MCQ on human diseases caused by Bacteria

Q1. Which bacterial species is responsible for causing tuberculosis?
a) Escherichia coli
b) Mycobacterium tuberculosis
c) Streptococcus pneumoniae
d) Salmonella typhi

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Correct Answer: b) Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Explanation: Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It primarily affects the lungs but can also affect other parts of the body. TB is transmitted through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes, releasing bacteria-containing droplets. Symptoms of TB include persistent cough, chest pain, coughing up blood, weight loss, fatigue, and fever. Without treatment, TB can be fatal, but it can be cured with antibiotics, although drug-resistant strains pose a challenge to treatment.

Q2. Which bacterial infection is commonly known as “strep throat”?
a) Escherichia coli infection
b) Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection
c) Streptococcus pyogenes infection
d) Staphylococcus aureus infection

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Correct Answer: c) Streptococcus pyogenes infection
Explanation: “Strep throat” refers to a bacterial infection caused by Streptococcus pyogenes (group A streptococcus). It affects the throat and tonsils, leading to symptoms such as sore throat, difficulty swallowing, fever, swollen lymph nodes, and sometimes white patches or streaks of pus on the tonsils. Strep throat is highly contagious and spreads through respiratory droplets from an infected person. Antibiotics are commonly prescribed to treat strep throat and prevent complications such as rheumatic fever.

Q3. Which bacterial species is responsible for causing cholera?
a) Vibrio cholerae
b) Escherichia coli
c) Salmonella typhi
d) Clostridium tetani

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Correct Answer: a) Vibrio cholerae
Explanation: Cholera is caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. It primarily affects the small intestine, leading to profuse watery diarrhea, vomiting, and dehydration. Cholera is typically transmitted through contaminated food or water, particularly in areas with poor sanitation and hygiene. In severe cases, cholera can lead to rapid dehydration and electrolyte imbalances, which can be life-threatening if not promptly treated with rehydration therapy and antibiotics.

Q4. Which bacterial infection is commonly associated with food poisoning from contaminated poultry or eggs?
a) Escherichia coli infection
b) Salmonella enterica infection
c) Campylobacter jejuni infection
d) Listeria monocytogenes infection

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Correct Answer: b) Salmonella enterica infection
Explanation: Salmonella enterica is a bacterial species commonly associated with food poisoning, particularly from contaminated poultry or eggs. Symptoms of Salmonella infection include diarrhea, abdominal cramps, fever, nausea, and vomiting. Transmission occurs through ingestion of contaminated food or water, and the bacteria can also spread from person to person. Proper food handling and cooking can help prevent Salmonella contamination.

Q5. Which bacterial species is responsible for causing Lyme disease?
a) Borrelia burgdorferi
b) Neisseria meningitidis
c) Clostridium botulinum
d) Streptococcus pneumoniae

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Correct Answer: a) Borrelia burgdorferi
Explanation: Lyme disease is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, which is transmitted to humans through the bite of infected black-legged ticks (deer ticks). Early symptoms of Lyme disease may include a characteristic “bull’s-eye” rash, fatigue, fever, headache, and muscle and joint aches. If left untreated, Lyme disease can lead to more severe symptoms affecting the joints, heart, and nervous system. Antibiotics are the primary treatment for Lyme disease.

Q6. Which bacterial infection is commonly associated with contaminated water, leading to symptoms such as severe diarrhea and abdominal cramps?
a) Vibrio cholerae infection
b) Salmonella enterica infection
c) Escherichia coli infection
d) Campylobacter jejuni infection

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Correct Answer: c) Escherichia coli infection
Explanation: Escherichia coli (E. coli) infection, particularly strains such as E. coli O157:H7, is commonly associated with contaminated water and food, especially undercooked ground beef and unpasteurized dairy products. Symptoms may include severe abdominal cramps, diarrhea (often bloody), vomiting, and fever. In severe cases, E. coli infection can lead to hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a life-threatening complication characterized by kidney failure.

Q7. Which bacterial infection is commonly transmitted through the bite of infected fleas, leading to symptoms such as fever, chills, swollen lymph nodes, and skin lesions?
a) Borrelia burgdorferi infection
b) Yersinia pestis infection
c) Francisella tularensis infection
d) Rickettsia rickettsii infection

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Correct Answer: b) Yersinia pestis infection
Explanation: Yersinia pestis is the bacterium responsible for causing plague, a serious bacterial infection transmitted through the bite of infected fleas. Plague can manifest in several forms, including bubonic plague (swollen lymph nodes), pneumonic plague (lung infection), and septicemic plague (bloodstream infection). Symptoms may include fever, chills, weakness, swollen lymph nodes (buboes), cough, and skin lesions. Prompt treatment with antibiotics is essential to prevent complications and death.

Q8. Which bacterial infection is commonly associated with contaminated water, causing symptoms such as fever, muscle aches, headache, and diarrhea?
a) Vibrio cholerae infection
b) Legionella pneumophila infection
c) Clostridium difficile infection
d) Shigella spp. infection

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Correct Answer: b) Legionella pneumophila infection
Explanation: Legionella pneumophila is the bacterium responsible for causing Legionnaires’ disease, a severe form of pneumonia. It is commonly associated with contaminated water sources, such as hot tubs, cooling towers, and air conditioning systems. Symptoms of Legionnaires’ disease include fever, cough, muscle aches, headache, shortness of breath, and in severe cases, pneumonia. Prompt antibiotic treatment is necessary for recovery.

Q9. Which bacterial infection is commonly associated with contaminated food, causing symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps?
a) Vibrio cholerae infection
b) Clostridium botulinum infection
c) Listeria monocytogenes infection
d) Bacillus cereus infection

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Correct Answer: d) Bacillus cereus infection
Explanation: Bacillus cereus is a bacterium commonly associated with food poisoning, particularly from contaminated rice and other starchy foods. Symptoms of Bacillus cereus infection typically include nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea. The illness is usually self-limiting and resolves within a few days without specific treatment. Proper food handling, storage, and cooking practices can help prevent Bacillus cereus contamination.

Q10. Which bacterial infection is commonly associated with contaminated soil or animal feces, leading to symptoms such as fever, headache, muscle aches, and flu-like symptoms?
a) Brucella spp. infection
b) Coxiella burnetii infection
c) Bacillus anthracis infection
d) Francisella tularensis infection

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Correct Answer: d) Francisella tularensis infection
Explanation: Francisella tularensis is the bacterium responsible for causing tularemia, a zoonotic bacterial infection often associated with contaminated soil or animal feces, including rabbits, rodents, and ticks. Symptoms of tularemia may vary depending on the route of exposure but commonly include fever, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, and swollen lymph nodes. In severe cases, tularemia can lead to pneumonia or systemic infection requiring antibiotic treatment.

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