MCQ on Angiosperms and Its Types

Q1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic feature of angiosperms?
a) Presence of flowers
b) Seeds enclosed in fruits
c) Vascular tissue for transport
d) Spores for reproduction

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Correct Answer: d) Spores for reproduction
Explanation: Angiosperms reproduce via seeds enclosed in fruits, utilizing flowers for pollination and fertilization. They have vascular tissues for efficient transport of nutrients and water. Unlike ferns and mosses, angiosperms do not reproduce via spores.

Q2. The male reproductive organ of a flower is called:
a) Pistil
b) Stamen
c) Ovary
d) Sepal

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Correct Answer: b) Stamen
Explanation: The stamen is the male reproductive organ of a flower, consisting of anther and filament. The anther produces pollen grains containing male gametes. The pistil, ovary, and sepals are parts of the female reproductive structure.

Q3. Which type of angiosperms bear seeds with one cotyledon?
a) Monocots
b) Dicots
c) Gymnosperms
d) Bryophytes

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Correct Answer: a) Monocots
Explanation: Monocots are characterized by seeds with a single cotyledon or seed leaf. Examples include grasses, lilies, and palms. Dicots have two cotyledons, while gymnosperms have naked seeds and bryophytes lack true vascular tissues.

Q4. In angiosperms, fertilization occurs when:
a) Pollen lands on the stigma
b) Pollen tubes grow down the style
c) Sperm cells reach the ovule
d) All of the above

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Correct Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: Fertilization in angiosperms involves several steps. Pollination occurs when pollen lands on the stigma, followed by pollen tube growth down the style. Sperm cells are then released, reaching the ovule for fertilization to take place.

Q5. The structure that develops into a fruit following fertilization is the:
a) Ovule
b) Ovary
c) Style
d) Stigma

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Correct Answer: b) Ovary
Explanation: Following fertilization in angiosperms, the ovary, which contains the ovules, develops into the fruit. The ovule is the structure within the ovary that contains the female gamete. The stigma and style are parts of the female reproductive structure involved in pollination.

Q6. Which of the following is a type of dicot plant?
a) Sunflower
b) Rice
c) Bamboo
d) Lily

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Correct Answer: a) Sunflower
Explanation: Sunflower is a dicot plant, characterized by having two cotyledons in its seeds. Rice and bamboo are monocots, while lily is another example of a monocot plant.

Q7. The vascular tissue responsible for transporting water and minerals in angiosperms is called:
a) Phloem
b) Xylem
c) Cambium
d) Sieve tubes

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Correct Answer: b) Xylem
Explanation: Xylem is the vascular tissue in plants responsible for transporting water and minerals from roots to other parts of the plant. Phloem, on the other hand, transports organic nutrients. Cambium is a meristematic tissue involved in secondary growth, and sieve tubes are specialized cells within phloem.

Q8. The process of water movement through a plant, driven by transpiration and cohesion-tension, is known as:
a) Photosynthesis
b) Translocation
c) Transpiration
d) Capillarity

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Correct Answer: c) Transpiration
Explanation: Transpiration is the process of water movement through a plant, primarily driven by evaporation from stomata in leaves. Cohesion-tension theory explains how water molecules are pulled upward through xylem due to cohesive and adhesive forces.

Q9. Which of the following is NOT a part of a flower?
a) Petal
b) Stamen
c) Leaflet
d) Sepal

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Correct Answer: c) Leaflet
Explanation: A leaflet is a part of a compound leaf, not a flower. Flowers typically consist of sepals, petals, stamens, and pistils, which are reproductive structures involved in pollination and fertilization.

Q10. The female reproductive organ of a flower is called:
a) Pistil
b) Stamen
c) Ovary
d) Sepal

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Correct Answer: a) Pistil
Explanation: The pistil is the female reproductive organ of a flower, consisting of stigma, style, and ovary. It plays a crucial role in receiving pollen, facilitating fertilization, and producing seeds within the ovary.

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