GK MCQ on Global Warming: Effects and Causes

Q1. What is the primary greenhouse gas responsible for global warming?
a) Carbon dioxide (CO2)
b) Methane (CH4)
c) Nitrous oxide (N2O)
d) Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

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Correct Answer: a) Carbon dioxide (CO2)
Explanation: Carbon dioxide is the primary greenhouse gas contributing to global warming. Human activities such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes release significant amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere. CO2 traps heat from the sun, leading to the greenhouse effect and resulting in an increase in global temperatures.

Q2. Which of the following is a major consequence of global warming?
a) Melting of polar ice caps
b) Decrease in sea levels
c) Expansion of polar ice caps
d) Reduction in extreme weather events

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Correct Answer: a) Melting of polar ice caps
Explanation: Global warming causes the polar ice caps to melt at accelerated rates. This phenomenon contributes to rising sea levels, threatens coastal communities, disrupts ecosystems, and affects wildlife dependent on polar habitats.

Q3. What is the main driver of deforestation contributing to global warming?
a) Urbanization
b) Agricultural expansion
c) Renewable energy projects
d) Marine conservation efforts

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Correct Answer: b) Agricultural expansion
Explanation: Agricultural expansion, particularly for activities like livestock grazing and crop cultivation, is a significant driver of deforestation. The clearing of forests releases carbon stored in trees into the atmosphere, exacerbating global warming.

Q4. Which human activity is the largest source of methane emissions?
a) Agriculture
b) Transportation
c) Industrial processes
d) Waste management

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Correct Answer: a) Agriculture
Explanation: Agricultural activities, such as livestock farming and rice cultivation, are the largest anthropogenic sources of methane emissions. Livestock digestive processes and the decomposition of organic matter in flooded rice paddies release methane into the atmosphere.

Q5. What role do forests play in mitigating global warming?
a) Forests absorb carbon dioxide
b) Forests emit methane
c) Forests accelerate soil erosion
d) Forests increase global temperatures

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Correct Answer: a) Forests absorb carbon dioxide
Explanation: Forests act as carbon sinks, absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through photosynthesis. Trees store carbon in their biomass and in the soil, helping to mitigate the effects of global warming by removing CO2 from the atmosphere.

Q6. Which of the following is NOT a consequence of global warming?
a) Increased frequency of heatwaves
b) Acidification of oceans
c) Expansion of polar ice caps
d) Changes in precipitation patterns

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Correct Answer: c) Expansion of polar ice caps
Explanation: Global warming leads to the melting of polar ice caps, resulting in their reduction rather than expansion. The loss of ice contributes to rising sea levels and other environmental impacts.

Q7. What is the primary cause of ocean acidification associated with global warming?
a) Release of nitrogen oxides
b) Release of sulfur dioxide
c) Increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide
d) Release of methane

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Correct Answer: c) Increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide
Explanation: The increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide leads to ocean acidification when CO2 dissolves in seawater, forming carbonic acid. This process lowers the pH of the oceans, affecting marine life and ecosystems.

Q8. Which natural event contributes to increased greenhouse gas emissions, exacerbating global warming?
a) Volcanic eruptions
b) Earthquakes
c) Tsunamis
d) Meteor impacts

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Correct Answer: a) Volcanic eruptions
Explanation: Volcanic eruptions release large amounts of gases and particles into the atmosphere, including carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and ash. While these emissions can temporarily influence climate patterns, human activities are the primary drivers of ongoing global warming trends.

Q9. What is the term for the process by which Earth’s atmosphere traps heat from the sun, leading to increased temperatures?
a) Greenhouse effect
b) Ozone depletion
c) Acid rain
d) Desertification

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Correct Answer: a) Greenhouse effect
Explanation: The greenhouse effect is the process by which certain gases in Earth’s atmosphere trap heat from the sun, preventing it from escaping into space. This phenomenon warms the planet’s surface and is essential for supporting life. However, human activities have intensified the greenhouse effect, resulting in global warming.

Q10. Which of the following is a potential consequence of global warming on biodiversity?
a) Increase in species diversity
b) Expansion of habitat ranges
c) Accelerated extinction rates
d) Decrease in invasive species

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Correct Answer: c) Accelerated extinction rates
Explanation: Global warming can lead to habitat loss, altered ecosystems, and disruptions in species’ life cycles, increasing the risk of extinction for many plants and animals. Rising temperatures and changing environmental conditions pose significant challenges to biodiversity conservation efforts.

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