MCQ on human diseases caused by Viruses

Q11. What virus causes influenza?
a) Rhinovirus
b) Coronavirus
c) Influenza virus
d) Varicella-zoster virus

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Correct Answer: c) Influenza virus
Explanation: Influenza, commonly known as the flu, is caused by the Influenza virus. It affects the respiratory system, causing symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle aches, fatigue, and headaches. Influenza viruses can cause seasonal epidemics and occasional pandemics.

Q12. Which virus is associated with causing shingles?
a) Herpes simplex virus
b) Varicella-zoster virus
c) Epstein-Barr virus
d) Human papillomavirus (HPV)

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Correct Answer: b) Varicella-zoster virus
Explanation: Shingles, also known as herpes zoster, is caused by the reactivation of the Varicella-zoster virus, the same virus that causes chickenpox. It affects the nerves, resulting in a painful rash with fluid-filled blisters along a single dermatome. Shingles typically occurs in individuals who have previously had chickenpox.

Q13. What virus causes hand, foot, and mouth disease?
a) Coxsackievirus
b) Herpes simplex virus
c) Varicella-zoster virus
d) Rotavirus

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Correct Answer: a) Coxsackievirus
Explanation: Hand, foot, and mouth disease is caused by various strains of Coxsackievirus, particularly Coxsackievirus A16 and Enterovirus 71. It primarily affects young children, causing fever, sore throat, and characteristic sores or blisters on the hands, feet, and inside the mouth. Hand, foot, and mouth disease is contagious and spreads through respiratory secretions, feces, and contact with contaminated surfaces.

Q14. Which virus is responsible for causing rabies?
a) Rabies virus
b) Hantavirus
c) Rotavirus
d) Norovirus

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Correct Answer: a) Rabies virus
Explanation: Rabies is caused by the Rabies virus, which affects the central nervous system. It is usually transmitted through the bite or scratch of an infected animal, such as dogs, bats, raccoons, or foxes. Symptoms include fever, headache, excess salivation, muscle spasms, paralysis, and fear of water. Rabies is almost always fatal once symptoms appear, but it can be prevented through timely vaccination after exposure.

Q15. What virus causes SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)?
a) SARS-CoV-2
b) Influenza virus
c) Rhinovirus
d) Coronavirus

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Correct Answer: d) Coronavirus
Explanation: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) is caused by the SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV). It primarily affects the respiratory system, causing symptoms such as fever, cough, and difficulty breathing. SARS-CoV was responsible for a global outbreak in 2002-2003.

Q16. Which virus is associated with causing Mumps?
a) Influenza virus
b) Rubella virus
c) Mumps virus
d) Varicella-zoster virus

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Correct Answer: c) Mumps virus
Explanation: Mumps is caused by the Mumps virus. It primarily affects the salivary glands, leading to swelling and pain in the cheeks and jaw. Other symptoms may include fever, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, and loss of appetite. Mumps is highly contagious and spreads through respiratory droplets or direct contact with saliva.

Q17. What virus causes Zika fever?
a) Zika virus
b) Dengue virus
c) Chikungunya virus
d) Yellow fever virus

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Correct Answer: a) Zika virus
Explanation: Zika fever is caused by the Zika virus, primarily transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes. Most cases of Zika fever are asymptomatic or result in mild symptoms such as fever, rash, joint pain, and conjunctivitis. However, Zika infection during pregnancy can lead to congenital Zika syndrome in the newborn, characterized by microcephaly and other neurological abnormalities.

Q18. Which virus is responsible for causing West Nile fever?
a) West Nile virus
b) Dengue virus
c) Zika virus
d) Chikungunya virus

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Correct Answer: a) West Nile virus
Explanation: West Nile fever is caused by the West Nile virus, transmitted primarily by infected mosquitoes, particularly Culex species. Most people infected with West Nile virus do not develop any symptoms, but some may experience fever, headache, body aches, joint pains, vomiting, diarrhea, or rash. In rare cases, severe illness such as West Nile encephalitis or meningitis can occur.

Q19. What virus causes norovirus infection?
a) Norovirus
b) Rotavirus
c) Hepatitis A virus
d) Coxsackievirus

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Correct Answer: a) Norovirus
Explanation: Norovirus is the virus responsible for causing norovirus infection, commonly known as the stomach flu or viral gastroenteritis. It affects the stomach and intestines, leading to symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps. Norovirus is highly contagious and spreads through contaminated food, water, or surfaces, as well as through close contact with infected individuals.

Q20. Which virus is associated with causing Lassa fever?
a) Lassa virus
b) Ebola virus
c) Marburg virus
d) Hantavirus

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Correct Answer: a) Lassa virus
Explanation: Lassa fever is caused by the Lassa virus, primarily found in West Africa. It affects multiple organs, leading to symptoms such as fever, headache, muscle aches, sore throat, cough, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Lassa fever can progress to severe hemorrhagic fever with bleeding and organ failure. The virus is transmitted to humans through contact with urine or feces of infected rodents, particularly multimammate rats, or through direct contact with bodily fluids of infected individuals.

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