MCQ on Biology Terminology

Q31. What field of study involves the comparative analysis of cultures and societies?
a) Ethology
b) Ethnology
c) Etiology
d) Entomology

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Correct Answer: b) Ethnology
Explanation: Ethnology involves the comparative analysis of cultures and societies, including their customs, languages, and social structures.

Q32. Which branch of biology focuses on the study of animal behavior?
a) Ethnology
b) Ethology
c) Entomology
d) Etiology

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Correct Answer: b) Ethology
Explanation: Ethology is the scientific study of animal behavior, encompassing their natural instincts, communication, and social interactions.

Q33. What term refers to the study of the causes or origins of diseases?
a) Ethnology
b) Ethology
c) Etiology
d) Entomology

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Correct Answer: c) Etiology
Explanation: Etiology focuses on the study of the causes or origins of diseases, including genetic, environmental, and infectious factors.

Q34. Which branch of biology involves the study of insects?
a) Ethnology
b) Ethology
c) Etiology
d) Entomology

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Correct Answer: d) Entomology
Explanation: Entomology is the scientific study of insects, including their physiology, behavior, ecology, and taxonomy.

Q35. What field of study involves the search for extraterrestrial life and the study of life beyond Earth?
a) Exobiology
b) Ethology
c) Etiology
d) Entomology

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Correct Answer: a) Exobiology
Explanation: Exobiology, also known as astrobiology, focuses on the search for extraterrestrial life and the study of life beyond Earth, including its potential forms and habitats.

Q36. Which discipline involves the cultivation and management of flowers and ornamental plants?
a) Floriculture
b) Ethology
c) Etiology
d) Entomology

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Correct Answer: a) Floriculture
Explanation: Floriculture is the cultivation and management of flowers and ornamental plants for commercial and aesthetic purposes, contributing to horticultural practices and industries.

Q37. What field of study involves the application of science and engineering to improve food production and processing?
a) Food technology
b) Forestry
c) Fishery
d) Floriculture

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Correct Answer: a) Food technology
Explanation: Food technology applies science and engineering principles to improve food production, processing, preservation, and safety, addressing challenges in the food industry and enhancing food quality and availability.

Q38. Which scientific discipline involves the application of scientific knowledge to legal matters?
a) Fishery
b) Forestry
c) Food technology
d) Forensic science

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Correct Answer: d) Forensic science
Explanation: Forensic science applies scientific principles and techniques to legal matters, including crime investigation, identification of evidence, and courtroom proceedings, contributing to criminal justice and law enforcement.

Q39. What term refers to the cultivation and management of fish for commercial purposes?
a) Fishery
b) Floriculture
c) Forestry
d) Food technology

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Correct Answer: a) Fishery
Explanation: Fishery involves the cultivation and management of fish for commercial purposes, including aquaculture, fisheries management, and sustainable seafood production.

Q40. Which field of study focuses on the management and conservation of forests and natural resources?
a) Forestry
b) Fishery
c) Floriculture
d) Food technology

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Correct Answer: a) Forestry
Explanation: Forestry encompasses the management and conservation of forests and natural resources, including timber production, wildlife habitat preservation, and ecosystem management.

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