MCQ on Computer Viruses and Security – Computer GK

Useful and informative MCQ on Computer Viruses and Security – Computer GK that include topics like Threats to Computer Security – Computer Viruses, Worms, Trojan Horses, Spyware, Adware, Spamming, PC Intrusion, Eavesdropping, Phishing and Pharming, Solution to Computer Security Threats, etc.

These MCQ on Computer Viruses and Security – Computer GK are very helpful for competitive exams such as CPCT, GATE, IES/ESE, IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, SBI PO, SBI Clerk, RBI, SEBI, LIC, NICL, BCA, B.Sc. IT, DCA, SSC, RRB, NIELIT CCC, CTET, UDC NET, CUET, MCA, PGDCA, MCS, TET, State Police, BPO, etc.

These MCQ on Computer Viruses and Security – Computer GK have correct answers and brief explanations of each question for better understanding.

Q11. What is a polymorphic virus?
a) A virus that changes its code to avoid detection
b) A virus that infects macro-enabled documents
c) A virus that spreads through email attachments
d) A virus that targets specific operating systems

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Correct Answer: a) A virus that changes its code to avoid detection
Explanation: A polymorphic virus is a type of computer virus that changes its code to avoid detection by antivirus software. By altering its code each time it infects a new file or system, a polymorphic virus can make it more difficult for antivirus programs to identify and remove it. This ability to mutate and evade detection makes polymorphic viruses particularly challenging to defend against.

Q12. What is a boot sector virus?
a) A virus that infects the boot sector of a computer’s hard drive
b) A virus that targets specific operating systems
c) A virus that spreads through email attachments
d) A virus that changes its code to avoid detection

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Correct Answer: a) A virus that infects the boot sector of a computer’s hard drive
Explanation: A boot sector virus is a type of computer virus that infects the boot sector of a computer’s hard drive. The boot sector is a critical part of the hard drive that contains the code needed to start the operating system. By infecting the boot sector, a boot sector virus can interfere with the normal boot process and potentially cause serious damage to the system. Boot sector viruses typically spread through infected removable media, such as USB drives or floppy disks.

Q13. What is a keylogger?
a) A type of malware that records a user’s keystrokes
b) A type of firewall that monitors network traffic
c) A type of antivirus software
d) A type of computer virus that spreads through email attachments

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Correct Answer: a) A type of malware that records a user’s keystrokes
Explanation: A keylogger is a type of malware that records a user’s keystrokes, often without their knowledge or consent. Keyloggers can be used by attackers to capture sensitive information, such as usernames, passwords, or credit card numbers, as the user types them on their keyboard. Keyloggers can be installed on a computer through various means, including as part of a Trojan Horse or through other malware infections.

Q14. What is pharming?
a) A technique used by attackers to redirect users to fake websites
b) A type of computer virus that spreads through email attachments
c) A type of malware that collects information about a user’s browsing habits
d) A method used by hackers to gain unauthorized access to a computer

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Correct Answer: a) A technique used by attackers to redirect users to fake websites
Explanation: Pharming is a technique used by attackers to redirect users to fake websites, often with the goal of stealing sensitive information or distributing malware. Pharming attacks typically involve manipulating the Domain Name System (DNS) or modifying a user’s computer settings to redirect them to a fraudulent website when they attempt to visit a legitimate site. Users can protect themselves from pharming attacks by using security software that can detect and block such attempts, and by being cautious when entering personal information online.

Q15. What is ransomware?
a) A type of malware that encrypts a user’s files and demands payment for their release
b) A type of computer virus that spreads through email attachments
c) A type of firewall that blocks access to certain websites
d) A type of malware that records a user’s keystrokes

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Correct Answer: a) A type of malware that encrypts a user’s files and demands payment for their release
Explanation: Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts a user’s files and demands payment, usually in the form of cryptocurrency, for their release. Ransomware attacks can be highly disruptive and costly, as victims may lose access to important files and data if they are unable or unwilling to pay the ransom. To protect against ransomware, users should maintain regular backups of their files, use security software that can detect and block ransomware, and be cautious when opening email attachments or clicking on links.

Q16. What is a zero-day vulnerability?
a) A security flaw that is unknown to the software vendor
b) A type of computer virus that spreads through email attachments
c) A type of malware that records a user’s keystrokes
d) A type of firewall that blocks access to certain websites

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Correct Answer: a) A security flaw that is unknown to the software vendor
Explanation: A zero-day vulnerability is a security flaw in software or hardware that is unknown to the vendor and has not yet been patched or addressed. Attackers can exploit zero-day vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access to systems, steal sensitive information, or distribute malware. To protect against zero-day attacks, users should keep their software and operating systems up to date, use security software that can detect and block unknown threats, and follow best practices for securing their systems.

Q17. What is a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack?
a) An attack that overwhelms a website or server with traffic from multiple sources
b) A type of computer virus that spreads through email attachments
c) A type of malware that records a user’s keystrokes
d) A technique used by attackers to redirect users to fake websites

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Correct Answer: a) An attack that overwhelms a website or server with traffic from multiple sources
Explanation: A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is a type of cyberattack that overwhelms a website or server with traffic from multiple sources, rendering it unable to respond to legitimate requests. DDoS attacks can cause significant disruption and financial loss for the targeted organization, as well as inconvenience for users who are unable to access the affected services. To defend against DDoS attacks, organizations can use various security measures, such as traffic filtering, rate limiting, and deploying specialized hardware or software solutions.

Q18. What is a logic bomb?
a) A type of malware that is triggered by a specific event or condition
b) A type of computer virus that spreads through email attachments
c) A type of firewall that blocks access to certain websites
d) A type of malware that records a user’s keystrokes

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Correct Answer: a) A type of malware that is triggered by a specific event or condition
Explanation: A logic bomb is a type of malware that is triggered by a specific event or condition, such as a certain date, time, or user action. Once the triggering condition is met, the logic bomb executes its malicious payload, which can include deleting files, corrupting data, or causing other types of damage to the system. Logic bombs can be difficult to detect and prevent, as they often lie dormant until the triggering condition is met.

Q19. What is a honeypot?
a) A decoy system used to attract and monitor attackers
b) A type of computer virus that spreads through email attachments
c) A type of firewall that blocks access to certain websites
d) A type of malware that records a user’s keystrokes

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Correct Answer: a) A decoy system used to attract and monitor attackers
Explanation: A honeypot is a decoy system used to attract and monitor attackers, typically for the purpose of gathering information about their techniques, tools, and motives. Honeypots can be set up as vulnerable computers, networks, or applications that appear to be legitimate targets for attackers. By observing the actions of attackers who interact with the honeypot, security professionals can gain valuable insights that can help them improve their defenses and better protect their systems from real attacks.

Q20. What is a rootkit?
a) A type of malware that hides its presence on a system
b) A type of computer virus that spreads through email attachments
c) A type of firewall that blocks access to certain websites
d) A type of malware that records a user’s keystrokes

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Correct Answer: a) A type of malware that hides its presence on a system
Explanation: A rootkit is a type of malware that hides its presence on a system, often by modifying system files or processes to avoid detection by security software. Rootkits can be particularly difficult to detect and remove, as they often have the ability to manipulate the system in such a way that they appear to be legitimate components. Rootkits can be used by attackers to maintain persistent access to a compromised system, steal sensitive information, or carry out other malicious activities.

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