MCQ on Gymnosperms and Its Types

Q21. Which gymnosperm type includes the largest and tallest trees in the world?
a) Ginkgo
b) Cycads
c) Conifers
d) Gnetophytes

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Correct Answer: c) Conifers
Explanation: Conifers include some of the largest and tallest trees in the world, such as the coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) and the giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum). These massive trees are characteristic of coniferous forests found in various regions worldwide.

Q22. The term “gymnosperm” is derived from Greek words meaning:
a) Naked seed
b) Flowering plant
c) Evergreen tree
d) Fruit-bearing

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Correct Answer: a) Naked seed
Explanation: The term “gymnosperm” is derived from the Greek words “gymnos,” meaning naked, and “sperma,” meaning seed. This reflects the characteristic feature of gymnosperms, which produce seeds that are not enclosed within a fruit.

Q23. Which gymnosperm type is known for its vine-like growth habit and includes the plant species Ephedra?
a) Ginkgo
b) Cycads
c) Conifers
d) Gnetophytes

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Correct Answer: d) Gnetophytes
Explanation: Gnetophytes, including the genus Ephedra, are gymnosperms known for their vine-like growth habit and tropical to subtropical distribution. Ephedra species have medicinal properties and are used in traditional medicine systems for various purposes.

Q24. The dominant generation in gymnosperms is the:
a) Sporophyte
b) Gametophyte
c) Embryophyte
d) Zygote

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Correct Answer: a) Sporophyte
Explanation: In the life cycle of gymnosperms, the dominant generation is the sporophyte, which is the diploid phase responsible for producing spores through meiosis. The sporophyte generation is the conspicuous, visible phase of the plant life cycle.

Q25. Which of the following is not a function of gymnosperm cones?
a) Pollen production
b) Seed dispersal
c) Seed protection
d) Water absorption

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Correct Answer: d) Water absorption
Explanation: Gymnosperm cones play essential roles in pollen production, seed development, and seed dispersal. However, they are not involved in water absorption. Gymnosperms typically absorb water through their roots, transported via their vascular system.

Q26. The oldest known living plant species is a type of:
a) Ginkgo
b) Cycad
c) Conifer
d) Gnetophyte

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Correct Answer: a) Ginkgo
Explanation: Ginkgo biloba, often referred to as a “living fossil,” is considered the oldest known living plant species. It has remained relatively unchanged for millions of years, with fossil records dating back to the Permian period.

Q27. Which gymnosperm type is known for its symbiotic relationship with nitrogen-fixing bacteria in specialized root nodules?
a) Ginkgo
b) Cycads
c) Conifers
d) Gnetophytes

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Correct Answer: b) Cycads
Explanation: Cycads form a symbiotic relationship with nitrogen-fixing bacteria (e.g., Rhizobium) in specialized root nodules. These bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that can be utilized by the plant, enhancing nitrogen availability in nutrient-poor soils.

Q28. Gymnosperms are commonly found in which type of habitats?
a) Desert
b) Aquatic
c) Arctic
d) Temperate and tropical

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Correct Answer: d) Temperate and tropical
Explanation: Gymnosperms are adapted to a wide range of habitats, including temperate and tropical regions. They are commonly found in diverse ecosystems such as coniferous forests, montane forests, and alpine habitats.

Q29. Which gymnosperm type is known for its medicinal properties and is used in traditional Chinese medicine?
a) Ginkgo
b) Cycads
c) Conifers
d) Gnetophytes

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Correct Answer: a) Ginkgo
Explanation: Ginkgo biloba has medicinal properties and is used in traditional Chinese medicine for various purposes, including improving cognitive function, enhancing circulation, and treating respiratory ailments. Extracts from ginkgo leaves are also used in dietary supplements.

Q30. Gymnosperms played a significant role in the evolution of terrestrial ecosystems primarily by:
a) Providing habitat for insects
b) Accelerating erosion processes
c) Colonizing harsh environments
d) Enhancing oceanic biodiversity

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Correct Answer: c) Colonizing harsh environments
Explanation: Gymnosperms played a significant role in the evolution of terrestrial ecosystems by colonizing harsh environments such as arid, nutrient-poor soils and cold climates. Their adaptation to these challenging conditions paved the way for the establishment of diverse plant communities and the subsequent evolution of terrestrial life.

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