MCQ on Biology Terminology

Q41. What process involves the conversion of carbohydrates into alcohol or organic acids using microorganisms such as yeast or bacteria?
a) Fermentation
b) Genetics
c) Growth
d) Genetic engineering

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Correct Answer: a) Fermentation
Explanation: Fermentation is a metabolic process that converts carbohydrates, such as sugars, into alcohol or organic acids using microorganisms like yeast or bacteria, often used in food production (e.g., brewing, winemaking) and biofuel production.

Q42. Which branch of biology focuses on the study of heredity and variation in living organisms?
a) Fermentation
b) Genetics
c) Growth
d) Gynecology

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Correct Answer: b) Genetics
Explanation: Genetics is the branch of biology that studies heredity and variation in living organisms, including the transmission of traits from one generation to the next and the molecular mechanisms underlying inheritance.

Q43. What term refers to an increase in the size or mass of an organism or a part thereof?
a) Fermentation
b) Genetics
c) Growth
d) Genetic engineering

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Correct Answer: c) Growth
Explanation: Growth is the process of increasing in size or mass, typically involving cell division and expansion, occurring in organisms throughout their life cycles.

Q44. What field of study involves the manipulation of an organism’s genes to produce desired traits?
a) Fermentation
b) Genetics
c) Growth
d) Genetic engineering

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Correct Answer: d) Genetic engineering
Explanation: Genetic engineering involves the manipulation of an organism’s genes, either by removing, modifying, or inserting DNA sequences, to produce desired traits or outcomes, with applications in agriculture, medicine, and industry.

Q45. Which medical specialty focuses on the health of the female reproductive system?
a) Gynecology
b) Gerontology
c) Gastroenterology
d) Genetics

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Correct Answer: a) Gynecology
Explanation: Gynecology is the medical specialty that focuses on the health of the female reproductive system, including the diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the uterus, ovaries, and breasts.

Q46. What field of study involves the scientific study of aging and the elderly?
a) Gynecology
b) Gerontology
c) Gastroenterology
d) Genetics

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Correct Answer: b) Gerontology
Explanation: Gerontology is the interdisciplinary study of aging and the elderly, encompassing biological, psychological, and social aspects of aging and its implications for health and well-being.

Q47. Which medical specialty focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the digestive system?
a) Gynecology
b) Gerontology
c) Gastroenterology
d) Genetics

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Correct Answer: c) Gastroenterology
Explanation: Gastroenterology is the medical specialty that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the digestive system, including the stomach, intestines, liver, and pancreas.

Q48. What term describes a solution with a higher concentration of solutes compared to another solution?
a) Hypertonic
b) Hypotonic
c) Homeothermic
d) Histology

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Correct Answer: a) Hypertonic
Explanation: A hypertonic solution has a higher concentration of solutes compared to another solution, leading to water moving out of cells by osmosis, causing them to shrink or undergo crenation.

Q49. What term describes a solution with a lower concentration of solutes compared to another solution?
a) Hypertonic
b) Hypotonic
c) Homeothermic
d) Histology

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Correct Answer: b) Hypotonic
Explanation: A hypotonic solution has a lower concentration of solutes compared to another solution, causing water to move into cells by osmosis, potentially leading to cell swelling or bursting.

Q50. Which term refers to organisms capable of maintaining a constant body temperature regardless of external conditions?
a) Hypertonic
b) Hypotonic
c) Homeothermic
d) Histology

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Correct Answer: c) Homeothermic
Explanation: Homeothermic organisms can regulate their body temperature internally, maintaining a relatively constant temperature regardless of external environmental conditions, allowing for stable metabolic processes and physiological functions.

Q51. What field of study involves the microscopic examination of tissues and cells?
a) Histology
b) Hygiene
c) Hydroponics
d) Haematology

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Correct Answer: a) Histology
Explanation: Histology is the branch of biology that involves the microscopic examination of tissues and cells to study their structure, composition, and function, aiding in the diagnosis of diseases and understanding of physiological processes.

Q52. Which term refers to practices aimed at maintaining cleanliness and preventing disease?
a) Histology
b) Hygiene
c) Hydroponics
d) Haematology

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Correct Answer: b) Hygiene
Explanation: Hygiene encompasses practices aimed at maintaining cleanliness and preventing disease transmission, including personal hygiene, environmental sanitation, and infection control measures.

Q53. What method of plant cultivation involves growing plants in a nutrient-rich solution without soil?
a) Histology
b) Hygiene
c) Hydroponics
d) Haematology

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Correct Answer: c) Hydroponics
Explanation: Hydroponics is a method of plant cultivation that involves growing plants in a nutrient-rich solution without soil, providing plants with optimal conditions for growth and minimizing water usage and space requirements.

Q54. Which medical specialty focuses on the study and treatment of blood disorders?
a) Histology
b) Hygiene
c) Haematology
d) Hepatology

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Correct Answer: c) Haematology
Explanation: Haematology is the medical specialty that focuses on the study and treatment of blood disorders, including diseases of the blood cells, bone marrow, and coagulation system.

Q55. What branch of medicine focuses on the study and treatment of liver diseases?
a) Histology
b) Hygiene
c) Haematology
d) Hepatology

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Correct Answer: d) Hepatology
Explanation: Hepatology is the branch of medicine that focuses on the study and treatment of liver diseases, including hepatitis, cirrhosis, and liver cancer, addressing both acute and chronic conditions.

Q56. Which branch of zoology involves the study of fishes?
a) Ichthyology
b) Immunology
c) Kalology
d) Metazoans

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Correct Answer: a) Ichthyology
Explanation: Ichthyology is the branch of zoology that involves the study of fishes, encompassing their classification, anatomy, physiology, behavior, and ecology.

Q57. What field of study focuses on the immune system and immune responses?
a) Ichthyology
b) Immunology
c) Kalology
d) Metazoans

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Correct Answer: b) Immunology
Explanation: Immunology is the branch of biology that focuses on the immune system and immune responses, including the body’s defense mechanisms against pathogens, allergens, and foreign substances.

Q58. Which term refers to the study of beauty and aesthetics?
a) Ichthyology
b) Immunology
c) Kalology
d) Metazoans

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Correct Answer: c) Kalology
Explanation: Kalology is the study of beauty and aesthetics, including the perception, appreciation, and cultural significance of beauty in art, nature, and human appearance.

Q59. What term refers to multicellular animals with specialized tissues and organs?
a) Ichthyology
b) Immunology
c) Kalology
d) Metazoans

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Correct Answer: d) Metazoans
Explanation: Metazoans are multicellular animals characterized by the presence of specialized tissues and organs, differentiating them from single-celled organisms and simpler multicellular organisms like sponges.

Q60. Which term describes organisms with both male and female reproductive organs?
a) Monoecious
b) Metazoans
c) Kalology
d) Immunology

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Correct Answer: a) Monoecious
Explanation: Monoecious organisms have both male and female reproductive organs within the same individual, allowing for self-fertilization or cross-fertilization, common in many plant species and some animal groups.

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