MCQ on First in India

Q1. Which was the first atomic reactor in India?
a) Dhruva
b) Apsara
c) Kamini

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Correct Answer: b) Apsara
Explanation: Apsara, commissioned in 1956, was the first atomic reactor in India. It was built with assistance from the United Kingdom and was located at the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) in Trombay, Mumbai. Apsara was a research reactor used for various purposes, including the production of isotopes and neutron radiography. It was shut down in 2009 and later replaced by Apsara-U, an upgraded version of the reactor.

Q2. Which was the first atomic submarine of India?
a) INS Arihant
b) INS Chakra
c) INS Kalvari
d) INS Arighat

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Correct Answer: b) INS Chakra
Explanation: INS Chakra, commissioned in 1988, was the first atomic submarine of India. It was a Soviet-built Charlie-I class nuclear-powered attack submarine leased to India for a period of three years. The submarine was used for training and familiarization purposes, allowing the Indian Navy to gain experience in operating nuclear-powered submarines. India later leased another nuclear-powered submarine, INS Chakra II, from Russia in 2012.

Q3. Which was the first submarine of India?
a) INS Kalvari
b) INS Khanderi
c) INS Karanj
d) INS Vela

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Correct Answer: a) INS Kalvari
Explanation: INS Kalvari was the first submarine of India, commissioned in 1967. It was a Foxtrot-class diesel-electric submarine built by the Soviet Union. The submarine served the Indian Navy for nearly three decades before being decommissioned in 1996. In 2017, a new submarine named INS Kalvari was commissioned as part of the Indian Navy’s Project 75, which aims to build six Scorpene-class submarines.

Q4. Which was the first indigenous aircraft carrier of India?
a) INS Vikramaditya
b) INS Viraat
c) INS Vikrant
d) INS Vishal

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Correct Answer: c) INS Vikrant
Explanation: INS Vikrant is the first indigenous aircraft carrier of India. It is being built by Cochin Shipyard Limited in Kochi, Kerala. The construction of the ship began in 2009, and it is expected to be commissioned in the Indian Navy by 2023. INS Vikrant is designed to carry a mix of fighter aircraft, helicopters, and other assets, enhancing India’s maritime capabilities and projecting power in the Indian Ocean region.

Q5. Which was the first intermediate-range ballistic missile of India?
a) Agni
b) Prithvi
c) Akash
d) Nag

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Correct Answer: a) Agni
Explanation: Agni, developed under the Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme (IGMDP), was the first intermediate-range ballistic missile of India. It was successfully test-fired in 1989. Agni has a range of approximately 2,500 km and is capable of carrying nuclear warheads. The missile is part of India’s strategic deterrence, providing a credible second-strike capability and ensuring a balance of power in the region.

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