MCQ on Classification of Five Kingdom

Q11. Which kingdom encompasses organisms capable of photosynthesis using chlorophyll?
a) Animalia
b) Fungi
c) Plantae
d) Protista

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Correct Answer: c) Plantae
Explanation: Kingdom Plantae includes organisms capable of photosynthesis using chlorophyll, such as plants, algae, and some protists.

Q12. The kingdom primarily characterized by organisms with cell walls made of chitin is:
a) Plantae
b) Fungi
c) Animalia
d) Protista

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Correct Answer: b) Fungi
Explanation: Kingdom Fungi is primarily characterized by organisms with cell walls made of chitin, providing structural support.

Q13. Which kingdom includes organisms with diverse nutritional modes, including parasitic, symbiotic, and free-living?
a) Animalia
b) Fungi
c) Plantae
d) Protista

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Correct Answer: b) Fungi
Explanation: Kingdom Fungi exhibits diverse nutritional modes, including parasitic, symbiotic, and free-living lifestyles.

Q14. The kingdom characterized by organisms with both unicellular and multicellular forms is:
a) Animalia
b) Fungi
c) Plantae
d) Protista

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Correct Answer: d) Protista
Explanation: Kingdom Protista includes organisms with unicellular and multicellular forms, exhibiting various nutritional modes.

Q15. Which kingdom primarily consists of multicellular organisms with specialized tissues for conducting water and nutrients?
a) Animalia
b) Fungi
c) Plantae
d) Protista

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Correct Answer: c) Plantae
Explanation: Kingdom Plantae primarily consists of multicellular organisms with specialized tissues for conducting water and nutrients, such as xylem and phloem.

Q16. The kingdom characterized by organisms with diverse forms, including amoeboid, ciliate, and flagellated, is:
a) Animalia
b) Fungi
c) Plantae
d) Protista

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Correct Answer: d) Protista
Explanation: Kingdom Protista exhibits diverse forms, including amoeboid, ciliate, and flagellated, among its unicellular and multicellular members.

Q17. Which kingdom encompasses organisms capable of locomotion using structures like pseudopodia, cilia, or flagella?
a) Animalia
b) Fungi
c) Plantae
d) Protista

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Correct Answer: d) Protista
Explanation: Kingdom Protista includes organisms capable of locomotion using structures like pseudopodia, cilia, or flagella.

Q18. The kingdom characterized by organisms exhibiting diverse ecological roles, including decomposition and nutrient cycling, is:
a) Animalia
b) Fungi
c) Plantae
d) Protista

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Correct Answer: b) Fungi
Explanation: Kingdom Fungi plays diverse ecological roles, including decomposition, nutrient cycling, and symbiotic relationships.

Q19. Which kingdom includes organisms capable of forming mutualistic associations with other organisms, such as mycorrhizae?
a) Plantae
b) Fungi
c) Animalia
d) Protista

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Correct Answer: b) Fungi
Explanation: Kingdom Fungi includes organisms capable of forming mutualistic associations, such as mycorrhizal fungi aiding plant roots in nutrient uptake.

Q20. The kingdom primarily characterized by organisms exhibiting radial or bilateral symmetry is:
a) Animalia
b) Fungi
c) Plantae
d) Protista

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Correct Answer: a) Animalia
Explanation: Kingdom Animalia is primarily characterized by organisms exhibiting radial or bilateral symmetry, along with specialized tissues and organs.

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