MCQ on Features of Fundamental Rights- Indian Polity

Q1. Which part of the Indian Constitution deals with Fundamental Rights?
a) Part I
b) Part II
c) Part III
d) Part IV

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Correct Answer: c) Part III
Explanation: Part III of the Indian Constitution deals with Fundamental Rights, which are essential for the overall development of individuals and protect their basic freedoms.

Q2. How many Fundamental Rights are currently recognized in the Indian Constitution?
a) 5
b) 6
c) 7
d) 8

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Correct Answer: b) 6
Explanation: There are currently six Fundamental Rights recognized in the Indian Constitution. They are the Right to Equality, Right to Freedom, Right against Exploitation, Right to Freedom of Religion, Cultural and Educational Rights, and Right to Constitutional Remedies.

Q3. Which article of the Indian Constitution guarantees the Right to Equality?
a) Article 14
b) Article 15
c) Article 16
d) Article 17

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Correct Answer: a) Article 14
Explanation: Article 14 of the Indian Constitution guarantees the Right to Equality, which ensures that all citizens are treated equally before the law and prohibits discrimination on various grounds.

Q4. Which article of the Indian Constitution prohibits discrimination on the grounds of religion, race, caste, sex, or place of birth?
a) Article 14
b) Article 15
c) Article 16
d) Article 17

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Correct Answer: b) Article 15
Explanation: Article 15 of the Indian Constitution prohibits discrimination on the grounds of religion, race, caste, sex, or place of birth, ensuring equal treatment for all citizens.

Q5. Which article of the Indian Constitution guarantees the Right to Freedom of Religion?
a) Article 25
b) Article 26
c) Article 27
d) Article 28

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Correct Answer: a) Article 25
Explanation: Article 25 of the Indian Constitution guarantees the Right to Freedom of Religion, which includes the freedom of conscience and the right to freely profess, practice, and propagate religion.

Q6. Which article of the Indian Constitution deals with Cultural and Educational Rights?
a) Article 29
b) Article 30
c) Article 31
d) Article 32

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Correct Answer: a) Article 29
Explanation: Article 29 of the Indian Constitution deals with Cultural and Educational Rights, which protect the interests of minorities by ensuring their right to conserve their distinct language, script, or culture and to establish and administer educational institutions of their choice.

Q7. Which article of the Indian Constitution provides the Right to Constitutional Remedies?
a) Article 32
b) Article 33
c) Article 34
d) Article 35

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Correct Answer: a) Article 32
Explanation: Article 32 of the Indian Constitution provides the Right to Constitutional Remedies, which allows individuals to approach the Supreme Court for the enforcement of their Fundamental Rights.

Q8. Which Fundamental Right was removed from the list of Fundamental Rights by the 44th Amendment Act, 1978?
a) Right to Property
b) Right to Freedom of Speech and Expression
c) Right to Equality
d) Right against Exploitation

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Correct Answer: a) Right to Property
Explanation: The Right to Property was removed from the list of Fundamental Rights by the 44th Amendment Act, 1978, and was made a legal right under Article 300-A in Part XII of the Constitution.

Q9. Which article of the Indian Constitution prohibits untouchability?
a) Article 14
b) Article 15
c) Article 16
d) Article 17

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Correct Answer: d) Article 17
Explanation: Article 17 of the Indian Constitution prohibits untouchability, making it a punishable offense and ensuring equality for all citizens.

Q10. Which article of the Indian Constitution guarantees the Right against Exploitation?
a) Article 23
b) Article 24
c) Article 25
d) Article 26

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Correct Answer: a) Article 23
Explanation: Article 23 of the Indian Constitution guarantees the Right against Exploitation, which prohibits human trafficking, forced labour, and child labour in hazardous occupations.

Q11. Which article of the Indian Constitution guarantees the Right to Freedom of Speech and Expression?
a) Article 19
b) Article 20
c) Article 21
d) Article 22

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Correct Answer: a) Article 19
Explanation: Article 19 of the Indian Constitution guarantees the Right to Freedom of Speech and Expression, which includes the freedom to express one’s opinions and ideas without any fear of censorship or punishment.

Q12. Which article of the Indian Constitution guarantees the Right to Life and Personal Liberty?
a) Article 20
b) Article 21
c) Article 22
d) Article 23

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Correct Answer: b) Article 21
Explanation: Article 21 of the Indian Constitution guarantees the Right to Life and Personal Liberty, which ensures that no person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to the procedure established by law.

Q13. Which article of the Indian Constitution guarantees the Right to Education?
a) Article 21A
b) Article 22
c) Article 23
d) Article 24

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Correct Answer: a) Article 21A
Explanation: Article 21A of the Indian Constitution guarantees the Right to Education, which makes it mandatory for the state to provide free and compulsory education to all children between the ages of 6 and 14 years.

Q14. Which article of the Indian Constitution guarantees the Right to Freedom of Assembly?
a) Article 19
b) Article 20
c) Article 21
d) Article 22

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Correct Answer: a) Article 19
Explanation: Article 19 of the Indian Constitution guarantees the Right to Freedom of Assembly, which includes the right to assemble peacefully and without arms.

Q14. Which article of the Indian Constitution guarantees the Right to Freedom of Assembly?
a) Article 19
b) Article 20
c) Article 21
d) Article 22

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Correct Answer: a) Article 19
Explanation: Article 19 of the Indian Constitution guarantees the Right to Freedom of Assembly, which includes the right to assemble peacefully and without arms.

Q15. Which article of the Indian Constitution guarantees the Right to Freedom of Association?
a) Article 19
b) Article 20
c) Article 21
d) Article 22

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Correct Answer: a) Article 19
Explanation: Article 19 of the Indian Constitution guarantees the Right to Freedom of Association, which includes the right to form associations, unions, or cooperative societies.

Q16. Which article of the Indian Constitution guarantees the Right to Move Freely throughout the Territory of India?
a) Article 19
b) Article 20
c) Article 21
d) Article 22

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Correct Answer: a) Article 19
Explanation: Article 19 of the Indian Constitution guarantees the Right to Move Freely throughout the Territory of India, ensuring that citizens can travel and reside in any part of the country without any restrictions.

Q17. Which article of the Indian Constitution guarantees the Right to Practice any Profession or to Carry on any Occupation, Trade, or Business?
a) Article 19
b) Article 20
c) Article 21
d) Article 22

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Correct Answer: a) Article 19
Explanation: Article 19 of the Indian Constitution guarantees the Right to Practice any Profession or to Carry on any Occupation, Trade, or Business. This fundamental right ensures that citizens have the freedom to choose their profession, trade, or business and engage in it without any undue restrictions

Q18. Which article of the Indian Constitution guarantees the Right to Form Associations or Unions?
a) Article 19
b) Article 20
c) Article 21
d) Article 22

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Correct Answer: a) Article 19
Explanation: Article 19 of the Indian Constitution guarantees the Right to Form Associations or Unions, which includes the right to form and join associations, unions, or cooperative societies for the purpose of promoting their interests and objectives.

Q19. Which article of the Indian Constitution guarantees the Right to Reside and Settle in any Part of the Territory of India?
a) Article 19
b) Article 20
c) Article 21
d) Article 22

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Correct Answer: a) Article 19
Explanation: Article 19 of the Indian Constitution guarantees the Right to Reside and Settle in any Part of the Territory of India, which ensures that citizens have the freedom to choose their place of residence and settle in any part of the country without any undue restrictions.

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