MCQ on Bryophytes and their types

Q1. What is a defining characteristic of Bryophytes?
a) Presence of vascular tissue
b) Reproduction through seeds
c) Dominant sporophyte generation
d) Lack of true roots, stems, and leaves

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Correct Answer: d) Lack of true roots, stems, and leaves
Explanation: Bryophytes, including mosses and liverworts, lack true vascular tissues and organs like roots, stems, and leaves. Instead, they possess simple structures for anchorage and absorption.

Q2. Which of the following Bryophyte types reproduces through spores?
a) Liverworts
b) Hornworts
c) Mosses
d) Both a and b

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Correct Answer: d) Both a and b
Explanation: Both liverworts and hornworts reproduce via spores, making them part of the Bryophyte group, which lacks seeds and vascular tissues.

Q3. Which Bryophyte type is characterized by its thalloid body plan?
a) Liverworts
b) Mosses
c) Hornworts
d) All of the above

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Correct Answer: a) Liverworts
Explanation: Liverworts have a thalloid body plan, which means they lack true stems, leaves, or roots, and instead have a flat, ribbon-like or lobed structure.

Q4. Which Bryophyte type possesses a single, large chloroplast per cell?
a) Liverworts
b) Mosses
c) Hornworts
d) All of the above

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Correct Answer: c) Hornworts
Explanation: Hornworts possess a single, large chloroplast per cell, which is a distinguishing feature within the Bryophyte group.

Q5. Which of the following Bryophyte types typically grows in dense mats in damp habitats?
a) Liverworts
b) Mosses
c) Hornworts
d) All of the above

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Correct Answer: b) Mosses
Explanation: Mosses are commonly found in dense mats in damp habitats due to their ability to absorb and retain water, an adaptation to their environment.

Q6. Which Bryophyte type is known for its sporophyte structure resembling a miniature umbrella?
a) Liverworts
b) Mosses
c) Hornworts
d) All of the above

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Correct Answer: b) Mosses
Explanation: Mosses have sporophytes that resemble miniature umbrellas, consisting of a sporangium supported by a seta (stalk).

Q7. Which Bryophyte type is characterized by its elongated, horn-like sporophyte?
a) Liverworts
b) Mosses
c) Hornworts
d) All of the above

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Correct Answer: c) Hornworts
Explanation: Hornworts have elongated, horn-like sporophytes emerging from the gametophyte thallus, giving them their name.

Q8. Which Bryophyte type exhibits a dominant gametophyte generation?
a) Liverworts
b) Mosses
c) Hornworts
d) All of the above

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Correct Answer: d
Explanation: Bryophytes, including liverworts, mosses, and hornworts, exhibit a dominant gametophyte generation in their life cycle. This gametophyte stage is the predominant phase of their life cycle, where sexual reproduction occurs.

Q9. Bryophytes are commonly found in which type of habitat?
a) Arid deserts
b) Deep ocean
c) Damp and shady areas
d) Volcanic mountains

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Correct Answer: c) Damp and shady areas
Explanation: Bryophytes thrive in damp and shady environments where moisture is readily available, aiding in their reproductive processes and overall survival.

Q10. What is the primary mode of nutrition in Bryophytes?
a) Photosynthesis
b) Absorption from the soil
c) Parasitism
d) Predation

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Correct Answer: a) Photosynthesis
Explanation: Bryophytes primarily obtain nutrients through photosynthesis, utilizing sunlight to produce energy and synthesize organic compounds essential for their growth and survival.

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