MCQ on Animal Kingdom – Basis of Classification

Q1. The most basic level of organization in multicellular organisms, consisting of a single cell performing all life functions, is called:
a) Cellular level
b) Tissue level
c) Organ level
d) Organ system level

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Correct Answer: a) Cellular level
Explanation: The cellular level is the foundation of multicellular organisms. Individual cells carry out all essential life functions like respiration, nutrition, and excretion. Tissues, organs, and organ systems arise from the increasing complexity of cell organization.

Q2. Groups of similar cells working together to perform a specific function define the:
a) Cellular level
b) Tissue level
c) Organ level
d) Organ system level

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Correct Answer: b) Tissue level
Explanation: Tissues are formed when similar cells with a common function aggregate. Muscle tissue, for example, consists of cells specialized for contraction, while nerve tissue comprises cells that transmit signals. Tissues provide a basis for the development of more complex structures.

Q3. Organs, composed of multiple tissues working together for a specific function, represent the:
a) Cellular level
b) Tissue level
c) Organ level
d) Organ system level

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Correct Answer: c) Organ level
Explanation: Organs are structures formed by the collaboration of different tissues. The stomach, for instance, combines muscle tissue for contraction, epithelial tissue for lining, and nerve tissue for control. Organs fulfill specific functions within an organism’s body.

Q4. A group of organs cooperating to perform a complex function defines the:
a) Cellular level
b) Tissue level
c) Organ level
d) Organ system level

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Correct Answer: d) Organ system level
Explanation: The most complex level of organization in animals is the organ system. Here, multiple organs work together for a broader function. The digestive system, for example, involves the stomach, intestines, and other organs to process food. Organ systems allow for a coordinated response within the organism.

Q5. Which of the following best represents the increasing level of complexity in animal organization?
a) Organ system, tissue, organ, cell
b) Cell, tissue, organ, organ system
c) Organ, tissue, cell, organ system
d) Organ system, cell, organ, tissue

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Correct Answer: b) Cell, tissue, organ, organ system
Explanation: Animal organization progresses from simple to complex. Individual cells form tissues, which combine to create organs. Finally, organs collaborate to form organ systems, the most intricate level. The correct sequence reflects this increasing complexity.

Q6. Animals with a mirror image along a single plane dividing the body into identical halves exhibit:
a) Radial symmetry
b) Bilateral symmetry
c) Asymmetry
d) Spherical symmetry

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Correct Answer: b) Bilateral symmetry
Explanation: Bilateral symmetry means an organism can be divided into two mirror-image halves along a single plane. Insects, humans, and most vertebrates have bilateral symmetry. This type of symmetry allows for efficient movement and distinct dorsal and ventral sides.

Q7. Organisms like jellyfish that can be divided into similar halves along multiple planes passing through the central axis exhibit:
a) Radial symmetry
b) Bilateral symmetry
c) Asymmetry
d) Spherical symmetry

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Correct Answer: a) Radial symmetry
Explanation: Radial symmetry implies the body can be divided into mirror images along multiple planes passing through a central axis. This symmetry is seen in jellyfish and starfish, allowing them to move in any direction.

Q8. Sea anemones, with a single oral opening surrounded by tentacles, exemplify:
a) Radial symmetry
b) Bilateral symmetry
c) Asymmetry
d) Spherical symmetry

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Correct Answer: a) Radial symmetry
Explanation: Sea anemones exhibit radial symmetry. Their body parts radiate outward from a central mouth, allowing them to capture food from any direction.

Q9. Animals lacking a definite symmetry and irregular body shapes demonstrate:
a) Radial symmetry
b) Bilateral symmetry
c) Asymmetry
d) Spherical symmetry

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Correct Answer: c) Asymmetry
Explanation: Asymmetry describes a lack of any defined symmetry. Sponges, for example, have irregular shapes and no mirror-image halves. This is because they lack complex movement and rely on filtering water for nutrition.

Q10. Which of the following animal groups would most likely exhibit bilateral symmetry?
a) Sponges
b) Flatworms
c) Jellyfish
d) Sea urchins

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Correct Answer: b) Flatworms
Explanation: Flatworms are bilaterally symmetrical, promoting efficient movement and development of a head (anterior) and tail (posterior) region. This allows for coordinated movement.

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