MCQs on Greek Civilization – Ancient World History

Q1. Which period in Greek history is known for the development of city-states and the birth of democracy?
a) Archaic Period
b) Classical Period
c) Hellenistic Period
d) Dark Ages

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Correct Answer: b) Classical Period
Explanation: The Classical Period in Greek history is known for the development of city-states and the birth of democracy, particularly in Athens.

Q2. Who is considered the father of history and the author of “The Histories”?
a) Herodotus
b) Thucydides
c) Xenophon
d) Plutarch

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Correct Answer: a) Herodotus
Explanation: Herodotus is considered the father of history and the author of “The Histories,” which documented the Greco-Persian Wars.

Q3. Which Greek philosopher is known for his Academy and the authorship of “The Republic”?
a) Socrates
b) Plato
c) Aristotle
d) Epicurus

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Correct Answer: b) Plato
Explanation: Plato is a Greek philosopher known for founding the Academy in Athens and authoring “The Republic,” a philosophical work on justice and the ideal state.

Q4. What was the primary purpose of the Olympic Games in ancient Greece?
a) Religious ceremonies
b) Political gatherings
c) Athletic competitions
d) Artistic performances

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Correct Answer: c) Athletic competitions
Explanation: The primary purpose of the Olympic Games in ancient Greece was to hold athletic competitions in honor of the gods, particularly Zeus.

Q5. Which Greek city-state was known for its military prowess and strict social structure?
a) Athens
b) Corinth
c) Sparta
d) Thebes

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Correct Answer: c) Sparta
Explanation: Sparta was a Greek city-state known for its military prowess and strict social structure, with a strong emphasis on discipline and physical fitness.

Q6. Who was the Greek philosopher and scientist who studied under Plato and later tutored Alexander the Great?
a) Socrates
b) Plato
c) Aristotle
d) Epicurus

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Correct Answer: c) Aristotle
Explanation: Aristotle was a Greek philosopher and scientist who studied under Plato and later tutored Alexander the Great. He made significant contributions to various fields, including biology, ethics, and politics.

Q7. What was the name of the alliance formed by Greek city-states to defend against the Persian invasion?
a) Delian League
b) Peloponnesian League
c) Hellenic League
d) Corinthian League

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Correct Answer: a) Delian League
Explanation: The Delian League was an alliance formed by Greek city-states, led by Athens, to defend against the Persian invasion and promote their common interests.

Q8. Which Greek playwright is known for his tragedies, including “Oedipus Rex” and “Antigone”?
a) Aeschylus
b) Sophocles
c) Euripides
d) Aristophanes

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Correct Answer: b) Sophocles
Explanation: Sophocles was a Greek playwright known for his tragedies, including “Oedipus Rex” and “Antigone,” which explored themes of fate, free will, and the human condition.

Q9. What was the name of the war fought between Athens and Sparta from 431 to 404 BC?
a) Greco-Persian Wars
b) Peloponnesian War
c) Corinthian War
d) Wars of the Diadochi

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Correct Answer: b) Peloponnesian War
Explanation: The Peloponnesian War was fought between Athens and Sparta from 431 to 404 BC, resulting in the decline of Athenian power and the eventual rise of Macedonia.

Q10. Which Greek mathematician is known for his work in geometry and the authorship of “Elements”?
a) Pythagoras
b) Archimedes
c) Euclid
d) Eratosthenes

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Correct Answer: c) Euclid
Explanation: Euclid was a Greek mathematician known for his work in geometry and the authorship of “Elements,” a comprehensive compilation of geometric knowledge.

Q11. Which Greek city-state was known for its democratic form of government and cultural achievements?
a) Athens
b) Corinth
c) Sparta
d) Thebes

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Correct Answer: a) Athens
Explanation: Athens was a Greek city-state known for its democratic form of government and cultural achievements, including the development of philosophy, drama, and architecture.

Q12. Who was the Greek philosopher known for his Socratic method of questioning and teaching?
a) Socrates
b) Plato
c) Aristotle
d) Epicurus

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Correct Answer: a) Socrates
Explanation: Socrates was a Greek philosopher known for his Socratic method of questioning and teaching, which encouraged critical thinking and self-examination.

Q13. Which Greek city-state was known for its naval power and the construction of the Long Walls?
a) Athens
b) Corinth
c) Sparta
d) Thebes

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Correct Answer: a) Athens
Explanation: Athens was a Greek city-state known for its naval power and the construction of the Long Walls, which connected the city to its port and provided protection from land invasions.

Q14. Which Greek physician is known as the “Father of Medicine”?
a) Hippocrates
b) Galen
c) Dioscorides
d) Herophilus

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Correct Answer: a) Hippocrates
Explanation: Hippocrates is known as the “Father of Medicine” for his contributions to the field, including the development of the Hippocratic Oath, which set ethical standards for physicians.

Q15. What was the name of the war fought between the Greek city-states and the Persian Empire in the 5th century BC?
a) Greco-Persian Wars
b) Peloponnesian War
c) Corinthian War
d) Wars of the Diadochi

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Correct Answer: a) Greco-Persian Wars
Explanation: The Greco-Persian Wars were fought between the Greek city-states and the Persian Empire in the 5th century BC, resulting in the eventual defeat of the Persians and the preservation of Greek independence.

Q16. Which Greek sculptor is known for his statue of Zeus at Olympia, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World?
a) Phidias
b) Praxiteles
c) Myron
d) Lysippos

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Correct Answer: a) Phidias
Explanation: Phidias was a Greek sculptor known for his statue of Zeus at Olympia, which was considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

Q17. What was the name of the famous temple dedicated to the goddess Athena on the Athenian Acropolis?
a) Temple of Artemis
b) Temple of Apollo
c) Parthenon
d) Temple of Hephaestus

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Correct Answer: c) Parthenon
Explanation: The Parthenon is the famous temple dedicated to the goddess Athena on the Athenian Acropolis, and it is considered a masterpiece of ancient Greek architecture.

Q18. Which Greek philosopher is known for founding the Lyceum and writing “Nicomachean Ethics”?
a) Socrates
b) Plato
c) Aristotle
d) Epicurus

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Correct Answer: c) Aristotle
Explanation: Aristotle is a Greek philosopher known for founding the Lyceum, a school in Athens, and writing “Nicomachean Ethics,” a work on moral philosophy and virtue.

Q19. Which Greek mathematician and inventor is known for his work on levers, pulleys, and the Archimedes’ screw?
a) Pythagoras
b) Archimedes
c) Euclid
d) Eratosthenes

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Correct Answer: b) Archimedes
Explanation: Archimedes was a Greek mathematician and inventor known for his work on levers, pulleys, and the Archimedes’ screw, which was used for raising water from a lower to a higher level.

Q20. Who was the Macedonian king who conquered the Persian Empire and created one of the largest empires in the ancient world?
a) Philip II
b) Alexander the Great
c) Ptolemy I
d) Seleucus I

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Correct Answer: b) Alexander the Great
Explanation: Alexander the Great was a Macedonian king who conquered the Persian Empire and created one of the largest empires in the ancient world, spreading Greek culture and ideas throughout his territories.

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