MCQ on Biology Terminology

Q1. What is the study of the structure and function of the human heart called?
a) Anatomy
b) Apiculture
c) Cardiology
d) Angiology

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Correct Answer: c) Cardiology
Explanation: Cardiology focuses on the heart’s anatomy, physiology, and disorders, making it the correct option.

Q2. What is the scientific study of bees called?
a) Agrology
b) Apiculture
c) Andrology
d) Anthropology

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Correct Answer: b) Apiculture
Explanation: Apiculture specifically deals with the cultivation and management of bees, making it the appropriate choice.

Q3. Which branch of biology focuses on the study of cells?
a) Cytology
b) Chiropody
c) Cryobiology
d) Biometrics

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Correct Answer: a) Cytology
Explanation: Cytology deals with the structure, function, and chemistry of cells, making it the correct option.

Q4. What field of biology involves the study of fingerprints, DNA, and other unique biological traits?
a) Biomedical Engineering
b) Biometrics
c) Bacteriology
d) Biotechnology

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Correct Answer: b) Biometrics
Explanation: Biometrics deals with unique biological characteristics used for identification, such as fingerprints and DNA.

Q5. Which branch of biology focuses on the study of bacteria?
a) Biotechnology
b) Bacteriology
c) Bryology
d) Anthology

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Correct Answer: b) Bacteriology
Explanation: Bacteriology specifically deals with the study of bacteria.

Q6. What is the study of the human foot and its ailments called?
a) Cardiology
b) Chiropody
c) Clone
d) Cytology

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Correct Answer: b) Chiropody
Explanation: Chiropody focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of foot ailments, making it the correct option.

Q7. Which branch of biology involves the study of the structure and function of bones?
a) Arthrology
b) Andrology
c) Angiology
d) Anthropology

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Correct Answer: a) Arthrology
Explanation: Arthrology deals with the study of joints, including their structure and function.

Q8. What is the study of plants called?
a) Agronomy
b) Angiology
c) Apiculture
d) Andrology

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Correct Answer: a) Agronomy
Explanation: Agronomy specifically deals with the science of soil management and crop production.

Q9. Which branch of biology involves the study of agricultural soils?
a) Agronomy
b) Agrostology
c) Agrology
d) Anthropology

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Correct Answer: c) Agrology
Explanation: Agrology focuses on the study of agricultural soils and their management.

Q10. What is the study of human societies and cultures called?
a) Anthropology
b) Angiology
c) Apiculture
d) Anthology

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Correct Answer: a) Anthropology
Explanation: Anthropology encompasses the study of human societies, cultures, and their development.

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