GK MCQ on Chemical Reactions

Q1. What type of chemical reaction involves the combination of two or more substances to form a single, more complex compound?
a) Decomposition reaction
b) Synthesis reaction
c) Single displacement reaction
d) Double displacement reaction

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Correct Answer: b) Synthesis reaction
Explanation: In a synthesis reaction, also known as a combination reaction, two or more reactants combine to form a single product. The general form of a synthesis reaction is A + B → AB, where A and B represent the reactants, and AB represents the product. Synthesis reactions are common in both organic and inorganic chemistry and play a crucial role in the formation of various compounds. They can occur with or without the assistance of a catalyst and often release energy in the form of heat or light.

Q2. Which type of chemical reaction involves the breakdown of a single compound into two or more simpler substances?
a) Decomposition reaction
b) Synthesis reaction
c) Single displacement reaction
d) Double displacement reaction

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Correct Answer: a) Decomposition reaction
Explanation: A decomposition reaction is a type of chemical reaction in which a single compound breaks down into two or more simpler substances. The general form of a decomposition reaction is AB → A + B, where AB represents the reactant compound, and A and B represent the products. Decomposition reactions are common in various chemical processes, including thermal decomposition, electrolysis, and biochemical reactions. They often require an input of energy, such as heat or light, to initiate the breakdown of the reactant compound into its constituent elements or simpler compounds.

Q3. Which type of chemical reaction involves the exchange of ions between two compounds, resulting in the formation of two new compounds?
a) Decomposition reaction
b) Synthesis reaction
c) Single displacement reaction
d) Double displacement reaction

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Correct Answer: d) Double displacement reaction
Explanation: In a double displacement reaction, also known as a metathesis reaction, ions from two compounds exchange places, resulting in the formation of two new compounds. The general form of a double displacement reaction is AB + CD → AD + CB, where A, B, C, and D represent ions or groups of ions. Double displacement reactions often occur in aqueous solutions and are characterized by the formation of a precipitate, gas, or water as one of the products. They are commonly observed in precipitation reactions, acid-base neutralization reactions, and salt formation reactions.

Q4. What type of chemical reaction occurs when one element displaces another element from a compound, resulting in the formation of a new compound and a free element?
a) Decomposition reaction
b) Synthesis reaction
c) Single displacement reaction
d) Double displacement reaction

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Correct Answer: c) Single displacement reaction
Explanation: In a single displacement reaction, also known as a substitution reaction, one element replaces another element in a compound, resulting in the formation of a new compound and a free element. The general form of a single displacement reaction is A + BC → AC + B, where A represents the displacing element, B represents the free element, and C represents the compound. Single displacement reactions are common in redox reactions and occur when a more reactive element displaces a less reactive element from a compound.

Q5. Which type of chemical reaction involves the transfer of electrons between reactants, resulting in the oxidation and reduction of substances?
a) Decomposition reaction
b) Synthesis reaction
c) Single displacement reaction
d) Redox reaction

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Correct Answer: d) Redox reaction
Explanation: A redox reaction, also known as an oxidation-reduction reaction, involves the transfer of electrons between reactants. It consists of two half-reactions: oxidation (loss of electrons) and reduction (gain of electrons). Redox reactions are essential in various chemical processes, including combustion, corrosion, metabolism, and electrochemical reactions. They play crucial roles in energy production, chemical synthesis, and environmental processes. Redox reactions are characterized by changes in oxidation states and the transfer of electrons from reducing agents to oxidizing agents.

Q6. Which type of chemical reaction releases energy in the form of light or heat?
a) Exothermic reaction
b) Endothermic reaction
c) Synthesis reaction
d) Decomposition reaction

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Correct Answer: a) Exothermic reaction
Explanation: An exothermic reaction is a chemical reaction that releases energy in the form of heat or light. During an exothermic reaction, the products have lower energy than the reactants, and the difference in energy is released as heat or light. Examples of exothermic reactions include combustion, neutralization reactions, and many types of chemical reactions used in everyday life. Exothermic reactions are thermodynamically favorable and often spontaneous under suitable conditions.

Q7. What type of chemical reaction absorbs energy from its surroundings?
a) Exothermic reaction
b) Endothermic reaction
c) Synthesis reaction
d) Decomposition reaction

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Correct Answer: b) Endothermic reaction
Explanation: An endothermic reaction is a chemical reaction that absorbs energy from its surroundings in the form of heat or light. During an endothermic reaction, the products have higher energy than the reactants, and energy is absorbed from the surroundings to drive the reaction forward. Endothermic reactions often require an external heat source or activation energy to initiate the reaction. Examples of endothermic reactions include photosynthesis, melting of ice, and the evaporation of liquids. Endothermic reactions play important roles in various processes, such as cooking, chemical manufacturing, and cooling systems.

Q8. Which type of chemical reaction involves the exchange of heat with the surroundings?
a) Exothermic reaction
b) Endothermic reaction
c) Synthesis reaction
d) Decomposition reaction

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Correct Answer: Explanatory
Explanation: Both exothermic and endothermic reactions involve the exchange of heat with the surroundings, but they differ in the direction of energy transfer. In an exothermic reaction, heat is released from the system to the surroundings, resulting in a decrease in the system’s internal energy. Conversely, in an endothermic reaction, heat is absorbed from the surroundings into the system, leading to an increase in the system’s internal energy. The distinction between exothermic and endothermic reactions lies in the net direction of energy flow relative to the system and the surroundings.

Q9. What type of chemical reaction involves the breaking down of a compound by the application of heat?
a) Combustion reaction
b) Synthesis reaction
c) Decomposition reaction
d) Double displacement reaction

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Correct Answer: c) Decomposition reaction
Explanation: A decomposition reaction is a chemical reaction in which a compound breaks down into two or more simpler substances. This process can be facilitated by various factors, including the application of heat. When heat is applied to a compound, it can overcome the activation energy barrier required to break the chemical bonds within the compound, leading to its decomposition into simpler products. Decomposition reactions play crucial roles in numerous natural and synthetic processes, including thermal decomposition, electrolysis, and decomposition of organic compounds during combustion.

Q10. What type of chemical reaction involves the rapid combination of a fuel with oxygen, often producing heat and light?
a) Synthesis reaction
b) Decomposition reaction
c) Combustion reaction
d) Single displacement reaction

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Correct Answer: c) Combustion reaction
Explanation: A combustion reaction is a chemical reaction in which a fuel rapidly combines with oxygen from the atmosphere, typically producing heat and light as exothermic byproducts. Combustion reactions are essential for various processes, including burning of fossil fuels for energy production, combustion engines in vehicles, and combustion of organic matter for heating and cooking. The general equation for a combustion reaction is fuel + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water + energy. The heat released during combustion reactions is often utilized for heating, power generation, and industrial processes.

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