MCQs on Land Fragmentation and Price Fluctuations- Indian Geography

Q1. What is land fragmentation in the context of Indian agriculture?
a) Division of agricultural land into smaller plots
b) Merging of small agricultural plots into larger ones
c) Conversion of agricultural land into non-agricultural land
d) Redistribution of agricultural land among farmers

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Correct Answer: a) Division of agricultural land into smaller plots
Explanation: Land fragmentation refers to the division of agricultural land into smaller, often unviable plots, usually due to inheritance laws and population growth.

Q2. What is the primary cause of land fragmentation in India?
a) Urbanization
b) Industrialization
c) Inheritance laws
d) Government policies

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Correct Answer: c) Inheritance laws
Explanation: Inheritance laws, which require the division of land among heirs, are the primary cause of land fragmentation in India.

Q3. How does land fragmentation affect agricultural productivity in India?
a) Increases productivity
b) Decreases productivity
c) No significant impact
d) Mixed impact

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Correct Answer: b) Decreases productivity
Explanation: Land fragmentation decreases agricultural productivity by making it difficult for farmers to adopt modern agricultural practices and technologies on small, scattered plots.

Q4. Which of the following is a consequence of land fragmentation in India?
a) Increased use of chemical fertilizers
b) Decreased agricultural biodiversity
c) Increased soil erosion
d) All of the above

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Correct Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: Land fragmentation in India leads to increased use of chemical fertilizers, decreased agricultural biodiversity, and increased soil erosion.

Q5. What is the impact of land fragmentation on the income of small and marginal farmers in India?
a) Increases income
b) Decreases income
c) No significant impact
d) Mixed impact

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Correct Answer: b) Decreases income
Explanation: Land fragmentation decreases the income of small and marginal farmers by reducing agricultural productivity and making it difficult for them to adopt modern agricultural practices and technologies.

Q6. Which of the following is a strategy to address land fragmentation in India?
a) Land consolidation
b) Land acquisition
c) Land reclamation
d) Land redistribution

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Correct Answer: a) Land consolidation
Explanation: Land consolidation is a strategy to address land fragmentation in India by merging small, scattered plots into larger, more viable agricultural holdings.

Q7. Which of the following is a major challenge faced by Indian agriculture due to land fragmentation?
a) Declining soil fertility
b) Depletion of water resources
c) Loss of agricultural biodiversity
d) All of the above

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Correct Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: Land fragmentation in India leads to several challenges, including declining soil fertility, depletion of water resources, and loss of agricultural biodiversity.

Q8. How does land fragmentation affect the adoption of modern agricultural practices in India?
a) Facilitates adoption
b) Hinders adoption
c) No significant impact
d) Mixed impact

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Correct Answer: b) Hinders adoption
Explanation: Land fragmentation hinders the adoption of modern agricultural practices in India, as it is difficult for farmers to implement these practices on small, scattered plots.

Q9. What is the impact of land fragmentation on the rural economy in India?
a) Positive impact
b) Negative impact
c) No significant impact
d) Mixed impact

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Correct Answer: b) Negative impact
Explanation: Land fragmentation has a negative impact on the rural economy in India by reducing agricultural productivity, limiting the adoption of modern agricultural practices, and decreasing the income of small and marginal farmers.

Q10. Which of the following is a consequence of price fluctuations in Indian agriculture?
a) Increased income for farmers
b) Decreased income for farmers
c) No significant impact on farmers’ income
d) Mixed impact on farmers’ income

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Correct Answer: b) Decreased income for farmers
Explanation: Price fluctuations in Indian agriculture can lead to decreased income for farmers, as they may have to sell their produce at lower prices during periods of oversupply or low demand.

Q11. What is the primary cause of price fluctuations in Indian agriculture?
a) Government policies
b) Market forces
c) Natural disasters
d) All of the above

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Correct Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: Price fluctuations in Indian agriculture can be caused by various factors, including government policies, market forces, and natural disasters.

Q12. How do price fluctuations affect the adoption of modern agricultural practices in India?
a) Facilitates adoption
b) Hinders adoption
c) No significant impact
d) Mixed impact

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Correct Answer: b) Hinders adoption
Explanation: Price fluctuations can hinder the adoption of modern agricultural practices in India, as farmers may be reluctant to invest in new technologies and practices if they are uncertain about the returns on their investment.

Q13. What is the impact of price fluctuations on food security in India?
a) Positive impact
b) Negative impact
c) No significant impact
d) Mixed impact

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Correct Answer: b) Negative impact
Explanation: Price fluctuations can have a negative impact on food security in India by affecting the availability, accessibility, and affordability of food for the population.

Q14. Which of the following is a strategy to address price fluctuations in Indian agriculture?
a) Price stabilization measures
b) Crop diversification
c) Improved market infrastructure
d) All of the above

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Correct Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: Strategies to address price fluctuations in Indian agriculture include price stabilization measures, crop diversification, and improved market infrastructure.

Q15. How does crop diversification help in addressing price fluctuations in Indian agriculture?
a) Reduces the impact of price fluctuations on farmers’ income
b) Increases the impact of price fluctuations on farmers’ income
c) No significant impact on the impact of price fluctuations on farmers’ income
d) Mixed impact on the impact of price fluctuations on farmers’ income

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Correct Answer: a) Reduces the impact of price fluctuations on farmers’ income
Explanation: Crop diversification helps in addressing price fluctuations in Indian agriculture by reducing the impact of price fluctuations on farmers’ income, as it allows farmers to spread their risks across multiple crops.

Q16. What is the role of government policies in addressing price fluctuations in Indian agriculture?
a) Price stabilization measures
b) Crop insurance schemes
c) Minimum support prices
d) All of the above

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Correct Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: Government policies play a crucial role in addressing price fluctuations in Indian agriculture through price stabilization measures, crop insurance schemes, and minimum support prices.

Q17. How do minimum support prices help in addressing price fluctuations in Indian agriculture?
a) Provide a guaranteed price for farmers’ produce
b) Increase the market price of agricultural commodities
c) Reduce the production of agricultural commodities
d) All of the above

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Correct Answer: a) Provide a guaranteed price for farmers’ produce
Explanation: Minimum support prices help in addressing price fluctuations in Indian agriculture by providing a guaranteed price for farmers’ produce, ensuring that they receive a fair return on their investment.

Q18. What is the impact of improved market infrastructure on price fluctuations in Indian agriculture?
a) Reduces price fluctuations
b) Increases price fluctuations
c) No significant impact
d) Mixed impact

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Correct Answer: a) Reduces price fluctuations
Explanation: Improved market infrastructure can help reduce price fluctuations in Indian agriculture by facilitating better price discovery, reducing information asymmetry, and ensuring efficient distribution of agricultural commodities.

Q19. How do crop insurance schemes help in addressing price fluctuations in Indian agriculture?
a) Provide financial protection to farmers against price fluctuations
b) Increase the market price of agricultural commodities
c) Reduce the production of agricultural commodities
d) All of the above

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Correct Answer: a) Provide financial protection to farmers against price fluctuations
Explanation: Crop insurance schemes help in addressing price fluctuations in Indian agriculture by providing financial protection to farmers against price fluctuations, ensuring that they receive a fair return on their investment.

Q20. What is the role of agricultural cooperatives in addressing price fluctuations in Indian agriculture?
a) Collective bargaining power for farmers
b) Improved access to credit and inputs
c) better marketing and distribution of agricultural commodities
d) All of the above

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Correct Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: Agricultural cooperatives play a crucial role in addressing price fluctuations in Indian agriculture by providing collective bargaining power for farmers, improving access to credit and inputs, and ensuring better marketing and distribution of agricultural commodities.

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