MCQs on the Brahmaputra River System and the Peninsular River System- Indian Geography

Q1. The Brahmaputra River originates in which region?
a) Tibetan Plateau
b) Himalayas
c) Deccan Plateau
d) Eastern Ghats

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Correct Answer: a) Tibetan Plateau
Explanation: The Brahmaputra River originates in the Tibetan Plateau near Lake Mansarovar.

Q2. The Godavari River is the longest river in which region of India?
a) Northern India
b) Peninsular India
c) Eastern India
d) Western India

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Correct Answer: b) Peninsular India
Explanation: The Godavari River is the longest river in Peninsular India.

Q3. The Brahmaputra River is known by which name in Tibet?
a) Tsangpo
b) Dihang
c) Yarlung Zangbo
d) Jamuna

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Correct Answer: a) Tsangpo
Explanation: The Brahmaputra River is known as Tsangpo river in Tibet.

Q4. The Godavari River is known as which of the following?
a) Dakshin Ganga
b) Vriddha Ganga
c) Ganga of the South
d) All of the above

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Correct Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: The Godavari River is known as Dakshin Ganga, Vriddha Ganga, and Ganga of the South.

Q5. The Brahmaputra River forms the largest river island in the world, which is:
a) Majuli Island
b) Sriharikota Island
c) Wheeler Island
d) Pamban Island

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Correct Answer: a) Majuli Island
Explanation: Majuli Island is the largest river island in the world, formed by the Brahmaputra River in the south and the Kherkutia Xuti, a stream of the Brahmaputra, in the north.

Q6. The Godavari River forms the second-largest river delta in India. Which river forms the largest delta in India?
a) Ganga
b) Brahmaputra
c) Indus
d) Krishna

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Correct Answer: a) Ganga
Explanation: The Ganga River forms the largest delta in India, known as the Sundarbans Delta.

Q7. The Brahmaputra River is a major tributary of which river?
a) Ganga
b) Yamuna
c) Godavari
d) None of the above

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Correct Answer: d) None of the above
Explanation: The Brahmaputra River is not a tributary of any other river. It is a major river system in India, originating in the Tibetan Plateau and flowing through India and Bangladesh.

Q8. The Godavari River is a major tributary of which river?
a) Ganga
b) Yamuna
c) Krishna
d) None of the above

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Correct Answer: d) None of the above
Explanation: The Godavari River is not a tributary of any other river. It is a major river system in Peninsular India, originating in the Western Ghats and flowing eastward to the Bay of Bengal.

Q9. The Brahmaputra River flows through which Indian states?
a) Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, and Nagaland
b) Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, and West Bengal
c) Assam, Meghalaya, and Tripura
d) Assam, Meghalaya, and West Bengal

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Correct Answer: b) Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, and West Bengal
Explanation: The Brahmaputra River flows through the Indian states of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, and West Bengal.

Q10. The Godavari River flows through which Indian states?
a) Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Andhra Pradesh
b) Maharashtra, Telangana, and Andhra Pradesh
c) Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu
d) Maharashtra, Telangana, and Tamil Nadu

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Correct Answer: b) Maharashtra, Telangana, and Andhra Pradesh
Explanation: The Godavari River flows through the Indian states of Maharashtra, Telangana, and Andhra Pradesh.

Q11. The Brahmaputra River forms a delta with which other river?
a) Ganga
b) Yamuna
c) Godavari
d) Krishna

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Correct Answer: a) Ganga
Explanation: The Brahmaputra River forms a delta with the Ganga River, known as the Sundarbans Delta.

Q12. The Godavari River forms a delta with which other river?
a) Ganga
b) Yamuna
c) Krishna
d) None of the above

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Correct Answer: d) None of the above
Explanation: The Godavari River forms its own delta, not with any other river.

Q13. The Brahmaputra River is known for its:
a) Floods
b) Droughts
c) Glaciers
d) Plateaus

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Correct Answer: a) Floods
Explanation: The Brahmaputra River is known for its floods, which cause widespread damage in the regions it flows through.

Q14. The Godavari River is known for its:
a) Floods
b) Droughts
c) Glaciers
d) Plateaus

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Correct Answer: a) Floods
Explanation: The Godavari River is also known for its floods, which cause damage in the regions it flows through.

Q15. The Brahmaputra River is the __ longest river in India.
a) 1st
b) 2nd
c) 3rd
d) 4th

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Correct Answer: c) 3rd
Explanation: The Brahmaputra River is the 3rd longest river in India, after the Ganga and Godavari rivers.

Q16. The Godavari River is the __ longest river in India.
a) 1st
b) 2nd
c) 3rd
d) 4th

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Correct Answer: b) 2nd
Explanation: The Godavari River is the 2nd longest river in India, after the Ganga River.

Q17. The Brahmaputra River flows through which major city in India?
a) Guwahati
b) Kolkata
c) Chennai
d) Mumbai

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Correct Answer: a) Guwahati
Explanation: The Brahmaputra River flows through Guwahati, a major city in the Indian state of Assam.

Q18. The Godavari River flows through which major city in India?
a) Nashik
b) Pune
c) Mumbai
d) Hyderabad

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Correct Answer: a) Nashik
Explanation: The Godavari River flows through Nashik, a major city in the Indian state of Maharashtra.

Q19. The Brahmaputra River is known for which of the following wildlife sanctuaries?
a) Kaziranga National Park
b) Sundarbans National Park
c) Gir Forest National Park
d) Bandipur National Park

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Correct Answer: a) Kaziranga National Park
Explanation: The Brahmaputra River is known for Kaziranga National Park, which is located in the Indian state of Assam and is home to the one-horned Indian rhinoceros.

Q20. The Godavari River is known for which of the following wildlife sanctuaries?
a) Kaziranga National Park
b) Sundarbans National Park
c) Papikonda National Park
d) Bandipur National Park

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Correct Answer: c) Papikonda National Park
Explanation: The Godavari River is known for Papikonda National Park, which is located in the Indian states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana and is home to diverse flora and fauna.

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