MCQ on Fungi and Its Classifications

Q21. The mycorrhizal association between fungi and plant roots benefits plants by:
a) Increasing root growth
b) Reducing water absorption
c) Decreasing nutrient uptake
d) Enhancing disease resistance

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Correct Answer: d) Enhancing disease resistance
Explanation: Mycorrhizal fungi help plants resist diseases by enhancing their immune responses and nutrient uptake.

Q22. Which of the following fungi is responsible for causing athlete’s foot?
a) Trichophyton
b) Candida
c) Aspergillus
d) Cryptococcus

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Correct Answer: a) Trichophyton
Explanation: Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection caused by species of the genus Trichophyton, which affects the skin of the feet.

Q23. Fungi play a vital role in the carbon cycle by:
a) Releasing carbon dioxide through respiration
b) Fixing carbon in the soil
c) Assimilating carbon from the atmosphere
d) Decomposing organic matter

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Correct Answer: d) Decomposing organic matter
Explanation: Fungi break down dead organic material, releasing carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere and making carbon available to other organisms.

Q24. Which fungal phylum includes organisms that produce zygospores during sexual reproduction?
a) Zygomycota
b) Ascomycota
c) Basidiomycota
d) Chytridiomycota

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Correct Answer: a) Zygomycota
Explanation: Zygomycota produce zygospores, which result from the fusion of specialized hyphae during sexual reproduction.

Q25. The fungal infection known as “thrush” affects which part of the human body?
a) Skin
b) Mouth and throat
c) Nails
d) Genitals

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Correct Answer: b) Mouth and throat
Explanation: Thrush, caused by Candida species, is a fungal infection characterized by white patches on the mouth and throat mucous membranes.

Q26. Which fungal phylum includes species that form mutualistic relationships with algae or cyanobacteria?
a) Ascomycota
b) Basidiomycota
c) Zygomycota
d) Glomeromycota

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Correct Answer: d) Glomeromycota
Explanation: Glomeromycota form mutualistic relationships with algae or cyanobacteria, forming structures like mycorrhizae.

Q27. The smut and rust diseases of plants are caused by fungi belonging to which phylum?
a) Zygomycota
b) Ascomycota
c) Basidiomycota
d) Chytridiomycota

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Correct Answer: c) Basidiomycota
Explanation: Smut and rust diseases of plants are caused by Basidiomycota fungi, which infect various plant species.

Q28. Fungi are classified into different phyla based on characteristics such as:
a) Reproductive structures
b) Nutrient acquisition strategies
c) Cell wall composition
d) All of the above

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Correct Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: Fungi are classified into phyla based on various characteristics including reproductive structures, nutrient acquisition strategies, and cell wall composition.

Q29. The deadly “white nose syndrome” affecting bats is caused by which fungus?
a) Pseudogymnoascus destructans
b) Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis
c) Candida albicans
d) Aspergillus fumigatus

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Correct Answer: a) Pseudogymnoascus destructans
Explanation: White nose syndrome in bats is caused by the fungus Pseudogymnoascus destructans, which infects the skin of hibernating bats.

Q30. Fungal infections in plants can lead to devastating economic losses in crops due to:
a) Reduced photosynthesis
b) Decreased water uptake
c) Poor seed germination
d) Yield reduction and quality deterioration

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Correct Answer: d) Yield reduction and quality deterioration
Explanation: Fungal infections in plants can cause significant yield reduction and quality deterioration, leading to economic losses in agricultural crops.

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