessor?
b) Apple II
c) Altair 8800
d) IBM 7090

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Correct Answer: c) Altair 8800
Explanation: The Altair 8800, introduced in 1975, was the first computer to use a microprocessor. It was based on the Intel 8080 microprocessor and marked the beginning of the fourth generation of computers.

Q4. What was the main component used in the first generation of computers?
a) Transistors
b) Vacuum tubes
c) Integrated circuits
d) Microprocessors

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Correct Answer: b) Vacuum tubes
Explanation: The first generation of computers used vacuum tubes as their primary electronic component. These tubes were large, consumed a lot of power, and generated significant heat, making the computers of this era bulky and inefficient compared to later generations.

Q5. Which generation of computers introduced the use of transistors?
a) First Generation
b) Second Generation
c) Third Generation
d) Fourth Generation

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Correct Answer: b) Second Generation
Explanation: The second generation of computers replaced vacuum tubes with transistors, which were smaller, more reliable, and consumed less power. This led to significant improvements in computer performance and efficiency.

Q6. What technology was introduced in the third generation of computers?
a) Vacuum tubes
b) Transistors
c) Integrated circuits
d) Microprocessors

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Correct Answer: c) Integrated circuits
Explanation: The third generation of computers introduced integrated circuits, which combined multiple transistors and other components onto a single silicon chip. This further reduced the size and power consumption of computers, allowing for more complex and powerful systems.

Q7. Which generation of computers is characterized by the use of microprocessors?
a) First Generation
b) Second Generation
c) Third Generation
d) Fourth Generation

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Correct Answer: d) Fourth Generation
Explanation: The fourth generation of computers is characterized by the use of microprocessors, which integrated the entire central processing unit (CPU) onto a single chip. This allowed for even greater miniaturization and increased processing power, leading to the development of personal computers and other advanced devices.

Q8. What is the primary focus of the fifth generation of computers?
a) Vacuum tubes
b) Transistors
c) Integrated circuits
d) Artificial intelligence

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Correct Answer: d) Artificial intelligence
Explanation: The fifth generation of computers focuses on artificial intelligence and advanced computing techniques, such as parallel processing, natural language processing, and expert systems. These technologies aim to make computers more intelligent and capable of solving complex problems.

Q9. Who invented the Pascaline, an early calculator?
a) Blaise Pascal
b) Charles Babbage
c) Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz
d) John von Neumann

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Correct Answer: a) Blaise Pascal
Explanation: Blaise Pascal invented the Pascaline, an early calculator, in the 1640s to help his father with his work as a tax collector. The Pascaline used gears and pins to perform integer addition and could also be used to subtract, multiply, and divide through a few simple mathematical tricks.

Q10. Which of the following is a characteristic of the first generation of computers?
a) Small size
b) Low power consumption
c) High heat generation
d) Use of microprocessors

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Correct Answer: c) High heat generation
Explanation: The first generation of computers used vacuum tubes, which generated a significant amount of heat. This made the computers of this era large, inefficient, and prone to failure due to overheating.

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