MCQs on Pre-Independence Economy- Indian Geography

Q1. Who was the Governor-General of India during the introduction of the Permanent Settlement of Bengal in 1793?
a) Lord Cornwallis
b) Lord Wellesley
c) Lord Dalhousie
d) Lord Curzon

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Correct Answer: a) Lord Cornwallis
Explanation: Lord Cornwallis introduced the Permanent Settlement of Bengal in 1793.

Q2. Which British Governor-General introduced the Doctrine of Lapse in India?
a) Lord Dalhousie
b) Lord Canning
c) Lord Bentinck
d) Lord Hastings

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Correct Answer: a) Lord Dalhousie
Explanation: Lord Dalhousie introduced the Doctrine of Lapse in India.

Q3. Which of the following was the primary cash crop during the British rule in India?
a) Cotton
b) Indigo
c) Tea
d) Jute

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Correct Answer: b) Indigo
Explanation: Indigo was the primary cash crop during the British rule in India.

Q4. The British East India Company established its first factory in India in which year?
a) 1601
b) 1608
c) 1611
d) 1615

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Correct Answer: c) 1611
Explanation: The British East India Company established its Indian factory in 1611 at Masulipatnam on the Andhra Coast of the Bay of Bengal, and its second in 1615 at Surat. The high profits reported by the company after landing in India initially prompted James I to grant subsidiary licences to other trading companies in England.

Q5. Which of the following was the main reason for the decline of the Indian handicraft industry during the British rule?
a) Competition from machine-made goods
b) Lack of raw materials
c) High taxes
d) Poor quality of products

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Correct Answer: a) Competition from machine-made goods
Explanation: The decline of the Indian handicraft industry during the British rule was mainly due to competition from machine-made goods.

Q6. Which of the following was the primary objective of the British economic policy in India?
a) To promote Indian industries
b) To turn India into a feeder economy for the expansion of the United Kingdom’s modern industrial base
c) To improve the living standards of the Indian population
d) To promote agriculture in India

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Correct Answer: b) To turn India into a feeder economy for the expansion of the United Kingdom’s modern industrial base
Explanation: The prime objective of British economic policy was to turn India into a feeder economy for the expansion of the United Kingdom’s modern industrial base.

Q7. Which of the following British policies led to the commercialization of Indian agriculture?
a) Permanent Settlement
b) Ryotwari System
c) Mahalwari System
d) Land Revenue System

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Correct Answer: d) Land Revenue System
Explanation: The Land Revenue System introduced by the British led to the commercialization of Indian agriculture.

Q8. Which of the following was the primary mode of transport for goods during the pre-independence period in India?
a) Railways
b) Roadways
c) Waterways
d) Airways

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Correct Answer: c) Waterways
Explanation: Waterways were the primary mode of transport for goods during the pre-independence period in India.

Q9. Which of the following British policies led to the deindustrialization of the Indian economy?
a) Permanent Settlement
b) Ryotwari System
c) Mahalwari System
d) Free Trade Policy

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Correct Answer: d) Free Trade Policy
Explanation: The Free Trade Policy introduced by the British led to the deindustrialization of the Indian economy.

Q10. Which of the following was the primary source of revenue for the British government in India?
a) Land revenue
b) Customs duties
c) Excise duties
d) Income tax

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Correct Answer: a) Land revenue
Explanation: Land revenue was the primary source of revenue for the British government in India.

Q11. Which of the following was the main cause of the Great Bengal Famine of 1770?
a) Drought
b) Flood
c) British economic policies
d) Epidemic

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Correct Answer: c) British economic policies
Explanation: The Great Bengal Famine of 1770 was mainly caused by British economic policies, including high taxation and forced cultivation of cash crops.

Q12. Which of the following was the main cause of the Deccan Riots of 1875?
a) High land revenue
b) Forced cultivation of cash crops
c) British economic policies
d) Drought

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Correct Answer: a) High land revenue
Explanation: The Deccan Riots of 1875 were mainly caused by high land revenue imposed by the British.

Q13. Which of the following was the main cause of the Indian Rebellion of 1857?
a) High land revenue
b) Forced cultivation of cash crops
c) British economic policies
d) Introduction of new cartridges for the Enfield rifle

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Correct Answer: d) Introduction of new cartridges for the Enfield rifle
Explanation: The main cause of the Indian Rebellion of 1857 was the introduction of new cartridges for the Enfield rifle, which were rumored to be greased with cow and pig fat.

Q14. Which of the following was the main cause of the Champaran Satyagraha in 1917?
a) High land revenue
b) Forced cultivation of cash crops
c) British economic policies
d) Indigo cultivation

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Correct Answer: d) Indigo cultivation
Explanation: The main cause of the Champaran Satyagraha in 1917 was the forced cultivation of indigo by the British.

Q15. Which of the following was the main cause of the Kheda Satyagraha in 1918?
a) High land revenue
b) Forced cultivation of cash crops
c) British economic policies
d) Drought

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Correct Answer: a) High land revenue
Explanation: The main cause of the Kheda Satyagraha in 1918 was high land revenue imposed by the British.

Q16. Which of the following was the main cause of the Ahmedabad Mill Strike in 1918?
a) High land revenue
b) Forced cultivation of cash crops
c) British economic policies
d) Demand for higher wages

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Correct Answer: d) Demand for higher wages
Explanation: The main cause of the Ahmedabad Mill Strike in 1918 was the demand for higher wages by the mill workers.

Q17. Which of the following was the main cause of the Non-Cooperation Movement in 1920-1922?
a) High land revenue
b) Forced cultivation of cash crops
c) British economic policies
d) Jallianwala Bagh massacre

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Correct Answer: d) Jallianwala Bagh massacre
Explanation: The main cause of the Non-Cooperation Movement in 1920-1922 was the Jallianwala Bagh massacre.

Q18. Which of the following was the main cause of the Civil Disobedience Movement in 1930-1934?
a) High land revenue
b) Forced cultivation of cash crops
c) British economic policies
d) Salt tax

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Correct Answer: d) Salt tax
Explanation: The main cause of the Civil Disobedience Movement in 1930-1934 was the salt tax imposed by the British.

Q19. Which of the following was the main cause of the Quit India Movement in 1942?
a) High land revenue
b) Forced cultivation of cash crops
c) British economic policies
d) Demand for immediate independence

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Correct Answer: d) Demand for immediate independence
Explanation: The main cause of the Quit India Movement in 1942 was the demand for immediate independence from British rule.

Q20. Which of the following was the main cause of the Bengal Famine of 1943?
a) Drought
b) Flood
c) British economic policies
d) Epidemic

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Correct Answer: c) British economic policies
Explanation: The Bengal Famine of 1943 was mainly caused by British economic policies, including the diversion of food supplies for the war effort.

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