MCQ on Classification of Organism

Q1. Which of the following taxonomic ranks is the broadest category?
a) Species
b) Genus
c) Family
d) Kingdom

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Correct Answer: d) Kingdom
Explanation: Kingdom is the broadest taxonomic rank, encompassing a wide range of organisms sharing fundamental characteristics.

Q2. The system of classification based on shared derived characteristics is known as:
a) Phenetics
b) Cladistics
c) Taxometrics
d) Typology

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Correct Answer: b) Cladistics
Explanation: Cladistics focuses on grouping organisms based on shared derived characteristics, emphasizing evolutionary relationships.

Q3. Who introduced the binomial nomenclature system?
a) Charles Darwin
b) Carl Linnaeus
c) Gregor Mendel
d) Louis Pasteur

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Correct Answer: b) Carl Linnaeus
Explanation: Carl Linnaeus introduced binomial nomenclature, which assigns each species a two-part scientific name.

Q4. Which taxonomic rank is below class and above order?
a) Phylum
b) Family
c) Kingdom
d) Genus

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Correct Answer: a) Phylum
Explanation: Phylum is a taxonomic rank below class and above order, typically grouping organisms with similar body plans.

Q5. The taxonomic group containing organisms that share a common ancestor and all its descendants is called:
a) Clade
b) Taxon
c) Phylum
d) Division

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Correct Answer: a) Clade
Explanation: A clade is a group of organisms that includes an ancestor and all of its descendants, representing a single branch on the evolutionary tree.

Q6. The study of evolutionary relationships among organisms is called:
a) Ecology
b) Taxonomy
c) Phylogenetics
d) Ontogeny

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Correct Answer: c) Phylogenetics
Explanation: Phylogenetics focuses on understanding the evolutionary relationships and genetic connections among different organisms.

Q7. Which taxonomic rank is broader than phylum?
a) Order
b) Kingdom
c) Class
d) Family

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Correct Answer: b) Kingdom
Explanation: Kingdom is broader than phylum and encompasses a wider range of organisms sharing basic characteristics.

Q8. An organism’s scientific name consists of which two taxonomic ranks?
a) Genus and Family
b) Phylum and Class
c) Species and Genus
d) Order and Kingdom

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Correct Answer: c) Species and Genus
Explanation: An organism’s scientific name comprises its genus and species, following binomial nomenclature.

Q9. The science of classification of organisms is known as:
a) Ontology
b) Mycology
c) Taxonomy
d) Morphology

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Correct Answer: c) Taxonomy
Explanation: Taxonomy is the science of classifying and naming organisms based on shared characteristics.

Q10. Which taxonomic rank is directly below genus?
a) Phylum
b) Class
c) Order
d) Species

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Correct Answer: d) Species
Explanation: Species is the taxonomic rank directly below genus, representing a group of organisms with similar characteristics.

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