MCQ on Gymnosperms and Its Types

Q11. Which of the following is a key characteristic of gymnosperms that distinguishes them from angiosperms?
a) Presence of flowers
b) Production of seeds enclosed within a fruit
c) Lack of vascular tissues
d) Presence of naked seeds

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Correct Answer: d) Presence of naked seeds
Explanation: Gymnosperms produce seeds that are not enclosed within a fruit; instead, they are exposed on the surface of cones or cone-like structures. This is a distinctive feature that sets gymnosperms apart from angiosperms.

Q12. Which gymnosperm type is known for its resin production, used in making varnishes and perfumes?
a) Ginkgo
b) Cycads
c) Conifers
d) Gnetophytes

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Correct Answer: c) Conifers
Explanation: Conifers are known for their resin production, which serves various purposes in nature and industry. The resin is commonly used in making varnishes, perfumes, adhesives, and as a protective barrier against pathogens and herbivores.

Q13. Which of the following is not a type of conifer?
a) Pine
b) Spruce
c) Palm
d) Fir

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Correct Answer: c) Palm
Explanation: Palms belong to the family Arecaceae and are not classified as conifers. Conifers are a group of gymnosperms characterized by needle-like or scale-like leaves and the production of cones.

Q14. In gymnosperms, pollen grains are produced in:
a) Ovules
b) Stigma
c) Anthers
d) Sepals

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Correct Answer: c) Anthers
Explanation: Pollen grains in gymnosperms are produced within the anthers, which are part of the male cones. These pollen grains are then released and dispersed by wind or insects to reach the female cones for pollination.

Q15. Which of the following gymnosperms is dioecious, meaning male and female reproductive structures are found on separate plants?
a) Ginkgo
b) Cycads
c) Conifers
d) Gnetophytes

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Correct Answer: b) Cycads
Explanation: Cycads exhibit dioecious reproduction, where individual plants are either male or female, with male and female reproductive structures found on separate plants. This characteristic promotes outcrossing and genetic diversity within cycad populations.

Q16. The wood of gymnosperms is characterized by:
a) Broad leaves
b) Flowers
c) Vascular bundles
d) Cones

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Correct Answer: c) Vascular bundles
Explanation: Gymnosperms have wood characterized by vascular bundles, which consist of xylem and phloem tissues responsible for water and nutrient transport. This wood is typically composed of secondary xylem and is often used in construction, furniture making, and other applications.

Q17. Which of the following is a common method of gymnosperm seed dispersal?
a) Animal ingestion and digestion
b) Wind dispersal
c) Water dispersal
d) Mechanical ejection

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Correct Answer: b) Wind dispersal
Explanation: Gymnosperm seeds are often dispersed by wind, aided by structures such as wings or hairs that help them catch the wind and travel long distances away from the parent plant. This dispersal method enhances the chances of successful germination and colonization of new areas.

Q18. The reproductive structures of gymnosperms are called:
a) Flowers
b) Fruits
c) Cones
d) Seeds

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Correct Answer: c) Cones
Explanation: Gymnosperms produce reproductive structures called cones, which contain either male or female reproductive organs. Male cones produce pollen, while female cones contain ovules that develop into seeds upon fertilization.

Q19. Which gymnosperm type is characterized by its unique, bilobed leaves and foul-smelling seeds?
a) Ginkgo
b) Cycads
c) Conifers
d) Gnetophytes

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Correct Answer: a) Ginkgo
Explanation: Ginkgo biloba is a gymnosperm species known for its distinctive bilobed leaves and foul-smelling seeds. The seeds, commonly referred to as “ginkgo nuts,” have a strong odor due to the presence of butyric acid and are considered a delicacy in some cuisines.

Q20. Gymnosperms are most closely related to which group of plants?
a) Pteridophytes
b) Angiosperms
c) Bryophytes
d) Algae

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Correct Answer: b) Angiosperms
Explanation: Gymnosperms and angiosperms are both seed-producing plants, belonging to the larger group of vascular plants (Tracheophytes). Angiosperms, or flowering plants, are the closest relatives of gymnosperms and share a common ancestor.

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