MCQ on Computer Software – Computer GK

Useful and informative MCQ on Computer Software – Computer GK that includes topics like Software, Types of Software – System Software and Application Software, Logical System Architecture, Firmware, Middleware, Acquiring Software, SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle), Software Engineering, etc.

These MCQ on Computer Software – Computer GK are very helpful for competitive exams such as CPCT, GATE, IES/ESE, IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, SBI PO, SBI Clerk, RBI, SEBI, LIC, NICL, BCA, B.Sc. IT, DCA, SSC, RRB, NIELIT CCC, CTET, UDC NET, CUET, MCA, PGDCA, MCS, TET, State Police, BPO, etc.

These MCQ on Computer Software – Computer GK have correct answers and brief explanations of each question for better understanding.

MCQ on Computer Software

Q1. What is the primary function of computer software?
a) To provide physical components for data processing
b) To store data and information
c) To provide a set of instructions for the computer hardware to perform tasks
d) To convert electrical signals into human-readable output

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Correct Answer: c) To provide a set of instructions for the computer hardware to perform tasks
Explanation: Computer software is a collection of programs, data, and instructions that provide a set of instructions for the computer hardware to perform tasks. Software enables the hardware to process data, perform calculations, and execute various operations based on the instructions provided.

Q2. Which of the following best describes the relationship between hardware and software?
a) Hardware and software are independent of each other
b) Hardware can function without software
c) Software can function without hardware
d) Hardware and software work together to perform computing tasks

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Correct Answer: d) Hardware and software work together to perform computing tasks
Explanation: The relationship between hardware and software is interdependent, as they work together to perform computing tasks. Hardware provides the physical components necessary for data processing, while software provides the instructions that enable the hardware to perform specific tasks.

Q3. Which of the following is a type of system software?
a) Operating system
b) Word processor
c) Spreadsheet application
d) Web browser

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Correct Answer: a) Operating system
Explanation: An operating system is a type of system software that manages computer hardware and software resources, providing a stable and consistent environment for other software to run. System software also includes device drivers, utilities, and other programs that support the operation of a computer system.

Q4. Which of the following is a type of application software?
a) Operating system
b) Device driver
c) Word processor
d) File system

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Correct Answer: c) Word processor
Explanation: A word processor is a type of application software that allows users to create, edit, and format text documents. Application software is designed to perform specific tasks or applications, such as word processing, spreadsheet management, or graphic design.

Q5. What is the primary function of an operating system?
a) To create and edit text documents
b) To manage computer hardware and software resources
c) To perform calculations and data analysis
d) To display graphical output

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Correct Answer: b) To manage computer hardware and software resources
Explanation: The primary function of an operating system is to manage computer hardware and software resources, providing a stable and consistent environment for other software to run. Operating systems handle tasks such as memory management, process scheduling, and file system management, ensuring that the computer system operates efficiently and effectively.

Q6. Which of the following is a component of a logical system architecture?
a) Central Processing Unit (CPU)
b) Input/output devices
c) Data storage devices
d) Software layers

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Correct Answer: d) Software layers
Explanation: A logical system architecture is a conceptual model that describes the organization of software components within a computer system. It includes software layers, such as the operating system, middleware, and application software, which work together to perform computing tasks.

Q7. What is the primary function of middleware in a logical system architecture?
a) To manage computer hardware resources
b) To facilitate communication between different software components
c) To perform specific tasks or applications
d) To store data and information

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Correct Answer: b) To facilitate communication between different software components
Explanation: Middleware is a type of software that facilitates communication between different software components in a logical system architecture. It acts as a bridge between the operating system and application software, enabling them to work together and share data.

Q8. Which of the following is an example of application software?
a) Microsoft Windows
b) Linux
c) Microsoft Word
d) Device driver

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Correct Answer: c) Microsoft Word
Explanation: Microsoft Word is an example of application software, specifically a word processor. Application software is designed to perform specific tasks or applications, such as word processing, spreadsheet management, or graphic design.

Q9. Which of the following is an example of system software?
a) Adobe Photoshop
b) Microsoft Excel
c) Google Chrome
d) macOS

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Correct Answer: d) macOS
Explanation: macOS is an example of system software, specifically an operating system. System software includes operating systems, device drivers, utilities, and other programs that support the operation of a computer system.

Q10. What is the primary difference between system software and application software?
a) System software manages computer hardware resources, while application software performs specific tasks
b) System software performs specific tasks, while application software manages computer hardware resources
c) System software is installed by the user, while application software is pre-installed on the computer
d) System software is platform-independent, while application software is platform-dependent

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Correct Answer: a) System software manages computer hardware resources, while application software performs specific tasks
Explanation: The primary difference between system software and application software is their function. System software manages computer hardware resources and provides a stable environment for other software to run, while application software is designed to perform specific tasks or applications, such as word processing or graphic design.

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