MCQ on Internet Concepts and IoT – Computer GK

Useful and informative MCQ on Internet Concepts and IoT – Computer GK that include topics like Electronic Mail, File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Telnet, Usenet News, World Wide Web (WWW), Browsers, Search Engines, Internet of Things (IoT), etc.

These MCQ on Internet Concepts and IoT – Computer GK are very helpful for competitive exams such as CPCT, GATE, IES/ESE, IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, SBI PO, SBI Clerk, RBI, SEBI, LIC, NICL, BCA, B.Sc. IT, DCA, SSC, RRB, NIELIT CCC, CTET, UDC NET, CUET, MCA, PGDCA, MCS, TET, State Police, BPO, etc.

These MCQ on Internet Concepts and IoT – Computer GK have correct answers and brief explanations of each question for better understanding.

MCQ on Internet Concepts and IoT

Q1. The Internet, sometimes called simply “Net” is:
a) a huge network of networks that joins computers from all across the world.
b) an internal communication system
c) a communication system for the government.
d) All of the above

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Correct Answer: a) a huge network of networks that joins computers from all across the world.
Explanation: The Internet is a global network of networks that connects computers worldwide, allowing them to communicate and share information. It is not limited to internal communication or government use but is accessible to everyone.

Q2. Which of the following is a protocol used to transfer files over the Internet?
b) FTP
d) Telnet

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Correct Answer: b) FTP
Explanation: File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol used to transfer files from one host to another over the Internet. It is designed to provide efficient and reliable file transfers between computers.

Q3. What is the full form of WWW?
a) World Wide Web
b) World With Web
c) Work Wide Web
d) World Wide Wet

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Correct Answer: a) World Wide Web
Explanation: The World Wide Web (WWW) is an information system that allows documents and other resources to be linked and accessed over the Internet using web browsers. It was invented by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989 and has become an essential part of the Internet.

Q4. Which of the following is NOT a type of broadband Internet connection?
a) Cable
b) DSL
c) Dial-up
d) Satellite

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Correct Answer: c) Dial-up
Explanation: Dial-up is a type of Internet connection that uses a telephone line to establish a connection between a computer and an Internet Service Provider (ISP). It is not considered a broadband connection because it offers slower speeds compared to cable, DSL, and satellite connections.

Q5. What is the primary function of a web browser?
a) To create web pages
b) To display web pages
c) To search the Internet
d) To send and receive email

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Correct Answer: b) To display web pages
Explanation: A web browser is a software application used to access and display web pages on the World Wide Web. It interprets HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code to render the content and layout of web pages.

Q6. Which of the following is a popular search engine?
a) Google
b) Microsoft Word
c) Adobe Acrobat
d) Mozilla Firefox

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Correct Answer: a) Google
Explanation: Google is a widely-used search engine that allows users to find information on the Internet by entering keywords or phrases. It uses complex algorithms to rank and display the most relevant search results.

Q7. What is the main purpose of the Internet of Things (IoT)?
a) To connect physical devices to the Internet
b) To create a global network of computers
c) To provide a platform for online gaming
d) To develop new web-based applications

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Correct Answer: a) To connect physical devices to the Internet
Explanation: The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical devices, vehicles, buildings, and other objects embedded with sensors, software, and network connectivity, allowing them to collect and exchange data. IoT aims to improve efficiency, convenience, and decision-making by connecting everyday objects to the Internet.

Q8. Which of the following is a benefit of IoT?
a) Increased energy consumption
b) Reduced privacy
c) Improved efficiency
d) Limited connectivity

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Correct Answer: c) Improved efficiency
Explanation: IoT enables devices to communicate and share data, leading to improved efficiency in various sectors, such as energy management, transportation, agriculture, and healthcare. By analyzing the data collected from IoT devices, businesses and individuals can make informed decisions and optimize their operations.

Q9. Which of the following is an application of IoT?
a) Smart homes
b) Online shopping
c) Video streaming
d) Social media

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Correct Answer: a) Smart homes
Explanation: Smart homes are an application of IoT, where various household devices and appliances are connected to the Internet, allowing them to be controlled remotely and monitored for energy usage. This can lead to increased convenience, security, and energy efficiency.

Q10. What is the primary function of electronic mail (email)?
a) To create web pages
b) To display web pages
c) To send and receive messages over the Internet
d) To search the Internet

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Correct Answer: c) To send and receive messages over the Internet
Explanation: Electronic mail (email) is a method of exchanging messages between people using electronic devices. It allows users to send and receive text, images, and other files over the Internet, making communication faster and more efficient than traditional mail.

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