MCQs on the Brahmaputra Valley – Indian Geography

Q1. The Brahmaputra Valley is situated between which two hill ranges?
a) Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats
b) Aravalli Range and Vindhya Range
c) Eastern and Northeastern Himalayan Range
d) Satpura Range and Maikal Range

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Correct Answer: c) Eastern and Northeastern Himalayan Range
Explanation: The Brahmaputra Valley is situated between the eastern and northeastern Himalayan range in Eastern India.

Q2. The Brahmaputra River flows through which countries?
a) India, Nepal, and Bangladesh
b) China, India, and Bangladesh
c) India, Bhutan, and Bangladesh
d) China, India, and Nepal

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Correct Answer: b) China, India, and Bangladesh
Explanation: The Brahmaputra River flows through Tibet (China), Northeastern India, and Bangladesh.

Q3. The Brahmaputra Valley is primarily located in which Indian state?
a) Assam
b) West Bengal
c) Bihar
d) Uttar Pradesh

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Correct Answer: a) Assam
Explanation: The Brahmaputra Valley is primarily located in the Indian state of Assam.

Q4. The Brahmaputra River is known by which name in Tibet?
a) Yarlung Tsangpo
b) Siang
c) Luit
d) Jamuna

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Correct Answer: a) Yarlung Tsangpo
Explanation: The Brahmaputra River is known as Yarlung Tsangpo in Tibet.

Q5. Which of the following rivers is a major tributary of the Brahmaputra River?
a) Ganga
b) Yamuna
c) Teesta
d) Godavari

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Correct Answer: c) Teesta
Explanation: The Teesta River is a major tributary of the Brahmaputra River.

Q6. The Brahmaputra Valley is known for its:
a) Deserts
b) Plateaus
c) Fertile soil
d) Glaciers

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Correct Answer: c) Fertile soil
Explanation: The Brahmaputra Valley is known for its fertile soil, which is suitable for the cultivation of various crops.

Q7. The Brahmaputra Valley can be divided into how many regions?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5

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Correct Answer: b) 3
Explanation: The Brahmaputra Valley can be divided into three regions: the Western Brahmaputra Valley, the Central Brahmaputra Valley, and the Eastern Brahmaputra Valley.

Q8. Which of the following wildlife sanctuaries is located in the Brahmaputra Valley?
a) Kaziranga National Park
b) Gir National Park
c) Sundarbans National Park
d) Periyar National Park

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Correct Answer: a) Kaziranga National Park
Explanation: Kaziranga National Park, located in Assam, is a part of the Brahmaputra Valley and is known for its diverse flora and fauna.

Q9. The Brahmaputra Valley is home to which endangered species?
a) Bengal Tiger
b) Indian Rhinoceros
c) Asiatic Lion
d) Snow Leopard

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Correct Answer: b) Indian Rhinoceros
Explanation: The Brahmaputra Valley, particularly in Kaziranga National Park, is home to the endangered Indian Rhinoceros.

Q10. Which of the following crops is predominantly grown in the Brahmaputra Valley?
a) Rice
b) Wheat
c) Cotton
d) Sugarcane

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Correct Answer: a) Rice
Explanation: Rice is predominantly grown in the Brahmaputra Valley due to the fertile alluvial soil and favorable climatic conditions.

Q11. The Brahmaputra River is formed by the confluence of which two rivers?
a) Lohit and Dibang
b) Siang and Lohit
c) Dibang and Siang
d) Subansiri and Siang

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Correct Answer: b) Siang and Lohit
Explanation: The Brahmaputra River is formed by the confluence of the Siang and Lohit rivers in Arunachal Pradesh, India.

Q12. The Brahmaputra River is known by which name in Bangladesh?
a) Jamuna
b) Padma
c) Meghna
d) Ganga

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Correct Answer: a) Jamuna
Explanation: In Bangladesh, the Brahmaputra River is known as the Jamuna River.

Q13. Which of the following is a major environmental issue in the Brahmaputra Valley?
a) Deforestation
b) Soil erosion
c) Water pollution
d) All of the above

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Correct Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: Deforestation, soil erosion, and water pollution are major environmental issues in the Brahmaputra Valley.

Q14. The Brahmaputra Valley is prone to which of the following natural disasters?
a) Earthquakes
b) Floods
c) Droughts
d) Landslides

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Correct Answer: b) Floods
Explanation: The Brahmaputra Valley is prone to floods due to the flat terrain, high population density, and the presence of large rivers.

Q15. Which of the following is a characteristic of the Brahmaputra Valley Semi-Evergreen Forests?
a) Mangrove forests
b) Coral reefs
c) Grasslands
d) Tropical rainforests

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Correct Answer: d) Tropical rainforests
Explanation: The Brahmaputra Valley Semi-Evergreen Forests are characterized by tropical rainforests, which support a variety of flora and fauna.

Q16. The Brahmaputra River has its origin in which mountain range?
a) Kailash Range
b) Karakoram Range
c) Dhaulagiri Range
d) Annapurna Range

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Correct Answer: a) Kailash Range
Explanation: The Brahmaputra River originates from the Kailash Range of the Himalayas at an elevation of 5,300 meters.

Q17. The Brahmaputra Valley has an average width of approximately how many kilometers?
a) 40 km
b) 60 km
c) 80 km
d) 100 km

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Correct Answer: c) 80 km
Explanation: The Brahmaputra Valley has an average width of about 80 km.

Q18. Which of the following Indian states shares its border with the Brahmaputra Valley?
a) West Bengal
b) Meghalaya
c) Nagaland
d) Tripura

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Correct Answer: b) Meghalaya
Explanation: The Indian state of Meghalaya shares its border with the Brahmaputra Valley.

Q19. The Brahmaputra River is the __ largest river in the world by discharge.
a) 5th
b) 7th
c) 9th
d) 11th

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Correct Answer: c) 9th
Explanation: The Brahmaputra River is the 9th largest river in the world by discharge, with an average discharge of 19,830 cubic meters per second.

Q20. Which of the following is a major festival celebrated in the Brahmaputra Valley?
a) Bihu
b) Pongal
c) Holi
d) Diwali

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Correct Answer: a) Bihu
Explanation: Bihu is a major festival celebrated in the Brahmaputra Valley, particularly in the state of Assam. It marks the beginning of the Assamese New Year and is celebrated three times a year.

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