MCQs on Green Revolution and its impact – Indian Geography

Q1. What was the primary objective of the Green Revolution in India?
a) Increase industrial production
b) Improve healthcare facilities
c) Increase agricultural production
d) Promote tourism

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Correct Answer: c) Increase agricultural production
Explanation: The primary objective of the Green Revolution in India was to increase agricultural production, especially of food grains, to ensure food security and alleviate poverty.

Q2. Who is known as the ‘Father of the Green Revolution’?
a) M.S. Swaminathan
b) Norman Borlaug
c) Verghese Kurien
d) Indira Gandhi

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Correct Answer: b) Norman Borlaug
Explanation: Norman Borlaug is known as the ‘Father of the Green Revolution’ for his work in developing high-yielding varieties of wheat and promoting modern agricultural practices.

Q3. Which two crops were the main focus of the Green Revolution in India?
a) Wheat and Rice
b) Maize and Barley
c) Cotton and Sugarcane
d) Pulses and Oilseeds

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Correct Answer: a) Wheat and Rice
Explanation: The Green Revolution in India mainly focused on increasing the production of wheat and rice through the introduction of high-yielding varieties and improved agricultural practices.

Q4. Which Indian state is considered the cradle of the Green Revolution?
a) Punjab
b) Haryana
c) Uttar Pradesh
d) Tamil Nadu

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Correct Answer: a) Punjab
Explanation: Punjab is considered the cradle of the Green Revolution in India, as it was one of the first states to adopt modern agricultural practices and witnessed a significant increase in agricultural production.

Q5. What is the term used for high-yielding varieties of seeds developed during the Green Revolution?
a) Genetically Modified Seeds
b) Hybrid Seeds
c) Organic Seeds
d) Traditional Seeds

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Correct Answer: b) Hybrid Seeds
Explanation: High-yielding varieties of seeds developed during the Green Revolution are known as hybrid seeds, which were created through selective breeding to increase crop productivity.

Q6. Which of the following is NOT a feature of the Green Revolution?
a) Use of high-yielding varieties of seeds
b) Improved irrigation facilities
c) Increased use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides
d) Promotion of organic farming

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Correct Answer: d) Promotion of organic farming
Explanation: The Green Revolution focused on the use of high-yielding varieties of seeds, improved irrigation facilities, and increased use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, but it did not promote organic farming.

Q7. What was the impact of the Green Revolution on India’s food security?
a) Increased food security
b) Decreased food security
c) No significant impact
d) Led to overproduction of food grains

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Correct Answer: a) Increased food security
Explanation: The Green Revolution increased food security in India by significantly increasing the production of food grains, particularly wheat and rice.

Q8. Which of the following is a negative environmental impact of the Green Revolution?
a) Soil erosion
b) Deforestation
c) Water pollution
d) All of the above

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Correct Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: The Green Revolution led to several negative environmental impacts, including soil erosion, deforestation, and water pollution due to the excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

Q9. What was the impact of the Green Revolution on agricultural biodiversity in India?
a) Increased biodiversity
b) Decreased biodiversity
c) No significant impact
d) Mixed impact

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Correct Answer: b) Decreased biodiversity
Explanation: The Green Revolution decreased agricultural biodiversity in India, as the focus on high-yielding varieties of wheat and rice led to the decline of other indigenous crop varieties.

Q10. Which of the following is a social impact of the Green Revolution in India?
a) Increased rural employment
b) Decreased rural employment
c) Increased income inequality
d) Both b) and c)

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Correct Answer: d) Both b) and c)
Explanation: The Green Revolution led to decreased rural employment due to mechanization and increased income inequality, as large farmers benefited more from the new technologies and practices.

Q11. Which organization played a significant role in promoting the Green Revolution in India?
a) World Bank
b) International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)
c) Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
d) United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

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Correct Answer: b) International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)
Explanation: The International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) played a significant role in promoting the Green Revolution in India by developing high-yielding varieties of rice and providing technical assistance.

Q12. What was the impact of the Green Revolution on India’s agricultural exports?
a) Increased exports
b) Decreased exports
c) No significant impact
d) Fluctuating impact

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Correct Answer: a) Increased exports
Explanation: The Green Revolution increased India’s agricultural exports by significantly increasing the production of food grains, particularly wheat and rice.

Q13. Which of the following is a long-term challenge faced by Indian agriculture due to the Green Revolution?
a) Declining soil fertility
b) Depletion of water resources
c) Loss of agricultural biodiversity
d) All of the above

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Correct Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: Long-term challenges faced by Indian agriculture due to the Green Revolution include declining soil fertility, depletion of water resources, and loss of agricultural biodiversity.

Q14. Which of the following is NOT a technological innovation associated with the Green Revolution?
a) Genetically modified crops
b) Drip irrigation systems
c) Chemical fertilizers
d) Organic farming techniques

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Correct Answer: d) Organic farming techniques
Explanation: Organic farming techniques were not associated with the Green Revolution, which focused on the use of high-yielding varieties of seeds, improved irrigation facilities, and increased use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

Q15. What was the impact of the Green Revolution on small and marginal farmers in India?
a) Benefited them
b) Adversely affected them
c) No significant impact
d) Mixed impact

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Correct Answer: b) Adversely affected them
Explanation: The Green Revolution adversely affected small and marginal farmers, as they often lacked the resources to adopt the new technologies and practices, leading to increased income inequality.

Q16. Which of the following is a criticism of the Green Revolution?
a) Increased dependence on chemical fertilizers and pesticides
b) Loss of traditional agricultural knowledge
c) Environmental degradation
d) All of the above

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Correct Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: Criticisms of the Green Revolution include increased dependence on chemical fertilizers and pesticides, loss of traditional agricultural knowledge, and environmental degradation.

Q17. What was the impact of the Green Revolution on India’s overall economic growth?
a) Positive impact
b) Negative impact
c) No significant impact
d) Mixed impact

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Correct Answer: a) Positive impact
Explanation: The Green Revolution had a positive impact on India’s overall economic growth by increasing agricultural production, ensuring food security, and generating employment opportunities in the agricultural sector.

Q18. Which of the following is a positive environmental impact of the Green Revolution?
a) Reduced soil erosion
b) Increased water conservation
c) Reduced greenhouse gas emissions
d) None of the above

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Correct Answer: d) None of the above
Explanation: The Green Revolution is generally associated with negative environmental impacts, such as soil erosion, water pollution, and increased greenhouse gas emissions, due to the excessive use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and irrigation.

Q19. What was the impact of the Green Revolution on women’s participation in agriculture in India?
a) Increased participation
b) Decreased participation
c) No significant impact
d) Mixed impact

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Correct Answer: b) Decreased participation
Explanation: The Green Revolution led to decreased participation of women in agriculture, as mechanization and the shift towards cash crops reduced the demand for labor, particularly in tasks traditionally performed by women.

Q20. Which of the following is a strategy to address the negative impacts of the Green Revolution in India?
a) Promoting organic farming
b) Encouraging crop diversification
c) Adopting sustainable agricultural practices
d) All of the above

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Correct Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: Strategies to address the negative impacts of the Green Revolution in India include promoting organic farming, encouraging crop diversification, and adopting sustainable agricultural practices to reduce environmental degradation and ensure long-term food security.

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